- Detect external timer thingies
- Multi server compatibility
- MD5 Checking outside the ..\System\ folder
- [Issue] UT Compass and UTDC
- [Issue] Scoring In Infiltration TDM
- Installed UTDC and doesn't work
- It doesn't like Windows blinds...
- Strange error
- Beautify UTDC
- False MD5 Kick?
- Illegal skin?
- Give me your timer links
- Request: no mouselook detection
- Auto reconnect
- Serious UTDC bug!
- is this a bug?
- list of confirmed Cheaters?
- More details by kick message hacked packages
- Very serious bug! [demos]
- Corrupt memory.
- what is this?
- reason for corrupt memory STC-8dddbae9
- Hook cheat or no?
- some weird shit
- demos changed
- Check Frequencies
- unreal:// links = false positive?
- What is this? [UTDCv16b]
- Suggestion for UTDC 1.8 : offline toggle
- UTDC problem?
- UTDCv17 Problem?
- Screenshot file name
- speed problem with utdc17
- Server crash while doing screenshot
- Client Side ScreenShot
- How to use AnthChecker with UTDC17b?
- geting kicked cause of incompatable OS
- UTDC bans, but no ip adress appears to be banned?
- Server Crashes w/ UTDC17b
- gettin kicked because of corrupt memory
- Unknown OS?
- UTDC BotPack messages...what are they?
- UTDC makes my connection in ut crash
- UTDC Ping Timeout!
- -exec=tweaks.ini
- Unknow operating system due to cow/skaarj skins ?
- Tactical Ops Mod Support?
- Screenshot Problems
- Screenshots
- what is this?
- Windows 9x with UTDCv17c
- ERROR: Initializing (cba) - restart UT
- help!
- UTDCv18 problem
- UTDC Crash issues.
- Can't find file 'UTDCv18.dc'
- UTDC and 64 bit windows
- Problem with clients downloading the dll
- Hey i got banned becouse i ut dc for playin in single player server
- We need a UTDC Update!!
- Problem with UTDC (TO 3.4)
- Checking code
- UTDC Problems
- Unknown hook
- UTDC 1.8 problem
- Updating UTDC
- [Req] Source on screenshotpart.
- Screen shots with UTDC 18
- UTDC 1.8 crash 64bit Hosts
- Windows Error Box vs. UTDC
- bad instal ?
- utdc crash on windows ME...ANativeCheck
- UTDC crashes UT on scan
- Uscript guru needed
- confirmation request
- Vista & UTDC
- Currupt mem with same parameters for a lot of ppl
- confirmation please
- DrawActor
- confirmation please
- UTDC 2.0 - Allow all os
- UTDC 2.0 Demo & Server problems
- illegal ufunction call
- Crash
- Process list
- [request] Delayed auto sshot
- Optional md5 checking
- Problems viewing a demo
- info on a log of utdc 20
- UTDC2.0 server crash after utdc shot
- [UTDCv20] Client have hooked functions
- false or true ?
- Utdc 2.0
- Crash because of ntdll.dll
- |Request|
- Hook Confirm
- UTDC2 is not compatible with FMOD and OpenAL
- UTDC Is still buggy!!
- how is possible that ?? UTDC2.0 corupted ?
- PC crashes 5 seconds after joining server. (new pc)
- Vista problem
- Xp 64
- utdc
- Vista 32bit Issues
- ERROR: Disconnected because of a timeout (OS check)
- New Function for utdc?
- UTDC v20c & TacOps
- Once and for all...how to get Vista64bit working with UTDC
- utdc 2.1 crashes most of us out!
- crashing woo
- Mass kicking
- UTDC21 not supporting AMLP_HaSm_v1
- Kicked for hook
- Galaxy Audio SubSystem error
- DEMO bug on Tactical Ops
- Uactor channel utdc crash
- unfortunate
- How many of you are crashing with error on line 1337?
- UTDC False Positive - Illegal Hook
- Help UTDC Crash 1337.. Error
- Kicked at Snipermania Why?
- help! "connection faild' cant find file for package 'UTDCplusv10beta'
- UTDCPLus/NpLoader help please.
- UTDCPlusv10beta Setup Problem
- utdc crash
- UTDCPlusv12Pbeta
- UTDCPlusv12P
- Maybe it's not always UTDC crashing the player?
- NPLoader1.2 ?
- UTDCPLUSV12R and snipermania
- Funny bug in UTDCplusv12S and NPLoaderv12?
- UTDCplus or any UTDC
- UTDC is crashing my Unreal Tournament
- UTDCPlusv12S and some crash
- UTDCPlusv12R File Not Found
- NPLoaderLL_v12.u - FILE NOT FOUND
- Can't find file for package 'UTDCPlusv12S'
- UT Error
- Recoding UTDC for U1 engine coders needed
- Windows 7 RTM
- UTDC 2.1 UTDCJCheck Crash.
- UTDC 2.1 UTDCJCheck Crash.
- utdc.dll crash error UT99
- UTDCPlus crash while spec player in Linux
- Um...I don't want it! :-)
- General Protection Fault ... BUT only on 1 map (so far)