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Unread 14th July, 2013, 10:58 PM
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50BMG 50BMG is offline
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Posts: 451

Ok - done reading.

I'm really sorry Jack got such a bloody nose on that public redirect project that he got discouraged and shut it down.

Hosting your own server(s) whether for UT, or redirect, or any other purpose is to wage a continuous war with the forces of evil on the internet. They get their kicks by "owning" the playground.

It's a pretty large pile of familiarity that one is required to have to keep them at bay. Everyone from kids with a grudge to governments running hacking schools is involved. Knowing OS's, firewalls, Apache configuration, and UT is only the beginning.

But what choice have we?

I need to refresh my familiarity with the Torrent spec, and write up some details on how UT actually performs file exchanges between client, server, and redirect. It'll take me a while, as I have some auto-repair that takes priority ATM.

I'll keep stopping by here in free moments to see if the topic keeps rolling. Maybe I'll take some time to register at that forum and PM Jack too. Damn, I hate it when a nube gets put under like that. We need more of that enthusiasm in the world.
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