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Unread 30th July, 2018, 03:06 AM
sakurasanta86 sakurasanta86 is offline
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Default A few questions (obj, garbage collection, memory, etc)

So, I have a couple of questions and I hope someone could answer me:

1 - There's a command in UT which purges all the items from garbage collection. I ran it and so far I didn't notice any issues, so it got me wondering:
as long there are items in GC, they are still occupying memory space and processing time, and certain gametypes like Monster Hunt and Siege can last hours of super spammy environments (aka lots of actors spawns and destroys).
So I wonder: is there really any known issue if an automated mod purges the GC each 20/30min both in a server and client so the actor list gets cleaned (so it occupies less memory and takes less time to iterate through), instead of doing just on map change?

2 - If I wanted to create a new class expanding from Object and instantiate it (*not* Actor), this is the correct syntax: x = new Class'myObj';

3 - Objects aren't supposed to be affected by replication (perhaps with some exceptions, idk), right? Since they don't have roles (since they're not Actors).
So in theory, if I make a new class expanding from object, if I instantiate it server-side it won't be replicated, as for client same logic, right?
Or have the following flags do something with it?
const RF_NotForClient = 0x00100000; // Don't load for game client.
const RF_NotForServer = 0x00200000; // Don't load for game server.

I don't intend to replicate anything really, and I don't even know if I will make something with this, but it's better to know this before I advance more seriously in something and then get stuck somewhere.

4 - Is there any other known issue with the custom renderers (D3D based, and I think OpenGL as well) ZRangeHack property set to False besides:
- having that HUD overlapping by the Redeemer and Flak;
- having flickering decals on distance with old video cards;

I really need to know those since they're important for a mod of mine in progress since forever and for potential future projects.

Thanks in advance

PS: I heard that one of you guys had a good document on garbage collection, so if any of you could point to me such file, it would be greatly appreciated
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Unread 31st July, 2018, 07:59 AM
medor medor is offline
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: France
Posts: 1,846

I'm not sure what you're saying

There is a serverside mod named Grab and the last is Grab2.
No link my utfiles server is dye for the moment
The only one i have today is in a packages

Or i can send you with discord medor#7305

Players have to set it to False
or they will partially see their weapons





UT99 files

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