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Unread 21st September, 2012, 09:58 PM
Talmit Talmit is offline
Forum Newcomer
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 4
Default ACE v0.8h beta - Timeout during check spawn


i am currently experiencing problems with the anticheat ACE v0.8h by AnthraX on my linux based UT99 server
the given error message is "timeout during check spawn"

additionally, every log created by ace contains only "["

i have found alot of forum threads regarding this problem but none actually helped

the server is not located behind a NAT router
the firewall of the server is not blocking any traffic

scince no thread i have found so far is going deeper into the issue than the possible solutions for NAT routers or firewalls i shall ask here again if anyone can help me solve this problem

here comes the log:
[2012-09-22 01:12:49] ucc.init: soft-start
WARNING: Not using preference directory
Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Unreal engine initialized
Browse: CTF-ColaWars?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=1?s kin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?ga me=Botpack.CTFGame?mutator=DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJump UT,SLV204.StrangeArena,MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote,NoSL Pickup110.PickupMutator,RextendedCTFv2-4.RexCTF,SmartCTF_4E.SmartCTF,Revenge2.RevengeMuta tor
LoadMap: CTF-ColaWars?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=1?s kin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?ga me=Botpack.CTFGame?mutator=DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJump UT,SLV204.StrangeArena,MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote,NoSL Pickup110.PickupMutator,RextendedCTFv2-4.RexCTF,SmartCTF_4E.SmartCTF,Revenge2.RevengeMuta tor
Bound to
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Bound to
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Game class is 'CTFGame'
Sockets: Socket queue 262142 / 262142
gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Server Package: IpToCountry_AOL
Server Package: NexgenPlus100
Server Package: NexgenCC
Server Package: Nexgen111
Server Package: DoubleJumpUT
Server Package: SLV204
Server Package: SLV2Models
Server Package: SLV2Sounds
Server Package: SLV2Textures
Server Package: SLV2Fonts
Server Package: BDBMapVote304
Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Case-insensitive search: MapVoteLA13 -> ../System/MapvoteLA13.u
Server Package: JailBreak
Server Package: JBArena
Server Package: JBSpecials
Server Package: NexgenX111UrS
Server Package: UniversalUnreal111-Build1
Server Package: UniversalUnreal_CredManager
Server Package: aBrBase
Server Package: aBombingRun15
Server Package: Soldier_UrSSkin
Server Package: SimpleFlagsv100
Server Package: UTSAccuBeta4_2
Server Package: CountryFlags2UrS
Server Package: Revenge2
Server Package: URSSRVEXT12
Server Package: UnrealRidersServer
Server Package: TeleporterFix103
Server Package: ServerAffiliates105
Server Package: SmartCTF_4E
Server Package: SkeletalChars
Server Package: Squirrel
Server Package: SquirrelSkins_urs
Server Package: SpaceMarine40Kv2
Server Package: SpaceMarine40KSkins
Server Package: e209
Server Package: e209Skins
Server Package: Metal
Server Package: Soldier_UrSSkin
Server Package: SoldierSkinsEA
Server Package: SoldierSkins
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
Server Package: CommandoSkins
Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Server Package: SGirlSkins
Server Package: BossSkins
Server Package: Botpack
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Server Package: RextendedCTFv2-4
Server Package: NPLoader_v16b
Server Package: NPLoaderLLU_v16b
Server Package: NPLoaderLLD_v16b
Server Package: NPLoaderLLS_v16b
Server Package: ACEv08h_Cdll
Server Package: IACEv08c
Server Package: ACEv08h_C
Spawning: NPLoader_v16b.NPLActor
Spawning: IpToCountry.LinkActor
Case-insensitive search: IpToCountry -> ../System/ipToCountry.u
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Spawning: XServerQuery.UdpXServerQuery
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Spawning: NoSLPickup110.ServerActor
Spawning: Nexgen111.NexgenActor
Spawning: NexgenX111UrS.NexgenX
Spawning: NexgenPlus100.NXPMain
Spawning: NexgenHelpPlugin103.NHPMain
Spawning: UniversalUnreal111-Build1.UniversalUnreal
Spawning: UTStatsBeta4_2.UTStatsSA
Spawning: SimpleFlagsv100.SimpleFlagsSA
Spawning: URSSRVEXT12.URSServerExtension
Spawning: TeleporterFix103.TeleporterFix
Spawning: HostnameBan.HostnameBan
Spawning: ServerCrashFix_v10.SCFActor
Spawning: AutoTeamBalance.AutoTeamBalance
Spawning: ServerAdds.ServerAdds
Spawning: SmartCTF_4E.SmartCTFServerActor
Spawning: ACEv08h_S.ACEActor
Spawning: ACEv08h_EH.ACEEventActor
Level is Level CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.MyLevel
Bringing Level CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.MyLevel up for play (20)...
InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?Team=0?skin=Sold ierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=BotPa ck.CTFGame?mutator=NoSLPickup110.PickupMutator,Dou bleJumpUT.DoubleJumpUT,MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote,SLV2 04.StrangeArena,SmartCTF_4E.SmartCTF?MaxPlayers=14
MaxPlayers 14
Base Mutator is CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.DMMutator1
Mutators NoSLPickup110.PickupMutator,DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJum pUT,MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote,SLV204.StrangeArena,Sma rtCTF_4E.SmartCTF
Add mutator NoSLPickup110.PickupMutator
# No SL Pickup #
# Created by MSuLL #
# Version 1.10 #
Add mutator DoubleJumpUT.DoubleJumpUT
Add mutator MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote
Add mutator SLV204.StrangeArena
Add mutator SmartCTF_4E.SmartCTF
Original Scoreboard determined as Botpack.UnrealCTFScoreboard
SmartCTF 4E loaded successfully.
UdpServerQuery CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.UdpServerQuery0 (Function IpServer.UdpServerQuery.PreBeginPlay:0030) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7778 successfully bound.
UdpXServerQuery CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.UdpXServerQuery0 (Function IpServer.UdpServerQuery.PreBeginPlay:0030) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7779 successfully bound.
[NSC-SYS] Starting Nexgen Server Controller...
[NSC-SYS] ServerID = 86D399B1-015B-BA46-254F-FF72B3BBDE0B
[NSC-SYS] Log file created, logging to: ../NexgenLogs/nsc_2012_09_22_01_12_54.log.tmp
[NSC-SYS] Loading Nexgen core controller 1.11 build 1133...
NexgenHTTPClient CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.NexgenHTTPClient0 (Function UBrowser.UBrowserHTTPClient.DoBind:000A) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
[NSC-SYS] Loading Nexgen extension pack 1.11 build 1041...
NexgenXUpdateChecker CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.NexgenXUpdateChecker0 (Function UBrowser.UBrowserHTTPClient.DoBind:000A) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
NXPMain CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.NXPMain0 (Function Nexgen112.NexgenPlugin.PreBeginPlay:0062) CRITICAL EXCEPTION, Nexgen controller not detected.
[NSC-SYS] Loading NexgenHelpPlugin 1.03 build 72...
[NSC-SYS] *****************************************
[NSC-SYS] * NexgenHelpPlugin 1.03 build 72 active *
[NSC-SYS] * By Sp0ngeb0b **************************
[NSC-SYS] *****************************************
[NSC-SYS] Loading Universal Unreal 1.11...
# Universal Unreal #
# Version 1.11 #
# Final Build 1 #
# By MSuLL #
uu_WebServer CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.uu_WebServer0 (Function UniversalUnreal111-Build1.uu_WebServer.PreBeginPlay:009B) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
[Universal Unreal][Saturday 22 Sep 2012, 1:12] Universal Unreal HTTP server is listening on TCP 7777
uu_HTTPClient CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.uu_HTTPClient0 (Function UniversalUnreal111-Build1.uu_HTTPClient.DoBind:000A) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
[Universal Unreal][Saturday 22 Sep 2012, 1:12] Initialization Complete
[NSC-SYS] Loading UrS London server extensions 1.03 build 45...
| Hostname Banning System |
| Version 1.2 |
| Created By: MSuLL |
UdpBeacon CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.UdpBeacon0 (Function IpDrv.UdpBeacon.BeginPlay:0012) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
Unknown Mutator in use: Botpack.DMMutator
Unknown Mutator in use: SLV204.SLKillMsgFix
WebServer CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.WebServer1 (Function UWeb.WebServer.BeginPlay:014D) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
WebServer CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.WebServer1 (Function UWeb.WebServer.BeginPlay:01ED) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
Initiating local logging...
| Native Plugin Loader v1.6b |
| (c) 2008-2009 AnthraX |
| Package 0: |
| - Name : ACEv08h |
| - Author : AnthraX |
| - Desc : AntiCheatEngine for Unreal Tournament 99 |
| - DLL : ACEv08h_C.dll |
| - DLLLDR : ACEv08h_Cdll.u |
| - DLLURL : |
| - DLLMD5 : multiple versions (3) |
| NrOfPackages = 1 |
# IP To Country #
# Version 1.6 #
# Initial to v1.2 by [es]Rush #
# v1.6 by Matthew 'MSuLL' Sullivan #
# Spawn Addon: True #
# Extension for AOL: True #
# Query Servers: 3 #
### ___________________________________
### # # ### ### ### # ### ###
### # # # # # # # # #
### # # # ### # # # # ###
### # # # # # ### # #
### ### # ### # # # # ###
### ___________________________________
### - Version : 0.4.2
### - UTGL Running : False
### ___________________________________
UTStatsHTTPClient CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.UTStatsHTTPClient0 (Function UTStatsBeta4_2.UTStatsHTTPClient.GetIP:000B) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
| ServerCrashFix v1.0 - (c) 2009 AnthraX |
[SCF] DynamicLoadObject hooked: True
[SCF] UNetDriver hooked: True
[~] starting Server Advertisements version 104
[~] there are 14 lines in the list
ServerActor, Spawning and adding Mutator...
Instance SmartCTF1 not loaded because it is already running.
StrangeArena CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.StrangeArena0 (Function Botpack.Arena.AddMutator:0009) Accessed None
| ACE for Unreal Tournament |
| BETA v08h |
| (c) 2009-2010 - AnthraX |
[ACEv08h]: Settings:
[ACEv08h]: - InitialCheckTimeout : 70.000000 seconds
[ACEv08h]: - PeriodicCheckTimeout : 60.000000 seconds
[ACEv08h]: - ScreenshotTimeout : 40.000000 seconds
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Actor Initialized
[ACEv08]: Found a new package containing a Weapon: SLV204
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Added Package: SLV204.u
[ACEv08]: Found a new package containing a HUD: JailBreak
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Added Package: JailBreak.u
[ACEv08]: Found a new package containing a HUD: Nexgen112
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Added Package: Nexgen112.u
[ACEv08]: Found a new package containing a Nexgen HUD Extension: NexgenPlus100
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Added Package: NexgenPlus100.u
[ACEv08]: Found a new package containing a HUDMutator: SmartCTF_4E
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Added Package: SmartCTF_4E.u
[ACEv08]: Found a new package containing a HUDMutator: URSSRVEXT12
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Added Package: URSSRVEXT12.u
[ACEv08]: Found a new package containing a HUDMutator: UniversalUnreal111-Build1
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Added Package: UniversalUnreal111-Build1.u
[ACEv08]: Found a new package containing a HUDMutator: Nexgen111
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Added Package: Nexgen111.u
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Added Package: Unrealshare.u
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Added Package: UnrealI.u
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Added Package: Fire.u
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Actor Exiting
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[0] - FileName: SLV204.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[0] - FileMD5 : 27DCEE21F5652AC298AD97DE7992FD70
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[0] - FileSize: 1232755
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[1] - FileName: JailBreak.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[1] - FileMD5 : 5FF3522767D7A4FCF17C61243DA4AFB9
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[1] - FileSize: 1483009
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[2] - FileName: Nexgen112.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[2] - FileMD5 : D63DEC5024BBD81362EC736AEE898309
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[2] - FileSize: 1671518
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[3] - FileName: NexgenPlus100.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[3] - FileMD5 : BA0CAF68B4EE66951B0CC327E4E48C2A
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[3] - FileSize: 484957
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[4] - FileName: SmartCTF_4E.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[4] - FileMD5 : 59D0863EBE02DC587BAB13640C40D094
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[4] - FileSize: 382239
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[5] - FileName: URSSRVEXT12.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[5] - FileMD5 : CFEDE5CA6F941BAF44081F787944E59A
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[5] - FileSize: 191621
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[6] - FileName: UniversalUnreal111-Build1.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[6] - FileMD5 : 5ED5B2C6341EA47F58E72076F0968CA8
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[6] - FileSize: 1554344
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[7] - FileName: Nexgen111.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[7] - FileMD5 : 3C0CA1FFF47E9AD7F17031A387F8E868
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[7] - FileSize: 1478159
PackageHelper: File not found: Unrealshare.u - Trying case-insensitive search...
PackageHelper: Found: Unrealshare.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[8] - FileName: Unrealshare.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[8] - FileMD5 : 093AB7198B338C75CB2B8E7C1FED46A6
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[8] - FileSize: 22124694
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[9] - FileName: UnrealI.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[9] - FileMD5 : 08C4E3B751C81F28E7D0ECDCD2E759CD
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[9] - FileSize: 18549361
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[10] - FileName: Fire.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[10] - FileMD5 : 7F283BF42B1323CAC480C0961F21E356
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[10] - FileSize: 15248
 CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.0 (Function ACEv08h_S..
:000B) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
 CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.0 (Function ACEv08h_S..
:000B) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
[ACEv08h]: - ListenIP :
PackageHelper: File not found: ../System/ACE_0_0_0_0_7777_new.defs - Trying case-insensitive search...
[ACEv08h]: Loading Definitions From: ACE_0_0_0_0_7777_cur.defs
[ACEv08h]: Definitions Loaded - Version: ACE_20120426_A
| ACE EventHandler |
| BETA v08h |
| (c) 2009-2010 - AnthraX |
Resolved (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is
UdpServerUplink CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.UdpServerUplink0 (Function IpServer.UdpServerUplink.Resolved:00CA) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Resolved (
UdpServerUplink: Master Server is
UdpServerUplink CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.UdpServerUplink1 (Function IpServer.UdpServerUplink.Resolved:00CA) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
[NSC-SYS] Nexgen Server Controller is active.
Resolved (
 CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.0 (Function ACEv08h_S..Resolved:0042) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
BDBMapVote: Maps Reloaded. Total Maps = 111
[Universal Unreal][Saturday 22 Sep 2012, 1:12] UT Server has logged into the UT-SLV universe.
[ACEv08h]: Registered Event Handler: ACEv08h_EH.ACEEventActor
NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server MyLevel accept
Open MyLevel Sat Sep 22 01:13:07 2012
NotifyAcceptingChannel Control 0 server Level CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.MyLevel: Accepted
Level server received: HELLO REVISION=0 MINVER=400 VER=436
Level server received: NETSPEED 100000000
Client netspeed is 10000000
Level server received: LOGIN RESPONSE=1390013883 URL=Index.unr?Name=<//UrS//>Talmit?Class=BotPack.TMale2?Skin=Soldier_UrSSkin. urss?Face=?Team=1?Voice=Metal.Metal?OverrideClass=
Client passed challenge
Login request: Index.unr?Name=<//UrS//>Talmit?Class=BotPack.TMale2?Skin=Soldier_UrSSkin. urss?Face=?Team=1?Voice=Metal.Metal?OverrideClass=
Level server received: HAVE GUID=D18A7B9211D38F04100067B9F6F8975A GEN=17
Level server received: HAVE GUID=4770B88411D38E3E100067B9F6F8975A GEN=10
Level server received: HAVE GUID=2E3682A411D379A7E0006BA2D2321081 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=1E90ACA811D1ED664544279700005453 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=D84EFC3911D3627FE0005F95BE341081 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=1E90ACC111D1ED664544279700005453 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=93CC0A8111D3888FE0006295BE341081 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=E96BC96311D31D2F4F006B8CDE9A0349 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=B7B49CA611D38BCDE0006395BE341081 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=D4F6ABE111D385CAE0006295BE341081 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=24E5A72411D321104F006B8CDE9A0349 GEN=1
Level server received: JOIN
Join request: Index.unr?Name=<//UrS//>Talmit?Class=BotPack.TMale2?Skin=Soldier_UrSSkin. urss?Face=?Team=1?Voice=Metal.Metal?OverrideClass=
Team 1
Team 1
Login: <//UrS//>Talmit
Failed to load 'Texture SoldierSkins.urss4': Failed to find object 'Texture SoldierSkins.urss4'
Failed to load SoldierSkins.urss4 so load Soldier_UrSSkin.urss4
Failed to load 'Texture SoldierSkins.urss5': Failed to find object 'Texture SoldierSkins.urss5'
[MESSAGE] <//UrS//>Talmit is now on Blue
Possessed PlayerPawn: TMale2 CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.TMale0
Join succeeded: <//UrS//>Talmit
[NPLoaderv16b] Player Join: <//UrS//>Talmit (
[NSC-SYS] Login accepted.
[ EVENT ] (+Root Admin) <//UrS//>Talmit
[NPLoaderv16b] Loading complete for player: <//UrS//>Talmit
ACEDataLink CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.ACEDataLink0 (Function ACEv08h_S.ACEDataLink.
:0043) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
[ACEv08h]: A new datalink is now listening on port: 7778
[Hostname Ban] New Player: <//UrS//>Talmit - -
[Hostname Ban] <//UrS//>Talmit - Login Accepted
uu_HTTPClient CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.uu_HTTPClient0 (Function UniversalUnreal111-Build1.uu_HTTPClient.DoBind:000A) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
uu_HTTPClient CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.uu_HTTPClient0 (Function UniversalUnreal111-Build1.uu_HTTPClient.DoBind:000A) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
uu_HTTPClient CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.uu_HTTPClient0 (Function UniversalUnreal111-Build1.uu_HTTPClient.DoBind:000A) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
[MESSAGE] AutoTeamBalance is attempting to balance the teams...
[MESSAGE] Red team strength is 0, Blue team strength is 74.
[ACEv08h]: [<//UrS//>Talmit] : Kicked - [REASON] Timeout during check spawn
Close TcpipConnection0 Sat Sep 22 01:13:37 2012
[ EVENT ] (-Root Admin) <//UrS//>Talmit
[NSC-SYS] <//UrS//>Talmit has left the server.
uu_HTTPClient CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.uu_HTTPClient0 (Function UniversalUnreal111-Build1.uu_HTTPClient.DoBind:000A) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
uu_HTTPClient CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.uu_HTTPClient0 (Function UniversalUnreal111-Build1.uu_HTTPClient.DoBind:000A) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
uu_HTTPClient CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.uu_HTTPClient0 (Function UniversalUnreal111-Build1.uu_HTTPClient.DoBind:000A) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
uu_HTTPClient CTF-((PsK))LaffyTaffy.uu_HTTPClient0 (Function UniversalUnreal111-Build1.uu_HTTPClient.DoBind:000A) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)

best regards,
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Unread 22nd September, 2012, 02:27 AM
UTrustedPlayer's Avatar
UTrustedPlayer UTrustedPlayer is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 339

See this part:
Server Package: NPLoaderLLU_v16b
Server Package: NPLoaderLLD_v16b
Server Package: NPLoaderLLS_v16b
Spawning: NPLoader_v16b.NPLActor
You are front loading the server with way too much. It can't get to the ACE checks in time. My advice to you is take a large blade and carve away as much of that extra crap as you can. You are asking too much from an engine in it's second decade.

All those mods asking for an outside line are competing for ACE's spot in the bandwidth. Ace gets starved of BW and it's very sensitive to that (because it has to be) and so it defaults back out with the check not being made properly.

Last edited by UTrustedPlayer : 22nd September, 2012 at 02:29 AM.
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Unread 22nd September, 2012, 09:14 AM
Sp0ngeb0b's Avatar
Sp0ngeb0b Sp0ngeb0b is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Germany
Posts: 488

Are you sure about that? My server runs nearly the same amount of additional mods, still no issue with ACE. When Talmit and I were discussing this earlier, I put my money on all the gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR) errors, because they indicate that there are some network issues from the server which probably could bug ACE out... Still only a guess..
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Unread 22nd September, 2012, 10:05 AM
Talmit Talmit is offline
Forum Newcomer
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 4

thanks for the fast replies, ive tried running ACE on a clean install of a ut server, however there is no change whatsoever

let me resume the steps taken so far:

i have uninstalled the previous installation of unreal tournament
i have installed unreal tournament
i have installed the patch for version 451
i have installed the init script
i have started the server - worked - standard ut on ctf-coret
i have stopped the server
i have installed ACEv0.8h -> the system files were copied into the system folder, the "shots" folder was created
i have added "ServerActors=NPLoader_v16b.NPLActor " to the unrealtournament.ini
i have started the server yet again

this is what happened:

[2012-09-22 13:30:09] ucc.init: soft-start
WARNING: Not using preference directory
Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Unreal engine initialized
Browse: CTF-Coret?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=1?skin =SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game= Botpack.CTFGame
LoadMap: CTF-Coret?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=1?skin =SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game= Botpack.CTFGame
Bound to
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Bound to
Case-insensitive search: Skybox -> ../Textures/SkyBox.utx
Case-insensitive search: genfluid -> ../Textures/GenFluid.utx
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Garbage: objects: 17221->17218; refs: 298281
Game class is 'CTFGame'
Sockets: Socket queue 262142 / 262142
gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Server Package: SoldierSkins
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
Server Package: CommandoSkins
Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Server Package: SGirlSkins
Server Package: BossSkins
Server Package: Botpack
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Server Package: NPLoader_v16b
Server Package: NPLoaderLLU_v16b
Server Package: NPLoaderLLD_v16b
Server Package: NPLoaderLLS_v16b
Server Package: ACEv08h_Cdll
Server Package: IACEv08c
Server Package: ACEv08h_C
Spawning: NPLoader_v16b.NPLActor
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Bound to
Spawning: ACEv08h_S.ACEActor
Bound to
Spawning: ACEv08h_EH.ACEEventActor
Fixing up CTF-Coret
Fixed up AlternatePath13
Fixed up AlternatePath12
Fixed up PlayerStart5
Level is Level CTF-Coret.MyLevel
Bringing Level CTF-Coret.MyLevel up for play (20)...
InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=1?skin=Sold ierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpa ck.CTFGame
Base Mutator is CTF-Coret.DMMutator0
UdpServerQuery CTF-Coret.UdpServerQuery0 (Function IpServer.UdpServerQuery.PreBeginPlay:0030) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7778 successfully bound.
DoUplink is not set. Not connecting to Master Server.
DoUplink is not set. Not connecting to Master Server.
DoUplink is not set. Not connecting to Master Server.
UdpBeacon CTF-Coret.UdpBeacon0 (Function IpDrv.UdpBeacon.BeginPlay:0012) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
Webserver is not enabled. Set bEnabled to True in Advanced Options.
Initiating local logging...
Initiating world logging...
Bound to
| Native Plugin Loader v1.6b |
| (c) 2008-2009 AnthraX |
| Package 0: |
| - Name : ACEv08h |
| - Author : AnthraX |
| - Desc : AntiCheatEngine for Unreal Tournament 99 |
| - DLL : ACEv08h_C.dll |
| - DLLLDR : ACEv08h_Cdll.u |
| - DLLURL : |
| - DLLMD5 : multiple versions (3) |
| NrOfPackages = 1 |
| ACE for Unreal Tournament |
| BETA v08h |
| (c) 2009-2010 - AnthraX |
[ACEv08h]: Settings:
[ACEv08h]: - InitialCheckTimeout : 70.000000 seconds
[ACEv08h]: - PeriodicCheckTimeout : 60.000000 seconds
[ACEv08h]: - ScreenshotTimeout : 40.000000 seconds
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Actor Initialized
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Added Package: Unrealshare.u
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Added Package: UnrealI.u
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Added Package: Fire.u
[ACEv08]: AutoConfig Actor Exiting
PackageHelper: File not found: Unrealshare.u - Trying case-insensitive search...
PackageHelper: Found: Unrealshare.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[0] - FileName: Unrealshare.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[0] - FileMD5 : 093AB7198B338C75CB2B8E7C1FED46A6
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[0] - FileSize: 22124694
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[1] - FileName: UnrealI.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[1] - FileMD5 : 08C4E3B751C81F28E7D0ECDCD2E759CD
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[1] - FileSize: 18549361
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[2] - FileName: Fire.u
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[2] - FileMD5 : 7F283BF42B1323CAC480C0961F21E356
[ACEv08h]: - UPackage[2] - FileSize: 15248
CTF-Coret.0 (Function ACEv08h_S..
:000B) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
CTF-Coret.0 (Function ACEv08h_S..
:000B) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
[ACEv08h]: - ListenIP :
[ACEv08h]: New Definition File Found: ACE_0_0_0_0_7777_new.defs
PackageHelper: File not found: ACE_0_0_0_0_7777_cur.defs - Trying case-insensitive search...
[ACEv08h]: Renamed to: ACE_0_0_0_0_7777_cur.defs
[ACEv08h]: Loading Definitions From: ACE_0_0_0_0_7777_cur.defs
[ACEv08h]: Definitions Loaded - Version: ACE_20120426_A
| ACE EventHandler |
| BETA v08h |
| (c) 2009-2010 - AnthraX |
Game engine initialized
UDP recvfrom error: 11 from
Resolved (
CTF-Coret.0 (Function ACEv08h_S..Resolved:0042) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
[ACEv08h]: Registered Event Handler: ACEv08h_EH.ACEEventActor
NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server MyLevel accept
Open MyLevel Sat Sep 22 13:30:40 2012
NotifyAcceptingChannel Control 0 server Level CTF-Coret.MyLevel: Accepted
Level server received: HELLO REVISION=0 MINVER=400 VER=436
Level server received: NETSPEED 100000000
Client netspeed is 20000
Level server received: LOGIN RESPONSE=1943378223 URL=Index.unr?Name=<//UrS//>Talmit?Class=BotPack.TMale2?Skin=SoldierSkins.blk t?Face=SoldierSkins.Malcom?Team=1?Voice=Botpack.Vo iceMaleOne?OverrideClass=?Checksum=NoChecksum
Client passed challenge
Login request: Index.unr?Name=<//UrS//>Talmit?Class=BotPack.TMale2?Skin=SoldierSkins.blk t?Face=SoldierSkins.Malcom?Team=1?Voice=Botpack.Vo iceMaleOne?OverrideClass=?Checksum=NoChecksum
Level server received: HAVE GUID=D18A7B9211D38F04100067B9F6F8975A GEN=17
Level server received: HAVE GUID=4770B88411D38E3E100067B9F6F8975A GEN=10
Level server received: HAVE GUID=1E90ACC211D1ED664544279700005453 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=1E90ACA811D1ED664544279700005453 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=74547A4511D36EACE0005F95BE341081 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=D84EFC3911D3627FE0005F95BE341081 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=002B3AA711D3806DE0006295BE341081 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=1E90ACC611D1ED664544279700005453 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=C47BBD4011D38CFBC00084B50A1E604F GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=A3B94EE811D1ED674544E58A00005453 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=A3B94EE411D1ED674544E58A00005453 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=561AD02011D38D0FC00084B50A1E604F GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=1E90ACAE11D1ED664544279700005453 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=DFC22BE011D31EB3E0006BA2D2321081 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=93CC0A8111D3888FE0006295BE341081 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=E96BC96311D31D2F4F006B8CDE9A0349 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=B7B49CA611D38BCDE0006395BE341081 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=D4F6ABE111D385CAE0006295BE341081 GEN=1
Level server received: HAVE GUID=24E5A72411D321104F006B8CDE9A0349 GEN=1
Level server received: JOIN
Join request: Index.unr?Name=<//UrS//>Talmit?Class=BotPack.TMale2?Skin=SoldierSkins.blk t?Face=SoldierSkins.Malcom?Team=1?Voice=Botpack.Vo iceMaleOne?OverrideClass=?Checksum=NoChecksum
Team 1
Login: <//UrS//>Talmit
Possessed PlayerPawn: TMale2 CTF-Coret.TMale0
Join succeeded: <//UrS//>Talmit
[NPLoaderv16b] Player Join: <//UrS//>Talmit (
[NPLoaderv16b] Loading complete for player: <//UrS//>Talmit
ACEDataLink CTF-Coret.ACEDataLink0 (Function ACEv08h_S.ACEDataLink.
:0043) gethostbyname failed (NO_ERROR)
[ACEv08h]: A new datalink is now listening on port: 7778
[ACEv08h]: [<//UrS//>Talmit] : Kicked - [REASON] Timeout during check spawn
Close TcpipConnection0 Sat Sep 22 13:31:17 2012
[2012-09-22 13:31:33] ucc.init: soft-stop
Signal: SIGTERM [terminate]
Requesting Exit.
Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
General protection fault!

History: appSleep <- EnforceTickRate <- UServerCommandlet::Main

Exiting due to error
Name subsystem shut down

any ideas left?
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Unread 22nd September, 2012, 10:21 AM
SoNY_scarface SoNY_scarface is offline
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 1,726

It's your client. Not the server. You need to make sure all your firewall av etc is down before trying again. You should include here whether or not you can join other ACE servers or is it just yours that you have issues with.

What Linux distro are you using? Have you updated the masterservers and enabled douplink=true? I think I ran into the gethostbyname error had something to do with either that or the hostname of the machine is incorrect. Can you post /etc/hostname please?

Last edited by SoNY_scarface : 22nd September, 2012 at 10:31 AM.
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Unread 22nd September, 2012, 11:02 AM
Talmit Talmit is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 4

Originally Posted by SoNY_scarface View Post
It's your client. Not the server. You need to make sure all your firewall av etc is down before trying again. You should include here whether or not you can join other ACE servers or is it just yours that you have issues with.
i have tried connecting without any security systems already
there are no problems connecting to other servers using the same version of ace

the ut server is running on a vitual machine on the actual server
it has debian 6.0.5 installed

masterserver uplink was set to true until the installation of the clean server

there is no such file or directory as /etc/hostname
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Unread 22nd September, 2012, 11:20 AM
SoNY_scarface SoNY_scarface is offline
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 1,726

I assumed you were using ubuntu, sorry. What is your virtualised OS environment? What else are you running on this server?

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Unread 22nd September, 2012, 02:14 PM
UTrustedPlayer's Avatar
UTrustedPlayer UTrustedPlayer is offline
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Posts: 339

Something on his server box whether it's in this install or outside it is soaking the available connections up forcing the timeout. I assumed it was inside the server but it could very well be something else. I never knew how sensitive (especially) ACE can be to this until we were trying to dev the UTP service. It could also be something as simple as an unopened port (Occam).
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Unread 22nd September, 2012, 07:01 PM
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AnthraX AnthraX is offline
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For future reference: the real problem here is that error that pops up several times (gethostbyname failed...). UT (and ACE) indirectly use this function to resolve the ip for "localhost", as well as the IP for the primary network interface. If this function fails then most (if not all) mods with socket functionality will break (including webadmin, nexgen, ...). I can't say for sure what causes the failure but here are some educated guesses:
* The server might not have any IPv4 interfaces
* At some point in the future (if this hasn't happened already in the most recent linux distros), gethostbyname might be broken intentionally. The reason being that it's obsolete because it lacks IPv6 support. If this does happen, then it can be fixed by writing a small LD_PRELOAD library that redirects gethostbyname(x) calls to gethostbyname2(x, AF_INET) (PM me should this ever be needed).

A possible workaround is to specify your serverip manually using the MULTIHOME= parameter in your server startup script (google it if you don't know how to do it). If MULTIHOME is set, the engine no longer uses gethostbyname.
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Unread 22nd September, 2012, 08:05 PM
Talmit Talmit is offline
Forum Newcomer
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 4

big thanks to everyone for their help, it's working now
AnthraX' suggestion with the MULTIHOME within the ucc.init did the trick, ace is now loading properly (and kicking admins from the server for having nexgen installed hehe - ill take care of that)
thanks again for your time everyone

Last edited by Talmit : 23rd September, 2012 at 09:18 AM.
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