View Full Version : Feature Requests

  1. Current Features
  2. Feature Ideas/Questions
  3. Add "Speed Hack" to "Reason" section
  4. Auto Email subject
  5. View and Search options
  6. UTAN Ban Manager 101 In Development
  7. UTAN ban search idea
  8. UTAN Logo
  9. Translators for people who don't speak english
  10. Turn off editing in the bans forum
  11. Any way to do this in utan?
  12. UTAN v2.0 Buddy List question
  13. Custom ban message?
  14. GUID extraction
  15. Current Development
  16. Add Modem MAC address to ban list
  17. Add Glitching to ban reason.
  18. Easier Global Ban Request
  19. Suggestion - ISP bans on stolen cd keys
  20. Prefetch hook bans under a different category
  21. GISP search Abilities
  22. making UTAN checks first
  23. GUID on watch
  24. CD hash check page
  25. Seperate file?
  26. set ban active/inactive
  27. Username / PW Hash Feature
  28. Automation of global ban submission
  29. Geographics bans
  30. Suggestion
  31. GUID-IP linking to deal with stolen keys?
  32. Blocked.. HELP!!
  33. Automated notification of ban appeals to the admin ...
  34. Ban details included in UTAN traq reports
  35. Pre-set out Ban Appeal Posts
  36. Condensed GUID Search
  37. GUID / IP search
  38. How about IP Ban also.
  39. Add Non-Global Bans to Utan search
  40. Timed bans
  41. integrate cheat protection
  42. Subscribe to other admins' ban lists
  43. UTAN-Ban with Console
  44. People posting GUIDs
  45. CSV Export of the global bans