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This site is a portal and as such you can add content to it so if you feel you have a news item, download or tutorial thats worth other admins knowing about please click on the relevant section and submit the content.

Site Moved (Again)
By Azazel at 2019-08-13 15:32
Site has had to move again as the hosting has moved again.
Unfortunately this move may break a couple of things (due to the age of the site software and versions of things it runs on).
Looks like most of it is here still and working though so ... there is that ...

Likely at this point this is mainly for historical and archive purposes but as long as I have hosting the site will stay up and around.

Any major issues ... let me know

A FraggedNation public gaming event
By Chamberly at 2015-12-22 07:34
I hope you don't mind but I'm going to post this around. This is to let everyone know about this.

More information:


Site Moved
By Azazel at 2014-10-23 18:29
If you can see this message then congratulations, you're looking at the site on the new host!

After many years of support we have had to move this little corner of the world to a new host. Don't worry, it is not going anywhere as this is my own personal hosting I use for many other things.

If you spot anything not working or out the ordinary let me know either here or by email

NEWNET v0.9 released
By zavateandu at 2014-04-21 06:34
Hello all
As you many know or not TimTim that made a great job with the newnet for the future of the unreal 99 has finally released for us the newnet revolution

you can download all the files and read about it.

played a lot on newnet servers and i can say it makes the difference

Nali Weapons 3 Final - Release
By Feralidragon at 2014-02-25 20:36
Here it is, the public release of Nali Weapons 3 Final:


Download: (choose one of them, they're the same in different formats)

Redirect files (for redirect servers only):

As the name implies, this is the last release of the series and there won't be another one, as I am moving on to do something else (semi-UT related).
So, have fun


NW3 Ultra Gore SSE - Release
By Feralidragon at 2013-06-01 22:09

NW3 Ultra Gore SSE (Special Standalone Edition):
This is a release for Unreal Tournament concerning the new NW3 gore system.
It's called SSE given that it uses Nali Weapons 3 technology and features but it does not need Nali Weapons 3 to run at all, thus it can run with anything: normal weapons, NW3 (of course), ZP, Instagib, RX, etc...
It runs in any gametype, it can be customized from the server or the client, and all the gore effects run on the client alone thus not affecting the server itself at all.



Beta testers wanted for new Renderers.
By Dr.Flay at 2013-03-04 03:49
Oldunreal Media Pack - OMP 0.99b

Smirftsch has not forgotten his UT loving cousins :drinktoit:

Anyone wanting to test the new DirectX, OpenGL and audio renderers should head over to OldUnreal and grab a copy.

Feedback on the tweaks suggested in the forum, and especially on the NEW "SwFMod" audio renderer, are most welcome.

These may become the new UT99 standard renderers, so please contribute if you find any problems.

Mapping Contest: " Xmas 2012 Mapping Contest"
By papercoffee at 2012-11-14 22:21
Mapping Contest: " Xmas 2012 Mapping Contest"


There is no prize, this is just a fun contest for bragging rights and pats on the back. The main goal to hopefully
make a bunch of new maps for the UT community, and have some fun while doing it. The real winners of these
contests is the players, because they get some new maps to frag in. The submitted maps will be included in a
map-pack following the contest.


One month, starting Nov.15, 2012 and ending Dec.15, 2012 (plus 5 days grace for final submission)


1. Map is to be based on Epic product maps for any version of UT, and Unreal (because Unreal works in UT). Map can be a conversion with a new theme, or a modified layout, or a mash-up of Epic maps parts, or can be brushed from scratch - as long as map has recognizable Epic Games design elements. A mapper is allowed to submit a map that does not conform to the "Epic" rule - but the map will lose a point in score.

2. DM, MH, CTF game type - Maps must be runnable in ut99 and should be playable online. If map is not one of these types, it will lose a point in score.

3. XMas theme. If map is not xmas theme, that's okay, except it will lose a point in score.

4. Custom content allowed - credits must be included in a maps readme file if there are terms of re-use by original authors. A contest banner graphic will be provided, and should appear in the map somewhere.

5. Maps must be submitted by Dec.15, 2012. Maps will be accepted up to Dec.20, but will lose one point from score.
Maps must be named using the prefix "XC" to identify them as contest maps. "XC" stands for "Xmas contest" .
Example map names: MH-XC-YourMapName, CTF-XC-YourMapName, DM-XC-YourMapName


Submitted maps will be scored by judges and given a point score out of 5 for looks, build and gameplay. The maps will also have a voting poll for "best DM", "best CTF", "best MH", and "Best overall" map. The winner of each poll gets one extra point added to the judged map score.

So if you make a perfect popular map, you can get 7 points. Of course, if it sucks really badly and everyone hates it, that would be ZERO


Mappers can submit more than one map if they want to, can be high-poly or low poly if they want, whatever you
can do in one month. The contest ends Dec.15, 2012, but late mappers have until Dec.20 to get their map submitted.
A submission thread will be set up for mapper to include a download link for their contest map.

Contest map should be submitted in a zip or rar archive file. Archive file must contain the map, a screenshot, a readme
text file with any required credits, and any other required packages (utx, umx, uax, u, etc). Packages can be MyLeveled
if you want.

So that's it!

All mappers are welcome. One month is plenty of time to make a good map, so have fun and create some cool maps for the UT community!

Unreal patch 227i released
By Hyper at 2012-11-11 21:41
OldUnreal / Smirftsch released a new patch for Unreal 1, version 227i. OldUnreal has permission from Epic Games and access to the source code to update the old game from 1998. Unreal 227i brings many new features, support for modern graphics and sound hardware and fixes for bugs that were still present in the last official patch 226f. It also comes with improved network code and many security fixes. Read the release notes for more information.

Originally Posted by
It's been a long time since 227h was released and it is more than about time to release 227i now. As always it took way longer than expected, but our team of scripters and coders became very small. Also the number of testers and reports is not as big as it used to be. So forgive me if we missed something.
We fixed a lot of things again and improved performance as well as security. There are a lot of fixes and new small additions for UED2.1, mapping should make even more fun now. Check the Release Notes for details.
Don't forget to read the FAQ if you have problems.
So enjoy the patch and report any issues you encounter.

Release notes

Nali Weapons 3 - Release
By Feralidragon at 2012-11-03 16:01

Here it is, Nali Weapons 3 is finally released:
ZIP version:
(or )
UMOD version:
(or )

Also, if you own a server or want to host one for these weapons, there redirect files can be found here:
(or )

Nuclear testing maps:
(or )

I also made a "short" 6min video showing a glimpse on all available weapons and nukes (it's suggested to play it in HD):

I hope you enjoy it

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