- 1st Topic
- Linux Ut2003 info =)
- webadmin help
- no readme with linux download?
- How's and Server Requirements
- Clients Disconnected After Map Change
- WebAdmin not accessable from other machines
- Odd sound Error
- Accept/deny players based on IP address
- Error: "Negative delta time!"
- Default.ini
- [retail] wedadmin dead after map change
- [demo] UT2K3 client is not stable on my linux server
- UT2K3 retail on FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE-p4
- Mount and Umount help with RH 8.0
- [Retail] Linux Server Web Admin
- Retail server installation on Mandrake 9.0
- Problems with LAN-Server
- WebAdmin: Broken Sites and Images
- trouble loading maps on dedicated server
- Should this be this hard??? Minimum Players Question!!!
- Problems to install the FULL dedicated...
- Updater: Getting Error
- crc error?
- Pretty High Pings ...
- Strange crash.
- Help Me Please! strange Server start error
- Adding bots...
- Error on server startup
- Tokara forest switces gametype to CTF
- got a really weird case here :p
- Webadmin PW und Username Default geht ned
- Resolved: Webadmin over Inet ...
- Linux dedicated server default user/pass???
- Unknown command CHOWN
- Linux server startup script you might find useful...
- Script needed....
- How much of a system do I need to run UT2003 Server?
- Need help with Species Mutator
- UT2003 Server "Connection Lost"
- Linux Stats
- Update mastermd5 broken?
- Dedicated-Server Installation Prob
- Need peeps to test server
- Start/Stop ut2k3 linux server
- Cant create own mapcycle
- Webadministration changes to CinematicGame
- Unable to load Vampire mutator?
- UT2003 remote server setup
- Logged information: UT2K3 vs. UT
- Admin commands from within the game?
- iptables and transparent NAT
- First connection is fake, second time is the charm
- Quick question about World Stats and bots
- Server response checking help needed ...
- Connection Failed You need to apply the latest patches
- Starting out with UT2k3 Dedicated Linux server
- UT2003 on Linux
- bots skill
- Multi server WebAdmin settings
- client HTTP redirect download error
- WebAdmin map list problem.
- n00b ucc question
- POLL: "Most people won't use bots..."
- game password
- Linux LOCAL stats ?
- MultiMode Multi Map Rotation
- cd keys
- More webadmin troubles, anyone?
- Wont switch maps - in Redhat 7.3
- ucc ? ucc-bin ? :/ help.. please
- Cannot see all the WebAdmin pagewhen logged in Inet
- Error Installing Updates
- Server update without X11
- Server extraction problems
- Same old same old >> no master server advertising
- Servers arent show in UT2k3 LAN
- Linux 2136 Patch is out!
- Another server setup question
- INI File not parsed :/
- Local Stats
- Console QUIT
- Dedicated Server Help
- Memory problems
- Server 2136 changes Server Query?
- 2136 server STILL LEAKS memory! ack!
- Web Admin again
- Webadmin Login, cannot log in!
- Does andbody know the actual cmd for getting bots to work?!
- iptable rules for UT2k3
- im running freebsd 4.7 and having problems binding ips
- error on linux ded start up
- Socket queues jammed up?
- My Steps in getting a server up might help some one else.
- Winblows user pondering jump to Linux....
- Another one of "those" questions...
- UT2K3 Dedicated Server on a AMD K6-2_500 CPU Box
- WebAdmin dying
- Dedicated FreeBSD 4.6/4.7 Quits after Face3 Map Change
- patch 2136, error code 3, need help
- Antiportals
- Errors when I change mutators with ssh !!
- Can't get Vampire mutator to work?
- [RH7.3] setting up a secure user account for running ut2003
- Using multihome and showing up in the ingame browser
- loki_update FAILING
- Webadmin
- why ucc-bin mastermd5 -c *.u ignores my *.u files
- free dedicated server patching problem
- Using mutator with WebAdmin
- Problems installing UT2003 under Linux
- UT2k3 Server help
- Update UT2003 linux server error
- Dedicated Game Servers for the Dedicated Gamer
- update server without internet connection?
- Server showing on LAN
- canĀ“t get Death Ball to work
- Can I redirect to a directory?
- picking bots
- Only 2 of 3 processes
- Mutlocallog.. help.. please.. im lost
- server down by remote logout
- Here is a bugger.. beamin back to Master!
- No swap space
- WebAdmin, some pages don't exist....
- Useful mutators ???
- Hello All :)
- Hi, Umm just a quick question
- Hardware Needed
- MasterServerUplink
- Advanced server Qestions + stats
- Problems with the TTM-Mod
- Two linux problems...
- UT2003 + UT on same box
- Installing without X
- Patching from Original to 21.36.
- Patch 2166: No matching Delta for Packages.md5 ???
- I posted to the wrong forum, delete this pls?
- ut2003-dedicated-server on openBSD 3.2
- Problem when trying to patch..
- Recieved ICMP port unreachable - Cable Users
- 2166 Patch and locallog
- small prob
- How to run the server as NON-ROOT
- localstats + bots, please help
- iptable rules for master server are missing??
- Please help me out with a little problem
- Linux Server still not Advertized
- WebAdmin Not Accepting Default Login of Admin/Admin
- map vote
- BDBMapvote problems
- update Claimes ut2k3 isnt installed :o
- Can't get my clients connected to Linux Dedicated server.
- Maps with blanks in names
- Slackware Linux and issues starting on second map
- linux ded server patched to 2166.. error causes restart
- NetServerMaxTickRate-What are ppl running on various pipes?
- Server Not seen in CTF listing
- Why does my server stop working??!?!?
- Console adminlogin does not work ?
- Howto install a ut2mod package on linux?
- Running a server on this ? ok or not ?
- Update patch problem
- multihomed ut2k3 servers invisible inside the game
- Help!! Signal: SIGILL [illegal instruction]
- connection probs while mapchange
- Ideal Linux swap space size for UT2003 Server?
- Request: UT2003 show up in game browser
- WebAdmin configuration file probleme
- Linux DedicatedServer glibc-2.1 problem
- "can't open network URLs"
- UT2k3 World Stats Logging?
- Map Rotation Problem!
- Bandwitch
- How to manage the bots on a dedicated server automatically
- webadmin stops working
- [webadmin] webadmin shows no maps
- 2166 - autonum Bots - no new player are able to join the gam
- Segmentation fault
- Console Non-Interactive?
- Webadmin on "Multi-Homed" System
- TTM problem
- Failed to load... Skin during Game (plz help!)
- Redirect problem
- m not on Master Browser
- Linux Patch 2186
- problem with engine.so
- a starting problem
- 2186 Server Update - Cant find ..../System/XInterface.tmt
- 2186: feedback please
- 2186 Server Patch release date????
- PORTSWAP detected, exiting...
- some probz....
- Very Slow Level Restart (Using 2186 Patch)
- Webadmin doesn't run
- multiple servers?
- WebAdmin on secure connection?
- slow restart off client
- How to shut down UT2K3 linux server?
- Hello users
- UT2003 Patches and Freebsd ?
- Players are unaible to join server ...
- Webadmin -- please help
- Error? Warning? Harmful?
- Linux DED Server 2199 Patch?
- Loki_update has no Updates =/
- I'm no expert... but here's what I did...
- CD Key Problems
- No Updater?
- redirect timeout?
- Login failed: Could not find team for player
- 2199: Bad name index / 2186: Works
- Patch 2199 problem
- How to uninstall
- How to login in serverconsole as admin ?
- Local Log & 2199
- Server stalling, but not crashing (link to other post)
- Adrenaline Mutator?
- Cannot start ded server when port changed
- Epic included umodunpack in 2199
- LocalStats error
- UT2k3 Dedicated server on a PARISC 7100 running Linux
- utsecure...
- Enabling Mapvote on 2199 ?
- MegaStats In Linux
- Assertion failed: NumInRec<=RELIABLE_BUFFER
- PORTSWAP : Server crashes
- Epic Bonus Pack 1 for Linux?
- Linux dedicated server anomalies/errors...hmmm
- how to set up the cd key in linux
- mutators not showing up in web admin
- "incorrect oggplayer.u" solved!
- Slow map download from dedicated server
- UTSecure 2.07 Timeout Error
- Webadmin Root/User-Problem
- ded server with gamepassword-> client hangs
- Seeking: Suggestions for Improvement (bash script)
- New Linux user, new UT2k3 2199 Dedi, no idea...
- Starting server with Web Admin defaults
- Linux LAN Server bad ping
- iptables problem with LAN game
- Dedicated server on FreeBSD 4.7
- Command line start
- UT2003 21.99 on debian
- UT2003 server on SME 5.6 (Kernel 2.4)
- Why am i getting this error?
- My server is being flooded - what to do
- 2219 Beta patch