View Full Version : General Chat
- Release: UTDC v.1.0 hook protection
- Release: UTDC v.1.0b hook protection
- Release: UTDC v.1.1 hook protection
- Release: UTDC v.1.2 hook protection
- UTDC (from Downloads Section)
- Release: UTDC v.1.2b hook protection
- Release: UTDC v.1.3 beta hook protection
- utdc and windows ME
- False detection of UTDCv1.2b?
- Release: UTDC v.1.3b hook protection
- Demos + UTDC + non-windows = error
- UTDC Problem
- Suggestion for quick fix of UTDC Cache Expirey Problem
- detecting helios hook v4.2 with utdc
- Message for TROUBLESOME
- UTDC and Client using 451
- does anyone know what this log means?
- Release: UTDC v.1.4 beta hook protection
- utdc problems
- utdc timeouts
- utdc error?
- UTDC question
- debian client cannot join an UTDC powered Linux Server
- Release: UT Damage Control v.1.5 beta hook protection
- UTDC13-14
- UTDC > Hacked and Logged Question
- whats this ?
- Logged Memscan Addresses
- UCC Logs: Entries
- UTDC Detection: Cheat type: Timer,
- Minimum Client Version For Use w/ UTDC
- what is this
- Is This a Cheat?
- UTDC Problem
- Tactical Ops anti cheat program?
- What is it?
- Hooked functions
- Any chance that this is not a hacked Pure?
- Radar or Hook?
- Can you confirm this match?
- Please, confirm
- Altered File.....: UTDCv15.dll
- Teamspeak overlay - will this be detected as a hook?
- UTDC Digest file
- Release: UTDC v.1.6 beta hook protection
- UTDC & Infiltration TDM Game Mode
- UT Crash when Moving Between Servers?
- Interpreting UTDC logs
- Can you confirm this one?
- Files that have failed MD5 check
- Weird ones...
- Converter for UTDC logs?
- Release: UTDC v.1.6b beta tactical ops hook protection test
- I wonder if he is cheating...
- Weird error (?) message
- about UTDC and linux/mac clients
- Botpack.u MD5s
- UT ServerDemo
- Coincidence or Not?
- HWC Timer
- UTDC always says SpeedHack
- Tested a Few of The Options...
- adding packages to the checklist ?
- Uncompatiable OS, vaild?
- Help please
- more usefull "don't check" funktion for admins?
- pls i need help "kicked because of corrupt memory"
- Probably a false positive
- Questions about the hook
- UTDC Timeout
- Need A positive or false plz
- need info on this one
- Confirm plz thx
- Need a confirm/false positive
- Speedhack - Different logz, same person...
- Anyone know.. can i get "Autoinstall"
- is this a bot? please look
- bot or not?
- Your Help please
- Release: UTDC v.1.7 beta
- library MD5 sum
- UTDC17 - The logz thread
- How to read UTDC logs
- is UTDC pre-cognitive ?
- Speedhack bug
- New logz, didnt find them in the previous posts
- making screenshots accessible via http
- can somone validate this plZ
- Installation Instructions for Clients
- renderer detection of utdc 1.7 beta
- whats it tryin' to tell me ;)
- Altered addresses: EXH?...
- Anti-cheat for ut2k4
- is this a cheat?
- 2 confirmations plz
- RedStars and Updates - Cheaters being Caught Thanks to UTDC17
- UTDC Compressed Redirect?
- little confused
- Native coding
- Hiding processes
- Logs! Yeah you, go over... there!
- UTDC can suck my nutsack I hate it
- Is this a true cheat?
- UTDC Flaw (
- Can you confirm these?
- Troublesome, I will be your guinea pig \o/
- A cheat???
- Cheats?
- cheats.. ?
- cheat?
- is this a cheat?
- Your opinion?
- Is this a cheat?
- Install problems with utdc17
- UTDC screenshots
- Speed Hack
- need a confirmation
- A cheat???
- ARGH.... UTDC kicking everyone on Our Tac Ops Server (timeout)
- Cheat?
- To Troublesome - "mutate utdc" related
- Client have corrupt memory
- UTDC is ineffective
- cheat???
- Is this a false positive?
- Catching Cheaters
- Need positive or negative detection confirmation.
- Release: UTDC v1.7b
- What causes False Positives?
- I got kicked!!!
- is this a cheat
- Is this a cheat?
- MD5 Blacklist of Cheats & Hacks
- Problem with UTDC17b
- Screenshot Problems
- ucc log file readings
- A "Known" Corruption Return
- UTDC.ini ???
- Screenshots Not Working
- Adding the new memory findings into the ini?
- speed hack
- Wierd Screenshot
- Linux screenshot decoder
- Will UTDC accept UT 4.32
- Is this a cheat?
- Release: UTDC v1.7c
- UTDC is not installed on a client
- confirm cheat please? February 22, 2006
- No external log
- UTDC working or not ?
- Demo manager fix for crashing UTDC demos
- Im no cheater how could this happend!?
- Movie Demo Manager 1.1 release (with UTDC fix)
- Trouble - I'm interested in these 2 logs...
- 100% safe player got kicked
- Bug or Cheat ?
- key binds
- Cheats or a mistake
- Release: UTDC v1.8
- What happens on kick?
- False Positive or Hack?
- Capturing screenshots without logging in?
- confirmation please on this one
- New Tactical Ops Ladder Needs Your Help
- utdc for ut2004 to:crossfire
- Legit or not?
- Unsure about this one
- Cheat or No?
- Cheat or No?
- CheckFrequency: What are the "optimal" settings ?
- UTDC shots not working!
- Botpack.u Cheat?
- Corrupt Memory logs
- Not sure about this one.
- Any ideas what causes this?
- Help please, player says SuperTeamKeybinder To Blame.
- UTDC logs.
- UTDC wiki page
- Troublesome
- Hell of a speed hack....Legit?
- Trace calls
- TO:C
- cheat confirmation please
- UTDC kicks, winamp open?
- cheat?
- Screenshot Help
- Weird logs, but 100% cheat
- Warping?
- Ooh, nasty looking log
- Cheat with utdc ss bypass?
- Just some cheat cerifications...
- Strange speedhack log
- UTDCv18 showing UTDCv17c logo
- illegal ufunction call
- This Sucks
- true or false?
- ServerSide Demo Won't Play (UTDC Check)
- Unknown Hook
- Cheat ?
- Command console strings
- Maybe some help...
- Fellow admins - Lost here, confirmation / ideas needed
- Problems with UTDC
- UTDC1.8 log help please :)
- UTDC LOGZ -- Hi2u?
- Speed Hack question
- ***
- Probling with UTDC on my PC
- Need a couple UTDC Confirmations...
- 64bit Windows ?
- elfLITE
- Mac linux problem?
- Confirmation would be fine ... "Client have corrupt memory"
- hook -> false positive ?
- Client Have Corrupt Memory.... Catch?
- utdc log
- Speedhack???
- Another unknown hook, confirm plz
- Weird speedhack
- UTDC logs....need clarification
- The last post
- utdc screenshots vanish?
- Making sure [UTDC LOG]
- new news
- dmaster.exe
- UTDC18 problem
- log
- Client have corrupt memory
- Installing problem
- .dll file(s) won't download
- UT .ini for UTDC
- I want utdc18 to work, but have great trouble
- Timeout
- Confirm please?
- Private cheat.
- Client is using a cheat
- UTDC Screenshots
- Confirm please
- Cinfirm please
- Next version features
- How Bout This
- UTDCv1.7c + Wine + Linux
- what's this?
- Post UTDC Log Confirmation Requests In New Threads
- 1 player causes server to crash/reboot in conjunction to UTDC kick
- Few confirmations please, corrupt Memory and unknown hook
- Proposed Idea [This one's for you Troublesome!]
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