View Full Version : General Chat

Pages : [1] 2

  1. What is UTAN?
  2. The Message You Want To Avoid
  3. This rocks thxz...question?
  4. Please don't test the system!
  5. Server lag?
  6. Admin "Trust" list feature?
  7. Mediocre Botter Question
  8. Random Statistics
  9. Added a lot of bans today...
  10. server admins
  11. Busted in a PG match
  12. ServerExt
  13. Tax - read me :)
  14. IRC Channel?
  15. A summary of my chat with Limited about UTAN v2.0
  16. I need Md5's Updated???
  17. What Cheat Protection Do You Use?
  18. ATTENTION: Anti-TCC false positives
  19. Attention Questionable Xplayers.u file!
  20. Core.u files and xWeapons UTSecure
  21. Which files does your Security Mutator check for?
  22. You probably wanna add this guy to GLOBAL ban
  23. UT2K4 Final v3236 patch
  24. ut2k4 : Busted a wankstain aimbot...
  25. What is this hack?
  26. I'm kinda confused, please help...
  27. Removed all Security
  28. Anti Bypass Tool
  29. How do copy ban list of others...
  30. Server Admin Region/Country Indication?
  31. My current UTAN banned list
  32. Is UTAN going on Epics "White-List"?
  33. Cheaters discover UTAN
  34. Xeffects.u Package????
  35. Wormbo
  36. modified core & antittc ?!
  37. Servers in servertrag??
  38. Unknown Class: Lude.Lude
  39. Anti-TCC v1.16: Anti TCC integrity violation (question)
  40. Skin hack ? Modified brightPlayerSkins
  41. Core.u package??
  42. Absence
  43. Anti Tcc woes
  44. UTAn and teh White List!
  45. Have you seen this?
  46. 500,000 Hits!
  47. new crap around
  48. Player IP
  49. Helios Bot?
  50. Botters getting new cdkeys
  51. AntiTCC Fails to Check "Aliens" package
  52. Absence... again
  53. Logging packages
  54. modified files?
  55. Is this a cheat or false-positive?
  56. 1,000,000 Hits!
  57. Anti-TCC's LogFileTimestampFormat
  58. Strings to grep?
  59. Real Speed hack spoted..
  60. Unknown Class: Radeonenginex.Radeonenginex
  61. SafeGame Is Being Tested
  62. GonzoBotPlugin
  63. XB0T
  64. Forged Player ID?
  65. this sucks, !!
  66. cheater caught - jedi
  67. UTAN with AntiTCC??
  68. Anti-TCC v1.17 problem?
  69. Anyone know what this is?
  70. e| clan botters
  71. Absence... again.... again
  72. UTAN IRC Channel - #UTAN on Quakenet
  73. modified file 'Aliens'
  74. Can someone identify this package?
  75. Modified class:
  76. Server Actor & Serverside Demos
  77. bagged 2 bot users in same match
  78. Anyone know what this is?
  79. GISP bans
  80. Voice pack I presume??
  81. Master server
  82. Unknown Class: XWeapons.ExtraRedBeam
  83. Brando67
  84. gisp bans2
  85. Ban Question
  86. Is this a cheat?
  87. sorry
  88. 3270 or Master Server
  89. Ok 2 questions
  90. Is this a cheat?
  92. Ban sharing
  93. OGL and PG ladder player m|x.cougar Banned
  94. Master Server
  95. Another caught cheater, crying ....
  96. I cant connect to the #utan channel...
  97. Are these new cheats/hacks?
  98. Global Bans
  99. Utan and North American UT2004 ladders!
  100. Brando - your traq request
  101. My latest bans
  102. What do that bot?
  103. just a simple (maybe) question
  104. Annoyance Ban!
  105. Utan database?
  106. Supposed aimbotter
  107. Where exactly do I download UTAN?
  108. i need some help please with log info
  109. Cruicky Rocks!!
  110. SHITCOCK!
  111. Virus and your CD key
  112. North American Utan Server Admins.
  113. Offender: [ELF]osGB'
  114. Utan
  115. antitcc & utan
  116. Delay after adding ban
  117. What do these logs mean?
  118. Challenge
  119. upward trend...
  120. Prefetch
  121. Wanted: Competent C++ Programmer
  122. Ban Appeal Instructions
  123. Need Help GUID 126640c17568f1280d5c638ef333575d
  124. What a hack is it and should i Ban him?
  125. More info on UTAN
  126. Player threatening server - would it rate a global?
  127. Something about appeals...
  128. Banning GUID's used be multiple players
  129. Bans suggestion
  130. banned reply
  131. WHat the Heck???
  132. ServerLogo
  133. srry for not about an appeal but its important
  134. Ban Forum
  135. Merry Christmas All
  136. [UTAN]Limited is a cheating :)
  137. Chat Logging
  138. demo server from epic, are server for cheater ?
  139. traq Question
  140. UTAN Hash Question
  141. UTAN ban on 1 server :s
  142. Ban reply rules...
  143. Ban #4270
  144. Your own server bans
  145. [Thread split] Ban #4270
  146. Apologies
  147. [Thread split] Ban #3160
  148. What's a Wallhack?
  149. WTF ?
  150. UTcheats.utxUTcheats2.ukx file
  151. Multiple admins
  152. Hack?
  153. Cannot delete bans from other admins in GISP
  154. Psychodreams, is this REALLY necessary?
  155. Possible Problem...
  156. Banned by UTAN for being annoying!
  157. Will UTAN be extended to UT ?
  158. «DD°Nightmare is back again NEW KEY
  159. (BoolProperty bCheapWallHack)
  160. Useless comments are not needed.
  161. Bans
  162. Banning Question
  163. Can we get an edit button PLEASE?
  164. To The Utan God's
  165. replying to bans
  166. stolen keys?
  167. Possible render hook detected...
  168. WAT is patch 3355?
  169. Demo - second opinions
  170. Ban forum reply rules
  171. A FareWell.
  172. Cheats?
  173. Banned by a Server Admin
  174. UTAN made me do it.
  175. Wazzup with Nicktrak?
  176. Track Database Changes
  177. y any admin don't reply my topic?
  178. Is this my CD-Key Hash?
  179. Bans no longer being enforced?
  180. Question
  181. fighting cheaters
  182. Ban checks, etc...
  183. Current Development Update
  184. A new cheat
  185. Disapointing [UTAN] Server
  186. 3DAnalyze, benchmark etc
  187. Just realized something...
  188. Oh just wondering about some of this...
  189. New to UTAN and ran into a problem
  190. Downtime
  191. Banned
  192. Ban #6473 WAREZ USE of a LEGAL CD key
  193. Too many Bans in this century
  194. UTAN down - how long?
  195. Extreme Global ID Sharing
  196. The 'T' is for trusted?
  197. bloodpatches work with utan?
  198. Dumb question: bReceiveAnnoyance
  199. UTAN banning..........
  200. A Newbie UTAN User Question
  201. UTAN server ban by "Bitty"
  202. Need some help spoting a botter
  203. What this ?! Warez ?!
  204. Old Bans archive.
  205. What is NeMeSiS.MyInteraction
  206. Cheat or not a cheat
  207. WHOIS
  208. Utan Server Traq
  209. Okay I'm Pissed plain an simple
  210. what does this mean ??
  211. Database gone?
  212. Stop [UTAN] In Server Tag?
  213. new aimbotter
  214. Global Bans?
  215. Bot or Not Part II
  216. Shining squirrel
  217. Question about getting accidentally banned...
  218. Global Ban?
  219. Ban 7872
  220. multiple md5's of stock maps
  221. New hack or what
  222. fake servers
  223. Using 16 Bit
  224. GISP vs. Clanserver Owner
  225. new patch 3355 error discovered
  226. Odd interaction
  227. UTAN down
  228. UTAN servers crash my UT
  229. Aimbotters found!
  230. Is this a real bot?
  231. demo
  232. Looking for some demos
  233. When does a local ban go global?
  234. BAN #5650
  235. UTAN & partial GUID entries
  236. Okay... Confused xD
  237. Cool demo!
  238. AntiTCC and UTAN?
  239. ban id : 9619
  240. Warez Keys
  241. Question about UTAN
  242. Player used multiple Keys...Shared/Warez?
  243. Who's got UTAN ban 10000?
  244. "Speed Hack"
  245. Duplicate entries in UTAN database
  246. UTAN Global Ban Questions?
  247. UTAN Ban by IP also?
  248. Question about UTAN server updates
  249. Utan Database
  250. Key sharing and you