View Full Version : Bugs & Requests

  1. Detect external timer thingies
  2. Multi server compatibility
  3. MD5 Checking outside the ..\System\ folder
  4. [Issue] UT Compass and UTDC
  5. [Issue] Scoring In Infiltration TDM
  6. Installed UTDC and doesn't work
  7. It doesn't like Windows blinds...
  8. Strange error
  9. Beautify UTDC
  10. False MD5 Kick?
  11. Illegal skin?
  12. Give me your timer links
  13. Request: no mouselook detection
  14. Auto reconnect
  15. Serious UTDC bug!
  16. is this a bug?
  17. list of confirmed Cheaters?
  18. More details by kick message hacked packages
  19. Very serious bug! [demos]
  20. Corrupt memory.
  21. what is this?
  22. reason for corrupt memory STC-8dddbae9
  23. Hook cheat or no?
  24. some weird shit
  25. demos changed
  26. Check Frequencies
  27. unreal:// links = false positive?
  28. What is this? [UTDCv16b]
  29. NBSP
  30. Suggestion for UTDC 1.8 : offline toggle
  31. UTDC problem?
  32. UTDCv17 Problem?
  33. Screenshot file name
  34. speed problem with utdc17
  35. Server crash while doing screenshot
  36. Client Side ScreenShot
  37. How to use AnthChecker with UTDC17b?
  38. geting kicked cause of incompatable OS
  39. UTDC bans, but no ip adress appears to be banned?
  40. Server Crashes w/ UTDC17b
  41. gettin kicked because of corrupt memory
  42. PURESTats
  43. Unknown OS?
  44. UTDC BotPack messages...what are they?
  45. UTDC makes my connection in ut crash
  46. UTDC Ping Timeout!
  47. -exec=tweaks.ini
  48. Unknow operating system due to cow/skaarj skins ?
  49. Tactical Ops Mod Support?
  50. Screenshot Problems
  51. Screenshots
  52. what is this?
  53. Windows 9x with UTDCv17c
  54. ERROR: Initializing (cba) - restart UT
  55. help!
  56. UTDCv18 problem
  57. UTDC Crash issues.
  58. Can't find file 'UTDCv18.dc'
  59. UTDC and 64 bit windows
  60. Problem with clients downloading the dll
  61. Hey i got banned becouse i ut dc for playin in single player server
  62. We need a UTDC Update!!
  63. Problem with UTDC (TO 3.4)
  64. Checking code
  65. UTDC Problems
  66. Unknown hook
  67. UTDC 1.8 problem
  68. Updating UTDC
  69. [Req] Source on screenshotpart.
  70. Screen shots with UTDC 18
  71. UTDC 1.8 crash 64bit Hosts
  72. Windows Error Box vs. UTDC
  73. bad instal ?
  74. utdc crash on windows ME...ANativeCheck
  75. UTDC crashes UT on scan
  76. Uscript guru needed
  77. confirmation request
  78. Vista & UTDC
  79. Currupt mem with same parameters for a lot of ppl
  80. confirmation please
  81. DrawActor
  82. confirmation please
  83. UTDC 2.0 - Allow all os
  84. UTDC 2.0 Demo & Server problems
  85. illegal ufunction call
  86. Crash
  87. Process list
  88. [request] Delayed auto sshot
  89. Optional md5 checking
  90. Problems viewing a demo
  91. info on a log of utdc 20
  92. UTDC2.0 server crash after utdc shot
  93. [UTDCv20] Client have hooked functions
  94. false or true ?
  95. Utdc 2.0
  96. Crash because of ntdll.dll
  97. |Request|
  98. Hook Confirm
  99. UTDC2 is not compatible with FMOD and OpenAL
  100. UTDC Is still buggy!!
  101. how is possible that ?? UTDC2.0 corupted ?
  102. PC crashes 5 seconds after joining server. (new pc)
  103. Vista problem
  104. Xp 64
  105. utdc
  106. Vista 32bit Issues
  107. ERROR: Disconnected because of a timeout (OS check)
  108. New Function for utdc?
  109. UTDC v20c & TacOps
  110. Once and for all...how to get Vista64bit working with UTDC
  111. utdc 2.1 crashes most of us out!
  112. crashing woo
  113. Mass kicking
  114. UTDC21 not supporting AMLP_HaSm_v1
  115. Kicked for hook
  116. Galaxy Audio SubSystem error
  117. DEMO bug on Tactical Ops
  118. Uactor channel utdc crash
  119. unfortunate
  120. How many of you are crashing with error on line 1337?
  121. UTDC False Positive - Illegal Hook
  122. Help UTDC Crash 1337.. Error
  123. Kicked at Snipermania Why?
  124. help! "connection faild' cant find file for package 'UTDCplusv10beta'
  125. UTDCPLus/NpLoader help please.
  126. UTDCPlusv10beta Setup Problem
  127. utdc crash
  128. UTDCPlusv12Pbeta
  129. UTDCPlusv12P
  130. Maybe it's not always UTDC crashing the player?
  131. NPLoader1.2 ?
  132. UTDCPLUSV12R and snipermania
  133. Funny bug in UTDCplusv12S and NPLoaderv12?
  134. UTDCplus or any UTDC
  135. UTDC is crashing my Unreal Tournament
  136. UTDCPlusv12S and some crash
  137. UTDCPlusv12R File Not Found
  138. NPLoaderLL_v12.u - FILE NOT FOUND
  139. Can't find file for package 'UTDCPlusv12S'
  140. UT Error
  141. Recoding UTDC for U1 engine coders needed
  142. Windows 7 RTM
  143. UTDC 2.1 UTDCJCheck Crash.
  144. UTDC 2.1 UTDCJCheck Crash.
  145. utdc.dll crash error UT99
  146. UTDCPlus crash while spec player in Linux
  147. Um...I don't want it! :-)
  148. General Protection Fault ... BUT only on 1 map (so far)