View Full Version : UT2003/4 Server - Linux Specific

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  1. 1st Topic
  2. Linux Ut2003 info =)
  3. webadmin help
  4. no readme with linux download?
  5. How's and Server Requirements
  7. Clients Disconnected After Map Change
  8. WebAdmin not accessable from other machines
  9. Odd sound Error
  10. Accept/deny players based on IP address
  11. Error: "Negative delta time!"
  12. Default.ini
  13. [retail] wedadmin dead after map change
  14. [demo] UT2K3 client is not stable on my linux server
  15. UT2K3 retail on FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE-p4
  16. Mount and Umount help with RH 8.0
  17. [Retail] Linux Server Web Admin
  18. Retail server installation on Mandrake 9.0
  19. Problems with LAN-Server
  20. WebAdmin: Broken Sites and Images
  21. trouble loading maps on dedicated server
  22. Should this be this hard??? Minimum Players Question!!!
  23. Problems to install the FULL dedicated...
  24. Updater: Getting Error
  25. crc error?
  26. Pretty High Pings ...
  27. Strange crash.
  28. Help Me Please! strange Server start error
  29. Adding bots...
  30. Error on server startup
  31. Tokara forest switces gametype to CTF
  32. got a really weird case here :p
  33. Webadmin PW und Username Default geht ned
  34. Resolved: Webadmin over Inet ...
  35. Linux dedicated server default user/pass???
  36. Unknown command CHOWN
  37. Linux server startup script you might find useful...
  38. Script needed....
  39. How much of a system do I need to run UT2003 Server?
  40. Need help with Species Mutator
  41. UT2003 Server "Connection Lost"
  42. Linux Stats
  43. Update mastermd5 broken?
  44. Dedicated-Server Installation Prob
  45. Need peeps to test server
  46. Start/Stop ut2k3 linux server
  47. Cant create own mapcycle
  48. Webadministration changes to CinematicGame
  49. Unable to load Vampire mutator?
  50. UT2003 remote server setup
  51. Logged information: UT2K3 vs. UT
  52. Admin commands from within the game?
  53. iptables and transparent NAT
  54. First connection is fake, second time is the charm
  55. Quick question about World Stats and bots
  56. Server response checking help needed ...
  57. Connection Failed You need to apply the latest patches
  58. Starting out with UT2k3 Dedicated Linux server
  59. UT2003 on Linux
  60. bots skill
  61. Multi server WebAdmin settings
  62. client HTTP redirect download error
  63. WebAdmin map list problem.
  64. n00b ucc question
  65. POLL: "Most people won't use bots..."
  66. game password
  67. Linux LOCAL stats ?
  68. MultiMode Multi Map Rotation
  69. OMG
  70. cd keys
  71. More webadmin troubles, anyone?
  72. Wont switch maps - in Redhat 7.3
  73. ucc ? ucc-bin ? :/ help.. please
  74. Cannot see all the WebAdmin pagewhen logged in Inet
  75. Error Installing Updates
  76. Server update without X11
  77. Server extraction problems
  78. Same old same old >> no master server advertising
  79. Servers arent show in UT2k3 LAN
  80. Linux 2136 Patch is out!
  81. Another server setup question
  82. INI File not parsed :/
  83. Local Stats
  84. Console QUIT
  85. Dedicated Server Help
  86. Memory problems
  87. Server 2136 changes Server Query?
  88. 2136 server STILL LEAKS memory! ack!
  89. Web Admin again
  90. Webadmin Login, cannot log in!
  91. Does andbody know the actual cmd for getting bots to work?!
  92. iptable rules for UT2k3
  93. im running freebsd 4.7 and having problems binding ips
  94. error on linux ded start up
  95. Socket queues jammed up?
  96. My Steps in getting a server up might help some one else.
  97. Winblows user pondering jump to Linux....
  98. Another one of "those" questions...
  99. UT2K3 Dedicated Server on a AMD K6-2_500 CPU Box
  100. WebAdmin dying
  101. Dedicated FreeBSD 4.6/4.7 Quits after Face3 Map Change
  102. patch 2136, error code 3, need help
  103. Antiportals
  104. Errors when I change mutators with ssh !!
  105. Can't get Vampire mutator to work?
  106. [RH7.3] setting up a secure user account for running ut2003
  107. Using multihome and showing up in the ingame browser
  108. loki_update FAILING
  109. Webadmin
  110. why ucc-bin mastermd5 -c *.u ignores my *.u files
  111. free dedicated server patching problem
  112. Using mutator with WebAdmin
  113. Problems installing UT2003 under Linux
  114. UT2k3 Server help
  115. Update UT2003 linux server error
  116. Dedicated Game Servers for the Dedicated Gamer
  117. update server without internet connection?
  118. Server showing on LAN
  119. canĀ“t get Death Ball to work
  120. Can I redirect to a directory?
  121. picking bots
  122. Only 2 of 3 processes
  123. Mutlocallog.. help.. please.. im lost
  124. server down by remote logout
  125. Here is a bugger.. beamin back to Master!
  126. No swap space
  127. WebAdmin, some pages don't exist....
  128. Useful mutators ???
  129. Hello All :)
  130. Hi, Umm just a quick question
  131. Hardware Needed
  132. MasterServerUplink
  133. Advanced server Qestions + stats
  134. Problems with the TTM-Mod
  135. Two linux problems...
  136. UT2003 + UT on same box
  137. Installing without X
  138. Patching from Original to 21.36.
  139. Patch 2166: No matching Delta for Packages.md5 ???
  140. I posted to the wrong forum, delete this pls?
  141. ut2003-dedicated-server on openBSD 3.2
  142. Problem when trying to patch..
  143. Recieved ICMP port unreachable - Cable Users
  144. 2166 Patch and locallog
  145. small prob
  146. How to run the server as NON-ROOT
  147. localstats + bots, please help
  148. iptable rules for master server are missing??
  149. Please help me out with a little problem
  150. Linux Server still not Advertized
  151. WebAdmin Not Accepting Default Login of Admin/Admin
  152. map vote
  153. BDBMapvote problems
  154. update Claimes ut2k3 isnt installed :o
  155. Can't get my clients connected to Linux Dedicated server.
  156. Maps with blanks in names
  157. Slackware Linux and issues starting on second map
  158. linux ded server patched to 2166.. error causes restart
  159. NetServerMaxTickRate-What are ppl running on various pipes?
  160. Server Not seen in CTF listing
  161. Why does my server stop working??!?!?
  162. Console adminlogin does not work ?
  163. Howto install a ut2mod package on linux?
  164. Running a server on this ? ok or not ?
  165. Update patch problem
  166. multihomed ut2k3 servers invisible inside the game
  167. Help!! Signal: SIGILL [illegal instruction]
  168. connection probs while mapchange
  169. Ideal Linux swap space size for UT2003 Server?
  170. Request: UT2003 show up in game browser
  171. WebAdmin configuration file probleme
  172. Linux DedicatedServer glibc-2.1 problem
  173. "can't open network URLs"
  174. UT2k3 World Stats Logging?
  175. Map Rotation Problem!
  176. Bandwitch
  177. How to manage the bots on a dedicated server automatically
  178. webadmin stops working
  179. [webadmin] webadmin shows no maps
  180. 2166 - autonum Bots - no new player are able to join the gam
  181. Segmentation fault
  182. Console Non-Interactive?
  183. Webadmin on "Multi-Homed" System
  184. TTM problem
  185. Failed to load... Skin during Game (plz help!)
  186. Redirect problem
  187. m not on Master Browser
  188. Linux Patch 2186
  189. problem with engine.so
  190. a starting problem
  191. 2186 Server Update - Cant find ..../System/XInterface.tmt
  192. 2186: feedback please
  193. 2186 Server Patch release date????
  194. PORTSWAP detected, exiting...
  195. some probz....
  196. Very Slow Level Restart (Using 2186 Patch)
  197. Webadmin doesn't run
  198. multiple servers?
  199. WebAdmin on secure connection?
  200. slow restart off client
  201. How to shut down UT2K3 linux server?
  202. Hello users
  203. UT2003 Patches and Freebsd ?
  204. Players are unaible to join server ...
  205. Webadmin -- please help
  206. Error? Warning? Harmful?
  207. Linux DED Server 2199 Patch?
  208. Loki_update has no Updates =/
  209. I'm no expert... but here's what I did...
  210. CD Key Problems
  211. No Updater?
  212. redirect timeout?
  213. Login failed: Could not find team for player
  214. 2199: Bad name index / 2186: Works
  215. Patch 2199 problem
  216. How to uninstall
  217. How to login in serverconsole as admin ?
  218. Local Log & 2199
  219. Server stalling, but not crashing (link to other post)
  220. Adrenaline Mutator?
  221. Cannot start ded server when port changed
  222. Epic included umodunpack in 2199
  223. LocalStats error
  224. UT2k3 Dedicated server on a PARISC 7100 running Linux
  225. utsecure...
  226. Enabling Mapvote on 2199 ?
  227. MegaStats In Linux
  228. Assertion failed: NumInRec<=RELIABLE_BUFFER
  229. PORTSWAP : Server crashes
  230. Epic Bonus Pack 1 for Linux?
  231. Linux dedicated server anomalies/errors...hmmm
  232. how to set up the cd key in linux
  233. mutators not showing up in web admin
  234. "incorrect oggplayer.u" solved!
  235. Slow map download from dedicated server
  236. UTSecure 2.07 Timeout Error
  237. Webadmin Root/User-Problem
  238. ded server with gamepassword-> client hangs
  239. Seeking: Suggestions for Improvement (bash script)
  240. New Linux user, new UT2k3 2199 Dedi, no idea...
  241. Starting server with Web Admin defaults
  242. Linux LAN Server bad ping
  243. iptables problem with LAN game
  244. Dedicated server on FreeBSD 4.7
  245. Command line start
  246. UT2003 21.99 on debian
  247. UT2003 server on SME 5.6 (Kernel 2.4)
  248. Why am i getting this error?
  249. My server is being flooded - what to do
  250. 2219 Beta patch