- 1st Topic
- Linux UT 436 Server Denial of Service Fix
- NGStats :o
- Best netspeed and tickrate?
- UTPure "Fix"
- Linux Server problem
- MasterServer.ini
- Getting started with Linux and UT2003?
- anyone else have crc probs?
- Players disconneted/kicked after mapchange
- linux dedicated server for LAN
- demo linux server
- UT/UT2K3 client unable to connect to multiple server
- what des this mean?
- Problem is WebAdmin (broken links, images etc.)
- Help me plz with this fuck
- Start up problem.
- Players kicked without reasons ????
- Problems when starting UT......
- Advanced Web Admin
- Serverside demo recording / zellius bot fix
- some error message in LogFile .. what does this mean?
- UnrealTournament.ini / UnrealTournament.ini.PATCH
- I want 2 colocate my own server
- UT Dedicated Linux server ini
- runing maps on linux server?
- Map problems
- Linux Server Install
- OT: Apple 'Switch' Parody (to Linux)
- Custom Model Server Reset
- Setting up an Unreal Fortress Server
- WebAdmin
- unable to log in to webadmin
- A bit of n00bish question for Linux UT servers
- WebAdmin Bug Found
- Noob Admin help
- UWAR runes
- Symbols & Banning
- Linux Dedicated server anomalies/errors....hmmm
- cant find server in the server browser
- Dual UT2003/UT2003 Bonus server...
- IP Ban List
- ICMP Destination unreachable
- asci @ linux server
- server wont use new settings? help!
- Do I need X?
- Blocking redirect.
- making my ut2k3 server public
- bot question
- WebAdmin question
- linux client not connecting
- Standard Map problems
- Saving map cycle.
- Pls help with no-bots and map cycling -linux
- Web admin problem
- UT Linux Server Instalation
- Player Login Crash Bug
- Tutorials possible broken or wrong link?
- Redirect Server Checker for Linux?
- server doesn't send packets constantly and too few
- Linux Server Map Issue?
- Please help
- Bots float around and look down -- Help
- Reset local ngStats
- Currupt Connection Detected
- Crash script
- Crashes with mapvote + How do you auto restart a server ?
- Setting up server!!!! Gamesurf.no
- Linux server side demos
- UT2003 Dedicated Server on my XBOX
- Strange "stutter" on Redhat linux "virtual se
- Some Question to Security on UT-Gamerservers
- Zark Assault Rifle and HeadShot Bonus v3.2
- local ngstats / linux
- Anti-Dos Script for UT-Server
- a tip for security without scripts
- Missing file: Editor.so
- Wierd server response (not critical), other small Q's
- Linux Server download
- After map switch server not listed anymore
- UT Server on Debian Linux
- Server tool input plz
- Server on P4 processor
- Server on P4 processor
- Server Lags out
- [WebAdmin] Debian 2.4.22
- Linux Distrib. for UT Servers ?
- Cache Cleaner For Linux Clients?
- config caching
- Setting up new servers
- Server Lags in Tournament Mode
- New weapon's problem
- Problems with hit's sounds & UTPure RC6E
- I love Linux
- Skin Problems
- Please help...pinging terrible on LAN
- Ut2MapVote 1.6 and no Log files
- Wrong Topic
- Client Question - Slow pings on server screens
- How to get this work?
- UT2k3 pure server for Linux: ping 0
- Problem with console admin password.
- Linux server crash when some custom maps or mutators I used
- Re: Volatile Ammo Mut causes Invisible Ammo too
- Uplink errors?
- Compress
- UT server status?
- Creeping Gameplay on Linux Server
- Automatic Redirect; Linux Based
- ngStats working but.....
- players didnt hit
- SubStatsV1 Doesn' t work with UTPure7C ???
- Server Configs..please resend them
- MOTD woes
- Can't see a LAN server sitting on an aliased IP
- is it linux or UT?!?!
- ucc bin error not sure where im goin wrong
- FreeBSD install and help
- Cant change console password
- Extremely NooB to Linux NeeD HelP!
- oops.
- Server chrash uppon connect (UT2004)
- Web Admin on Linux
- Where's Server.ini in UT2004 Ded. Server download?
- server wont show up in lan list
- Mutators not sticking
- Map rotation
- ExpoRting maps????
- CPU usage going up?!?
- WebAdministration connection not found
- Ded server startup errors, ridiculous
- ut04 server: master server connection failed
- Redirect!!!!
- Weird Redirect problem , Already seen some servers like that
- Webadmin 2.4x Still not working ?
- Redirect Question..
- INI is Missing
- Rocket Arena mod
- give over PHP a start/stop command to a start/stop scitp
- Server outdated version?
- Server is NOT seen at Master Server
- Server won't run
- AllowDownloads for new maps not working for ded. LAN server.
- UT2K4 Web Admin Stopped working
- Redirect prob plz :P
- admins please delete
- Web Admin not working
- Skins Hunch - Big Help
- wrong section
- TCP Optimization w/T1 & Decent Server
- Server fails to bind socket to port 7777
- Setting Up for the Second TIme - Need help with some options
- DoUplink and double spawn of server process
- WebAdmin Wont Work Help me Please Tried other fixes
- Master Server Uplink Failed
- ASH problems
- Error on startup:permission denied
- 3 UT2k4-Problems
- 2004 Server - Please Help! Need the experts..
- no maps are listed in the webadmin interface in ut04 linux
- Listening 4.51 server problem (and I need some net advice)
- UT for Linux
- Remote Client Disconnection Problems
- Linux Chat Logger Utility
- Team speak in UT99, how?
- UT 99 Seerver Crashed
- UDP Query Port
- What is the best protection?
- Query port change why???
- Resolved masterserver but its not in list!
- Server crash on map change.
- Need source coders
- ASH400 Webadmin
- problem using utcv for custom modes
- Enabling btournament by mutator ?
- What stat show eff ?
- LMS - Players fire and injure themselves on respawn
- What are the optimal settings for a server ?
- What is a good packets / second for a Linux server ?
- Another uplink issue.... Server not listed
- Webadmin login problem
- where is the ServerAdmin ???
- Invisible flag problem
- Server not in list :S
- ut server on linux help
- UT starting error
- [UT2004] Dedicated Linux version?
- UT + various KernelPatches ?
- Pure7E and Matrix Moves Beeta 4 not compatible.
- Stats on Linux
- Freeze problems on Red Hat ES 3
- Server list
- UTPG 451b for linux?
- RAM leak
- Hosting 2 servers on one machine
- Few LINUX Problem's
- MAP LIST dont show at the Web Remote Server Admin
- ngStats java woes
- Ah Ha! Found the problem, but another Q.
- UTV on Linux Server?
- High CPU Usage
- BunnyTrack /Mapvote304
- Advance Model Support crashs UT.
- Linux Server Auto Reboot? Save Server.log?
- ut 440 server / problems
- ut 436 / security
- Serveradmins -> 451 Linux Help needed
- Query Port
- Tickrate/Packets ?
- UT Client brightness
- Webinterface
- WHAT ELSE DO I NEED???.......
- server Problem ut99 on 64 bit?
- Server crashes while playing wars...
- Server Uplink sets to False when players leave
- ngStatsUT graph prob
- Mapvote 304. not coming up
- UTV server on linux
- Protector230 Error
- server error
- what is the....
- Server Home
- "Ubertunnel" for linux
- Redirect and linux clients
- Need help with TTM in UT99
- Map error??
- advertisement on server?
- Server exploit (player join classes)
- Using Apache instead of AWA
- Multiple IP Addresses
- abfackeln
- Port swapping ???
- Remote admin malfunction
- ngstats, & Linux
- Starting two games within one port
- Death body's stays
- Clickboard in domination
- Server crash on servertravel
- webadmin + linux + v451 problem
- Bandwith / CPU-Power Issues
- linux ded server?
- ucc crashes because of... pure?
- Anyone tried Stuffswapper on a Linux server?
- dedicated server: too fast ?
- Strange Problem with MvReporter2Beta by Rush
- Server crashing when starting DM-StalwartXL
- Chatlog that creates extra logs?
- BindPort: bind failed - every map change? :/
- Servershut down after this error: