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AnthraX 6th January, 2007 04:07 AM

[Release] Demo Manager v3.2
1 Attachment(s)

Well, since I haven't made a release thread for this yet, here it is:


=== Demo Manager v3.2 beta

This mod is a slightly modified version of UsAaR33's Demo Manager v3.0. I wrote it because certain demos
crashed because of UTDC while others didn't really look right because of changes in the latest versions
of UTPure.

While I was fixing the UTDC and UTPure issues, I've changed/fixed some small things that UsAaR33 might
have missed.

v3.2 beta - build 2007/01/27:
* [FIXED] : The camera would sometimes start shaking for no reason (eg: while ducking)

v3.2 beta - build 2007/01/05:
* [FIXED] : Weaponshow in demos recorded on UTPure7G servers
* [FIXED] : Some issues with the viewrotation calculation. As a result of this fix,
the screen will no longer "roll" while watching someone ineyes in a 3rd person
demo (someone other than the demorecorder ofcourse...)
* [ADDED] : Some minor tweaks to the demoplaybackspec code

v3.2 beta:
* [CHANGED] : Moved the illegal actor destroying routine to the native side (dll)
* [FIXED] : UTDC crashes in serverside demos

* [ADDED] : Option to destroy illegal actors (such as the UTDC native check that crashes demos, see (*) for details)
* [FIXED] : Fixed Scoreboard and HUD problems in 3rd person demos (Pure7G related)
* [FIXED] : Fixed Camera cycling problems in 3rd person demos (Pure7G related)
* [CHANGED] : Cleaned up big parts of the code

Known issues:
* Some messages are displayed twice (broadcasted messages etc)
* Flag might be hidden in CTF games (Pure7G related)
* Some weapon projectiles/effects aren't spawned from the right location (PBolts, Shockbeams)
* ...

** Edit:
v3.2 with smartctf 4d fix:

Rush 7th January, 2007 12:43 AM

I posted this on polish ut forums and it seems that one person has screwed up his UT because of this, lol. and one guy says that the anticheat is kicking him because of this ... let's wait for some more reports. :D
/ just being curious, and I know that unreal linux compiling sux, and I also know that it's possible now, would it be possible to make a ? If so, and if you have time and energy to compile it, I could find time to test it out. /

AnthraX 7th January, 2007 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by Rush (Post 107691)
/ just being curious, and I know that unreal linux compiling sux, and I also know that it's possible now, would it be possible to make a ? If so, and if you have time and energy to compile it, I could find time to test it out. /

The original demo manager dll wasn't really written with linux-compatibility in mind. There's also a lot of stuff in it that compiles fine with VC++ but gcc doesn't like it that much. It's not impossible to port demomanager to linux but some parts (eg the UZHandler) will need a complete rewrite first

Rush 7th January, 2007 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by AnthraX (Post 107695)
The original demo manager dll wasn't really written with linux-compatibility in mind. There's also a lot of stuff in it that compiles fine with VC++ but gcc doesn't like it that much. It's not impossible to port demomanager to linux but some parts (eg the UZHandler) will need a complete rewrite first

I see. Thanks for clearing that thing up.

Azura 11th January, 2007 08:27 PM

Yeah portability is a nice idea until it comes to system specific libraries :p . Anyway, nice to see you polished this release off. N1 ;) .

Azura 15th January, 2007 12:30 AM

I think I've found something that could be tweaked in the next update (maybe I could do it ?). The pulse gun is shifted downwards whenever it's firing primary. I'll have a look at the standard classes to see how this works.

christina{H} 23rd January, 2007 03:17 PM

hey installed demo manager and everything worked fine for awile. i noticed after a bit that on one servers the demos would sorta skip. it would jump from second to second while it played. it would start out fine then when the map started it would start skipping. then today it started doing it for another server. this is makin me angry, i dont think its demo manager but maybe im not disabling the right cheat protection while playing demos??? maybe someone could list everything that i could put in the demo.ini to make this stop happening???

AnthraX 27th January, 2007 02:11 AM

fixed the "skipping"-problem. Original post updated

}{BwA}{Bite_Me 27th January, 2007 06:27 AM

Any reason why it changes my name to player1 and also changes my skin to a default?

Azura 27th January, 2007 12:50 PM

Is this systematic or not ? That sometimes happens with the original demo manager. I think you get this when you view a demo and then go online.

}{BwA}{Bite_Me 30th January, 2007 02:02 PM

It is now working. I did not do anything to fix it.... weird.

Azura 1st February, 2007 12:08 AM

A big thank you to Anthrax. Thanks to these modifications and the obstacles they've lifted, one movie project will be continuing. Here is a preview shot :

Hiryuu 6th February, 2007 03:24 AM

I need some help. Everytime I try to play a demo from a specific player and a serverside one from our server, the demo just freezes if played in first person.
It just shows the first frame, then after one second shows another frame and freezes again. And so on.
Any thoughts? :s Maybe some incompatible files, GOTY/non-GOTY or so.

Azura 6th February, 2007 11:23 AM

Can you check the cpu usage ? Also, is there anything odd in the log ?

Hiryuu 6th February, 2007 01:28 PM

I'll post anything with "Warning" in the UnrealTournament.log:

Warning: Failed to load 'Texture FCommandoSkins.1': Failed to find object 'Texture FCommandoSkins.1'
ScriptLog: Failed to load FCommandoSkins.1 so load FCommandoSkins.cmdo1
Warning: Failed to load 'Texture FCommandoSkins.4': Failed to find object 'Texture FCommandoSkins.4'
ScriptLog: Failed to load FCommandoSkins.4 so load FCommandoSkins.cmdo4
Warning: Failed to load 'Texture FCommandoSkins.1': Failed to find object 'Texture FCommandoSkins.1'
ScriptLog: Failed to load FCommandoSkins.1 so load FCommandoSkins.cmdo1
Warning: Failed to load 'Texture FCommandoSkins.4': Failed to find object 'Texture FCommandoSkins.4'
ScriptLog: Failed to load FCommandoSkins.4 so load FCommandoSkins.cmdo4
ScriptWarning: bbTFemale1 CTF-SprintaCB3.bbTFemale0 (Function Botpack.TournamentPlayer.SetMultiSkin:02B3) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: bbTFemale1 CTF-SprintaCB3.bbTFemale0 (Function Botpack.TournamentPlayer.SetMultiSkin:02BB) Attempt to assigned variable through None
ScriptWarning: PureCTFHUD CTF-SprintaCB3.PureCTFHUD0 (Function Botpack.ChallengeHUD.PostBeginPlay:006F) Accessed None
Log: Undeleted ACReplicationInfo CTF-SprintaCB3.ACReplicationInfo0
Log: Undeleted UTDCCheck CTF-SprintaCB3.UTDCCheck0
Log: Undeleted UTDCCheck CTF-SprintaCB3.UTDCCheck1
Log: Undeleted UTDCCheck CTF-SprintaCB3.UTDCCheck2
Log: Undeleted UTDCCheck CTF-SprintaCB3.UTDCCheck3
Log: Undeleted UTDCCheck CTF-SprintaCB3.UTDCCheck4
Log: Undeleted UTDCCheck CTF-SprintaCB3.UTDCCheck5
Log: Undeleted UTDCCheck CTF-SprintaCB3.UTDCCheck6
ScriptWarning: PureCTFHUD CTF-SprintaCB3.PureCTFHUD2 (Function Botpack.ChallengeHUD.PostBeginPlay:006F) Accessed None
Warning: Can't find file 'UTDCv18.dc' for import
ScriptWarning: UTDCCheck CTF-SprintaCB3.UTDCCheck7 (Function UTDCv18.UTDCCommon. :0017) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: UTDCCheck CTF-SprintaCB3.UTDCCheck7 (Function UTDCv18.UTDCCommon. :001F) Accessed None
ScriptLog: [UTDC Error] No Console
Log: Undeleted UTDCCheck CTF-SprintaCB3.UTDCCheck7
Log: Undeleted UTDCNCheck CTF-SprintaCB3.UTDCNCheck0
ScriptWarning: zp_SuperShockRifle CTF-SprintaCB3.zp_SuperShockRifle1 (Function Botpack.TournamentWeapon.TweenDown:0054) PlayAnim: Sequence 'Down' not found in Mesh 'ASMD2pick'
ScriptWarning: zp_SuperShockRifle CTF-SprintaCB3.zp_SuperShockRifle4 (Function Botpack.TournamentWeapon.TweenDown:0054) PlayAnim: Sequence 'Down' not found in Mesh 'ASMD2pick'
Warning: Failed to load 'Texture FCommandoSkins.1': Failed to find object 'Texture FCommandoSkins.1'
ScriptLog: Failed to load FCommandoSkins.1 so load FCommandoSkins.cmdo1
Warning: Failed to load 'Texture FCommandoSkins.4': Failed to find object 'Texture FCommandoSkins.4'
ScriptLog: Failed to load FCommandoSkins.4 so load FCommandoSkins.cmdo4

Azura 9th February, 2007 03:46 PM

Thanks. There's not much I can tell straight away except I get some similar accessed nones and missing weapons/meshes sometimes.

Azura 9th February, 2007 03:47 PM

Btw, I'm currently experiencing freezes online while autorecording. This will cause my character to get stuck, whether it's on the ground or in the middle of a jump/fall. Other players will see this as sliding probably.

I don't know if this is related to this version of demo manager and will test previous versions to see if there's a difference.

Edit: Seems my system has become slightly unstable with overclocking. It's downclocked a bit now and should work.

}{BwA}{Bite_Me 12th February, 2007 06:10 PM

Is there a way to pause/rewind or maybe go to a certain time while replaying a dem?

Azura 12th February, 2007 06:18 PM

Yes. Some of this was already possible in demo manager 3.0 beta :
- To pause, simply enter pause in the console (or hit pause if it has the original bind).
- To go to a certain curtime, the command seekto can be used. You can obtain the curtime by entering "curtime" in the console. Seekto can be buggy though and sometimes stalls UT. There is more reliable alternative command in movie demo manager. I think it uses game time though so its less precise.
- I'm not sure but I think it's impossible to rewind demos due to the way UT handles game sessions.

These and other commands should be detailed in the readme.

AnthraX 12th February, 2007 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Azura (Post 111678)
- I'm not sure but I think it's impossible to rewind demos due to the way UT handles game sessions.

rewinding can be done using "seekto"

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