View Full Version : What would you like to see in UT2007?

26th June, 2005, 12:12 AM
This is more of an open poll.

What as server admin would you like to see in UT2007 (new or changed).

So this isn't about gameplay, maps or whatever, but about server admin features.

26th June, 2005, 12:38 AM
Hmm, maybe somekind of a secured telnet interface(like ssh) to control the server, would be extremely useful ...

26th June, 2005, 12:53 AM
A similiar UTAN system containing thr following:

IP Banning
Key Banning
Hash Banning
Name Name Banning

ServerSide Screenshot capture and Demo Record

An IP/Name/Last Played Logging System with External Log. (Not Logs :P)

I'm full of shit and ideas.

26th June, 2005, 01:12 AM
Automated security updates.

26th June, 2005, 03:37 AM
Automated security updates.<<

26th June, 2005, 11:17 AM
The abillity to run the server as a service on Windows2000/XP/Servers/etc

That would be nice im trying to make it work on ut99 but have not had much luck up to now :confused:

The abbility to password spectator join but have no password for joining to play the game. Cool for admins gives them a spectator slot thats always available. (if you can do this on ut99 please let me know ta)

Maybe you could have one spectator slot password protected for the admins and another not password protected for anyone to use.

26th June, 2005, 11:52 AM
']The abillity to run the server as a service on Windows2000/XP/Servers/etc

That would be nice im trying to make it work on ut99 but have not had much luck up to now :confused:

Have you tried FireDeamon program ?

27th June, 2005, 08:21 PM
Have you tried FireDeamon program ?
Doesn't always work, having the ability "out of the box" would be better

27th June, 2005, 08:47 PM
How about a nice gui interface for configuring the server on the fly,
instead of downing it and editing ini file.
Yes, I know you can use the web admin, but it has it's limitations.
It would be nice to add server packages and actors through the webadmin, and have them take effect on the next map change.
Or even the ability to have it auto reboot during the next map change.

28th June, 2005, 12:39 PM
You mean something like a complete control panel for the server? Would be quite usefull indeed. You don't need to give everyone FTP access that way.

29th June, 2005, 10:30 AM
1. admin tracking....like the levels idea of SWA but knowing what admin did what to who and when. And comments section for that admin to make a note why they did the action they did.

2. Being able to login into the server from the webadmin and not create lag.

3. Auto map installation tool and automatic compression and upload to a specified redirect server.

4. A "All-in-One" admin utility that would combine the functions of many of the programs we use now into one interface: like the irc reporter bot, substats, a choice of enhanced HUD's, goodness the list could go on and on.

I'm sure others will think of more, I'm off to bed.

29th June, 2005, 09:33 PM
It's already been mentioned, but it would help if admins could have some GUI or something that they could change settings (actors, serverpackages) on without having to shut it down.

30th June, 2005, 08:49 AM
Already been mentioned.... Automated security updates.

30th June, 2005, 08:15 PM
I think database support (mysql for example) would be a nice addition all around, right now the first things I think of are:
- remote logging
- server profile: store profiles (remotely) not depending on a monolithic ini being edited or replaced with external tools.

30th June, 2005, 11:23 PM
']Cool for admins gives them a spectator slot thats always available. (if you can do this on ut99 please let me know ta)
Spectatorplus (http://www.teamlol.com/mutators/spectatorplus.htm)

2nd July, 2005, 09:14 PM
ServerSide Screenshot capture and Demo Record

This is essential. Ingame client side screenshots stored on the server. Not possible with uscript at the moment I believe?

Time epic got serious about anti cheat, rather than constanly expect the community to do their work for them.

2nd July, 2005, 09:38 PM
I believe it is because I know someone that made one, and I know another that is currently in the process of making one ;)

3rd July, 2005, 01:40 PM
that sounds cool, like an updated console menu based style in game, I run 2 machines, 2 monitors now in order to play and admin at the same time and kvm between them when needed so admining on the fly is basically easier with whatever interface am using.

On another note anti cheat should be a major consideration, one that is automatically updated on its own via a constant feed like UTAN is now, also something that dosnt lag the server at all or slow game play even for a sec. I avoid using an anitcheat now on our servers for this reason but get a steady supply of botters that we ban weekly because of this.. The lag/game play slowness is worse than the botters on current anticheat...

3rd July, 2005, 06:00 PM
dont know if 200x does these but at the risk of looking daft........

recovery of scores when players disconnect and reconnect.

Teambalancer that
-balances bots and humans evenly accross teams
-the option of when a player joins and would give one team the advantage of +1 player. Instead he could join as spectator untill another person joins, then they could be added one on each team. and the option of always add a bot to the other side to keep teams even.

or......instead being added as spectator the extra player could be added as a non-team player that can be killed/hunted by everyone for extra points or a special pickup.
maybe he could have special skills like stealth and can jump higher/farer/maybe fly/be tiny/transform into object/... so hes hard to get.

Great ideas everyone :thumbup:
I hope all these ideas will get sent to epic, maybe they will take notice.

4th July, 2005, 07:10 AM
A few of your ideas Ad are already in UT99 in a mod called ASC :\

4th July, 2005, 05:24 PM
3. Auto map installation tool and automatic compression and upload to a specified redirect server.

+1 from me.

1. For ONS, the ability to be able to reliably add in maps from the webadmin using non-default node configs. At the moment you can only add in maps with the default node config without a little hacking - and when you do you can't reliably move them within the maplist.

2. Another +1 for the ability to make on-the-fly settings changings through webadmin that "stick" after the next map change rather than having to force a server restart or map change.

3. For the timestamp on the server config .ini file to be monitored so that it picks up changes to the config on map change, rather than you having to restart the server mid-game to avoid the changes being overwritten.

4. +1 on the ability for a single bot to even up the teams at whatever number of players there are

5. Slient admin login by default - this is needed to be able to start demos of cheaters without scaring them off.

6. Built-in slot management and swear-filtering - basically integrate the great serverext functionality

7. The ability to mute players chat &/or VOIP (is that already there? I still have not worked out what the "Voice Chat Management" option is for in the webadmin)

8. The ability to "force ready" if players must be ready is on.

9. The ability to hear VOIP from other team while logged in as admin (spec slots only?) to be able to deal with shoutcasts and abusive chat reports.

10. The ability to be able to spec a player by number (as you can kick by nuber) instead of clicking through each (with 32 players I nearly always miss and have to click up to 61 times to reach the right player)

[RDC]Mr. Pig
5th July, 2005, 05:24 AM
Punkbuster, I know this will never happen but I can dream can't I.

6th July, 2005, 10:37 AM
Was thinking about this as I cycled home in the rain last night...

These two may not be as easy, but many server admins will not have remote desktop access to the machines the server is running on, and so would have no way to monitor these things:

11. Server CPU monitoring - if there are comments of "LAG!" - it would be useful to know whether the CPU is near the limit.

12. Server bandwidth monitoring - if there are comments of "LAG!" - it would be useful to know whether the bandwidth is near maxed.

13. This may have been mentioned before - but it's a real pain having to upload maps to the game server uncompressed, especially with the default UK ADSL upload speed! It would be good if you could upload .uz2 compressed and the server to 'see' these on map change and uncompress them and move the uncompressed version to the redirect server (by FTP or file copy depending on server setup).

We're emulating this sort of functionality by running a web-server with a script to upload maps etc .uz2 compressed. The script then then kicks off tinyuz2 to uncompress them, then the script copies the uncompressed files to the appropriate game server and the compressed to the redirect server box.

6th July, 2005, 03:19 PM
Would like to see the ability to PM a player in game to ask them to keep it down etc without broadcasting the message to the entire server.

6th July, 2005, 04:29 PM
Indeed. There are tools of corse, but built-in support would be very nice :\

6th July, 2005, 04:52 PM
The ability to assign port numbers freely for query ports.

8th July, 2005, 12:40 AM
ah yes - I would like to see some indication of who is talking on mics. I assume this is what the 'show VOIP Portraits' setting is for but it doesn't seem to do a lot :confused:

maybe the playername sliding out onscreen somewhere with a 'Hit F10 to kick this player' option. It gets awkward in-game having to ask other players if they know who it is singing drunken sea shanties at the top of their voices down the mic.

edit - and the ability for admins to be able to text chat privately in game.

8th July, 2005, 07:22 AM
If it isn't possible already, the ability to redirect clients to a different game server IP.

(E.g. if your server is down for some reason, or if you have moved to a faster machine, and want clients to be automatically sent there.)

Discussed in more detail here: http://www.unrealadmin.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11514

8th July, 2005, 09:59 AM
Here's a couple of "would be nice to have" if they get to the tweaking stage:

14. Separate Spec and Player passwords would be nice
15. Team based passwords so that players can join the correct team for a match and not have to juggle around connecting and disconnecting to get to the right team.

11th July, 2005, 05:51 PM
How about a change to the "Master server" setup?
It is so frustrating to have your server up and running fine, then have all kinds of performance and connection issues due to the master server being down.

11th July, 2005, 11:55 PM
How about a change to the "Master server" setup?
It is so frustrating to have your server up and running fine, then have all kinds of performance and connection issues due to the master server being down.

How about just fixing it to work like it is supposed to instead of using substandard servers that cannot handle the load? :) I was really getting sick of it all in june.

13th July, 2005, 04:37 PM
One thing I'd love to see is the ability for multiple servers to feed each other data on match conditions and allow players to be redirected between those servers for load balancing. I don't know how many servers I've played in where the game would bog down after x players joined...

16th July, 2005, 01:45 PM
Some kind of client side benchmark program for benchmarking servers for CPU usage and Bandwidth etc.. with detailed system specs. So you can see if that server your renting is really as fast as it was advertised to be.

16th July, 2005, 04:51 PM
The ability to move players that havent "readied up" to spectator mode rather than kicking them from the server entirely.

An ingame "WebAdmin" Similar to UT2Votes ingame setup so you dont have to be bouncing back & forth between the game & windows (or whatever OS youre running)

17th July, 2005, 08:15 AM
Some kind of tool to let us know what textures, meshes etc go with a certain map. It can be similiar to the demo viewer where it tells you what files you are missing to view the demo.

18th July, 2005, 12:27 PM
The ability to silently slip into spectator mode in-game to see if a player is botting or not and slide back into game without losing all the points you had built up previously.

21st July, 2005, 09:15 PM
i would like to see a system where you can put in your bandwith and the server will limate the players dipending on your bandwith avalibl

21st July, 2005, 09:34 PM
i would like to see a system where you can put in your bandwith and the server will limate the players dipending on your bandwith avalibl

that is something you can calculate yourself to some extend.

21st July, 2005, 10:44 PM
The ability to silently slip into spectator mode in-game to see if a player is botting or not and slide back into game without losing all the points you had built up previously.

Bad idea.
To easy for an admin to use it to cheat.
I can see it now, logging in silently as admin, silently going to spectator mode,
then telling teammates right where the other team/player is hiding or going after them himself.

22nd July, 2005, 08:20 AM
I think if you get caught cheating, you should be banned for life from the masterserver. End of story.

27th July, 2005, 06:02 AM
I'd like to see utan disappear entirely. Personally I run into bots all the time. All utan really does is lump innocent people in with botters and ban everyone indiscriminantly. It's not worth the effort. I'd say abandon the project.

27th July, 2005, 07:09 AM
UTAN is a ban management system. It's not an anticheat of any type. Get it straight, bro. There's a major difference.

27th July, 2005, 07:18 AM
I'd like to see utan disappear entirely. Personally I run into bots all the time. All utan really does is lump innocent people in with botters and ban everyone indiscriminantly. It's not worth the effort. I'd say abandon the project.

Torinir is correct, UTAN does not ban anyone, server admins ban and use UTAN to manage their bans. It's really nothing more then an elobrate database when you get down to it.
Now, this is not the place to air your grievance about being banned. You where banned from a single server by a single admin, who could have banned you just as easily without UTAN, so the existance or UTAN made no differance to your ban what-so-ever.

9th August, 2005, 10:04 PM
Things that need to be added:

True RCON abilites. As in being able to see chat, deaths, and logins, logouts. This would allow for admins to 'silently' admin a server w/out taking up a player slot.
An ability to 'slay' people. This would be useful for team games when a teammate is constanly TKing, but you (as a lower-admin) don't have kick/ban privs

20th August, 2005, 05:35 PM
1) Ability to run as an (unprivileged) service under Windows. Nonservice server processes are antiquidated.

2) Separation of installation files and homedir files, just like in Unix. The server doesn't need to have write access to its install files, only to the ones that are mutable - in the "homedir".

3) Multithreaded server process: one thread for masterserver registration, accepting incoming connections, monitoring and serving the web interface, and another that actually runs the game itself. This is CRUCIAL so that when the game crashes (sadly, a frequent occurrence), the master thread can reinitialize the game more quickly (and with the appropriate map).

4) Secure (SSL) web interface which exposes all configurable server options. The admin should NEVER need to resort to editing the INI file manually, thereby needing to kill the server temporarily.

5) Special in-game administrative interface which allows the admin to perform all the functions he could via the web interface.

I probably thought of more, but can't recall it now.

21st August, 2005, 06:07 PM
How about instructions from the program writer on how to run a server?

29th August, 2005, 02:00 PM
2) Separation of installation files and homedir files, just like in Unix. The server doesn't need to have write access to its install files, only to the ones that are mutable - in the "homedir".
You can already do symbolic links in Windows 2000 onwards, its just hidden.

30th August, 2005, 02:42 PM
1) Ability to run as an (unprivileged) service under Windows. Nonservice server processes are antiquidated.

2) Separation of installation files and homedir files, just like in Unix. The server doesn't need to have write access to its install files, only to the ones that are mutable - in the "homedir".

3) Multithreaded server process: one thread for masterserver registration, accepting incoming connections, monitoring and serving the web interface, and another that actually runs the game itself. This is CRUCIAL so that when the game crashes (sadly, a frequent occurrence), the master thread can reinitialize the game more quickly (and with the appropriate map).

4) Secure (SSL) web interface which exposes all configurable server options. The admin should NEVER need to resort to editing the INI file manually, thereby needing to kill the server temporarily.

5) Special in-game administrative interface which allows the admin to perform all the functions he could via the web interface.

I probably thought of more, but can't recall it now.

Think you pretty much summed up my post there ;)

The other thing that would be nice is an admin window, where it gives you a list of number (1-0) and then you cycle through the menus till you get where u want to be
(mani-admin (css) style menu (they call it amx style ..))
And every player should have a player id, allowing you to grant admin without having to login atall, if you on the admin list, your an admin

30th August, 2005, 04:29 PM
You can already do symbolic links in Windows 2000 onwards, its just hidden.

I don't see that the ability to create links has much to do with it. The point is that UT2004 (and predecessors) require write access to files in the install directory (namely the INIs). You can work around it but only with an effort from the admin. Making it place the INIs in the user directory automatically fixes the access problem and removes the need to get creative with permissions in the install directory.

But thanks for pointing this feature in Windows out, I wasn't aware of it and have sworn long and hard over its absense...

24th November, 2005, 10:35 AM
1. The ability to hook the login/connection process of players. This to have custom login/password per player.

2. A way to update the ServerPackages on the fly without having to do a server restart. (After all, maps can have their specific packages loaded on the fly.)

3. Server-side CPU usage optimizations. Less CPU means more concurrent servers/players on one box, more fun, and less costs. (Same applies to bandwidth.)

30th November, 2005, 08:52 PM
1. Effective anticheat (optional automatic updates would be a plus).

2. A team balance system based on players master server stats. Players win/loss records should be by far the most important factor.

3. Music files pushed to clients (making it a client side option would be a plus).

6th December, 2005, 02:41 PM
Ik agree with Rush. A simple (yet secure) login system like ssh would be truly wonderfull. A place where you could do anything text-based; restarting server, choosing map/mods, ... you name it.

This would allow third party software to create remote gui's for interface, irc-bots/php-website's to retrieve info, and probably more things I can't come up right now. Of course some user-access-level has to available too, like webadmin - so people can't get too abusive.

6th December, 2005, 03:06 PM

6th December, 2005, 04:16 PM
ungateway only supports telnet as far as I know, that isn't the security level we want use :p

6th December, 2005, 05:47 PM
ungateway only supports telnet as far as I know, that isn't the security level we want use :p
Read about stunnel. It can secure almost any tcp connection, for example I stunneled my webadmin so that it is available only via https.

6th December, 2005, 05:53 PM
I would like to see even more sexier female butts in UT2007 :p .

6th December, 2005, 06:17 PM
ungateway only supports telnet as far as I know, that isn't the security level we want use :p
But, yeah, no SSL or alike. It's a bit difficult and slow to do that in unrealscript ;)
Besides, the webadmin only does basic authentication, which sends the passwords pretty much in plain text. On the other hand, MSIE doesn't properly implement digest authentication.

14th December, 2005, 12:34 PM
Hmm I can't believe nobody mentioned this yet... The oh-so-fun Version Mismatch is one thing that I really hate. Am I the only one who tries to correct other's codes and run them on my server? (Dodgeball anybody? Don't tell me it's just the DoB_Mut, because there are things I like to change about it other than that--I've gotten ways around it w/o modifying the original file, but very annoying.) I also try to code my stuffs to put on my server, and I keep on having to change the name every time I do it. What I would like to see, as an admin + coder, is that when a version mismatch occurs, UT would download the version on the server and temporarily use that while on this server.

PS: I don't know if this is at all possible or if there are already solutions out.

14th December, 2005, 07:17 PM
Tbh, it's up to coders to be less lazy and rename any modifications they make on a package. There's currently a lot of version mismatches for a server logo on the original UT because admins didn't take the trouble to rename their logo.

17th January, 2006, 06:36 AM
web spectating spot lock with password for admins only with hidden join so know one knows if your there or not
and server names un able to repeat like player names so server names can not be copyed for copycat servers sorta ip lock on names or registard server names

3rd February, 2006, 09:11 PM
autoskin download depend on people that use on server (skin is a very good options to keep because is make friendly ) now i create skin pack for that user need to download for my server)

use redirect by default for compressed map but need to send fast if files is not on redirect or redirect mismatch (speed on super fast internet link)

Habilities to modifie weapon and health on vehicles and weapons by default menu

admin gui include all helpfull utilities ( like adding custom mod)

Please balance teams need to be good this time hey:) (allways = number each side bot will be added if one poeple less)

Choice of User in listing in game and hitsound (like utcomp but integrated)
and maybe have a couple of choice of listening panel to display)

A anti cheat is needed :) integrated .... that check user and files depending of mod and skin installed on servers

included ut2vote style for voting ... that download auto the picture of map and choose or create gametype etc...

please we wants to play music in streaming backgroud (like directory of mp3)
(for legal use streaming not downloading) (low quality can be a options) depend on game provider link speed

a weapons and vehicles easy replacement tool like a mutator but more stable

in voice options more control for admin like muting people (with level) etc...

include Slot reservation like uadmin and spec admin slot

With skin somes team indication more big over head or something like that ...

display of server msg like rules admin say etc...

a lot of new weapons that admin can choose in a list ...

and maybey i forgot somes ideas ...

but is all i want for christmas

thanks santa :)

4th February, 2006, 02:00 AM
Well everything has pretty much been mentioned. I'm more interested in (just an idea, of course we can always use mutators as well):

1. Player join/leave tracking. Something like ServerExt or AntiTCC logging which keeps track of nick changes/IP's as well. An optional chat log is good too.

2. Epic takes care of server security/anti cheats where they can be updated automatically when a new version comes out.

3. Admin tracking options, where servers owners who run big servers can make sure that admins don't abuse their powers.

4. Harder than kick and lighter than ban punishments (like UAM options) for players with bad mouths that don't really deserve to be banned.

5. Server nickname check/filtering.

6. Built-in UTAN or UTAN like system of globally unwelcome players.

7. The most important: Ability to change important settings on the fly from webadmin.

I think integrating something like UAM and ServerExt (possibility of control from WebAdmin) will be the greatest addition. I simply can't live without them.


19th February, 2006, 04:58 PM
We run ASC on our 99 servers, and It's fantactic (just waiting on the death recovery feature to be added).

4th March, 2006, 01:51 AM
I would definetly want a way to view to the server.log via the gui so that I don't have to ssh into my server evertime I want to check if something goes wrong. A built-int ini editior and less limitations in selecting Maplists (like for invasion I am running onslaught and As maps as well as DM maps, but can't put them into the maplist). Secure login into the web interface would be cool, too...
And most of all (mentioned 20 times before): the ability to do severe changes to the server without ssh... I don't need it to reboot automatically but a button to shut it down / restart it would be cool... (the admin interface would have to be independent from the main server routine for that to make sense though, else you would shut down your admin interface right along ^^)
Thats all of my thoughts to this topic atm :)

1st April, 2006, 12:13 AM
a good and a stable UTV Support for Unix and Windows!

So the Community can watch a lot more matches
it will be great to see more UTV Matches!

CB Eurocup/PlayOff Games/NationsCup
or just a exciting Ladder Match!

i hope epic include UTV as a default tool -.-


Autopause Function to pause the game if somebody disconnects in a ClanWar!
after the play connects and the checks done well the countdown starts!

this would be a niCe function

i miss this function in 2k4!
i know a mutator 4 UT99 but not 4 UT2k4


Full-Administration WebInterface would be niCe



i hate cheaters and hax0rs


keep the the good netc0de ^^


nothing more
UTV is for me the most important point

so talk to them and let they know UTV is a must in 2k7 ^^


ps: Good Luck and Have Fun el ^^

1st April, 2006, 05:51 PM
Feature request:
1. UTV Support!!!
2. Better Webinterface for Server Configuration.
3. (My)SQL support for Logging and Stats or Settings
4. Multiserver Start Interface
5. Autoupdate funktion for Mod Anti-Cheat Secutrity Tools Maps and so on
6. Main EPIC redirect Server for Standart Maps and Mods
7. external SDK or API to use or control Server funktions
8. Map and Mod, Mutator upload menu
9. Better Community Support for the released Version
10. Anti-Cheat integration!!!
11. Match Autopause when someone disconnects
12. Ingame download from the server side demo
13. Web SSL support
14. Get console SSH con...

2nd April, 2006, 04:39 AM
please allow for logging to be placed or the directory for logging can be placed outside of the server folder?
in ut 99 they made a dll for chat logs . this could be dumped outside anywhere from the server folder.

maybe since a lot of talking is done via voip as well to set it so the server can record the conversations on the server now? similiar to chat logs

the ability lock spectator like reserve slots and place a ut logo up on the screen until they go back into the game

the ability to use multiple redirect servers

so please if they would include headers for the game


banner adds

option to put up a window when entering the server to follow these rules

you can either accept or it kicks you when a time is given by the server admin .. if denied it kicks you as well.

the end of each map or server crash it will auto dump the server log to another folder to be viewed at a later date

6th April, 2006, 04:56 AM
I think in light of the recent events we could add:
Secure the cd-key system so that GUIDs cannot be used by other clients.

29th April, 2006, 01:19 PM
It would be nice:

-To include a "multiple dynamic redirect" option, and security issues in this way to prevent other unwanted servers download from my redirect.


-To allow redirect manage several folders under the redirect address (it´s very hard to manage a redirect folder with +1000 files).

-To include (in some way) a webadmin feature to know which file goes with X map.

-To allow DNS resolver, so if I add an UT server in this way "ut.mydomain.com:7777" I don´t get the 9999 ping under the browser.

-To add a mapvote map screenshot cache feature, so people that dont have some maps can see what are voting. And why not, maybe a little divX demo of the map.


9th May, 2006, 04:58 PM
better anti tcc 4 demos and more maps 4 demos lol but then this is da bets demo iv seeen b4 u get 2 play online and it dose not expire

18th May, 2006, 08:23 PM
Some really great ideas here. Some things I was thinking of, some already mentioned...

1. Allow as many adjustable server paramaters as possible adjustable via WebAdmin to reduce time needed to edit .ini files.
2. Have an in game interface for Admins similar to UT2Vote for kicking/banning as well as ban management.
3. Clearly defined levels of administration (including asst admins, etc).
4. More room for MOTD/Server announcements adjustable time message is displayed.
5. "Snapshot" mode of a player causing trouble. The snapshot could include information such as IP Address, Nickname, Date Time, excerpt from chat log or name of log file for easy review later.
6. Allow a setting for a specific number of admins to join above set server limits.
7. User friendly statistics on map use, server loads, player counts so that an admin can monitor bandwidth needs.
8. Easy to configure tournament mode for all games.
9. Admin only chat in a game if multiple admins are present and logged in.
10. Control over weather to mute/partition spectators or not.

20th May, 2006, 12:26 PM
A server console that actually says when someone joins or leaves the server - not just a console with the chat (like UT2004).

22nd May, 2006, 10:19 AM
not sure if ut2007 will do this but get rid of the stupid low grav feeling that ut2004 has. jump and dodge is awfull. please make it like the good old classic ut99, fast precise and a joy to play.
no need for gigantic maps just smaller better made ones:)

29th June, 2006, 04:53 AM
an ut admin control console while playing the game.

30th June, 2006, 03:35 AM
Stats are a very big thing in the gaming community, thats why we have scores. Competition between real players, is why we play online. We all play for fun & being successful is always fun.

The way Stats & What stats should be looked at very carefully.

Here are a few suggestions.

Admins should not get Stats for games that they Admin. Admins can kick players so games can be won in there favour, Admins are there to Admin the sever not to win games by kicking players.

Example: BF2 has seen Admins play 2000 games & only lose 30 games (that is cheating). No one player can infuence a game that much, Only the Admin.

Admins KICK stats should be included, Admins that kick players should have this stat made public. Admins with high kick stats would be identified & they would be given the credit they deserve.

Games with GameSpeed adjusted should not recieve Stats. Higher GameSpeed is a big advantage for lower ping players. The normal gamespeed is is well balanced for all connection.

Players that change teams or join 5 minutes from when the game ends should not get stats for that game. This would stop players changing teams at the end & Joining late & taking the victory points.

30th June, 2006, 03:44 AM
Stats are a very big thing in the gaming community, thats why we have scores. Competition between real players, is why we play online. We all play for fun & being successful is always fun.

The way Stats & What stats should be looked at very carefully.

Here are a few suggestions.

Admins should not get Stats for games that they Admin. Admins can kick players so games can be won in there favour, Admins are there to Admin the sever not to win games by kicking players.

Example: BF2 has seen Admins play 2000 games & only lose 30 games (that is cheating). No one player can infuence a game that much, Only the Admin.

Admins KICK stats should be included, Admins that kick players should have this stat made public. Admins with high kick stats would be identified & they would be given the credit they deserve.

Games with GameSpeed adjusted should not recieve Stats. Higher GameSpeed is a big advantage for lower ping players. The normal gamespeed is is well balanced for all connection.

Players that change teams or join 5 minutes from when the game ends should not get stats for that game. This would stop players changing teams at the end & Joining late & taking the victory points.

30th June, 2006, 08:23 AM
Admins should not get Stats for games that they Admin. Admins can kick players so games can be won in there favour, Admins are there to Admin the sever not to win games by kicking players.

Example: BF2 has seen Admins play 2000 games & only lose 30 games (that is cheating). No one player can infuence a game that much, Only the Admin.

Afaik BF2 admins are allways logged in as admins, so thats different.

15th July, 2006, 03:29 PM
Well, this is maybe hard to understand, but for an instance if you would play ut2004 and you play against an enemy, common or single (dm/tm) then it seems to me, i can be mistaken, that there's a large lit-up sign with an arrow pointing at your head which says "SHOOT HERE, IT IS THE ONLY HUMAN PLAYER!" And so it goes all the time, it seems that they all shoot at me, not realistic. When playing with other humans against lets say, the invasion, it goes very smooth. You'll get hit, but they still know where to find you, even when you are in a spot not visible for humans. It's still a computer, knowing the perfect coordinates of your whereabouts.

Not fair!

That and a better webadmin page which is more adjustable. Now you can adjust in UT2004 the game and press listen or dedicated, but some mutators are not adjustable afterwards.

That's it.

16th July, 2006, 07:44 AM
ever consederd a new server. a clan. some friends to hang out with? well if you are go to my server k?:Wizard: :Wizard: . well im your man. so meet me at my server k??

16th July, 2006, 07:46 AM
That was the most off-topic post ever placed on this forum, ever.

21st July, 2006, 03:48 PM
Lots of cheats for it !! (aimbots, speedhack, god mode...) pliz pliz

21st July, 2006, 04:22 PM
Could someone please slap this idiot with the banstick?

11th August, 2006, 04:01 PM
*A nice map vote (with a better design and a screen of the selected map), easy to edit with different profile to save.
It will be possible to configure mutators for each gametype (like ut2vote) and should allow to add gametypes (external mod of the game). this could be easy set up in the web admin or better with an ingame popup.

Of course ut2vote (wich I find so nice) do it, but it is so long to edit it to reach a quite stable server without crash... All the more, it modify the webadmin and reduce parameters configuration.

*Nativ possibility to add nice admin colored text messages to players

*Nativ auto demorecording with auto file renaming and possibility to select when to launch it: numbers of players, name of players present,... And client would have an interface to directly request a serverside demorecording vote to be validated by a % of players (if the server would allow this option, the demorec would directly start after a majority vote reached). Something will help client and admin to keep in touch...

*A demoplayer with the possibility to quickly navigate from the beggining to the end with marking tags to add when we are watching inorder to find back quickly our best fraggs

Integrated famous mutators like zound with a reserved audio track volume(with a client side volume in the audio settings or mute selection)

21st August, 2006, 05:52 PM
How bout if WebAdmin was completly untied with UT?

So if the server crashes, you can go ahead and make repairs with WebAdmin, and I know it's been mentioned but FULL control from it would be nice. No more editing of the ini file.

I hate how one stupid little simple mistake of adding or misplacing a character can send the server into an endless loop :mad:

OH, and an UNDO feature would be nice :D

26th August, 2006, 08:28 AM
Improved netcode, good physics, better skins, and lighting gun!

29th August, 2006, 06:05 AM
anticheat with automatic updates

utan like system

30th August, 2006, 04:25 AM
How about a server rules listing before connection. Cause most people are not going to check websites for the server rules. Something like Druids player agreement except built in. This way you would have to accept the rules to play or decline and leave the server. Once agreed you would not need to see this again until the rules were changed. Then if they were changed you would see it again on your next connection.

And most certainly cheat protection is needed.

30th August, 2006, 04:50 AM
How about information on how to run a server. Epic has never been one to help admins run a server. They have ALWAYS held the info tight to their chests. Don't know what a specific command does? Just Guess !!! I've bitched about this ever since UT.

30th August, 2006, 05:09 AM
How about a grapple, like SiN has :)

30th August, 2006, 12:53 PM
How about a GPS system - where you can mark spots on a map, SAVE THEM, and get to them later, especially on larger maps.

Im new!
9th September, 2006, 04:42 AM
i was thinking that for every cd that you need with ut2007, when you install the game, it checks with epic using internet that the cd is not fake or already used. and for admins to be able to ban that cd key so that dynamic ip users will not be able to join again

20th September, 2006, 04:34 AM
I like see:

That it brings for free a Pentium XXIV of 45Ghz.

9th October, 2006, 09:54 PM
4 teams built-in like in the original!
Having to mod it like 2k4 is just... It's just bad, mmmkay!

15th November, 2006, 03:10 PM
more functions for snipers, campers and zark players
lot mods exists now for us
they should just add them into the game
2k4 was better for us, they added some, but lot more need to be added like :
% efficiency board,no run, no telefrag, Qfeedback and lot others
a better map vote system too

it was already said, but a cd key checker were you don't have to have your cd in drive to play the game like lastest games

a better cheat protection that erase the cd key of cheaters so they buy a new game if they are caught

well our sniper comunity is important now, would be great to see more for us in the future game

15th November, 2006, 07:24 PM
Advance server query reply, like you have in your ServerExt, built into the game, instead of having every server admin instill this manually.

16th November, 2006, 09:52 AM
Real anti-cheat updated by the dev team (new job for Wormbo ? ^^).
Better net code.

16th November, 2006, 12:24 PM
Specator view to match player view so that spectating and spotting botters will be easier.

22nd December, 2006, 10:26 AM
hmm, working logging?

22nd December, 2006, 06:14 PM
How about some support from the game manufacturer.

27th December, 2006, 07:14 PM
Specator view to match player view so that spectating and spotting botters will be easier.

This would be great

24th January, 2007, 11:00 PM
what i would like to see in ut2k7

a game with gameplay like UT99
a GOOD fps hehe, nothing more..

14th March, 2007, 10:46 PM
what i would like to see in ut2k7

a game with gameplay like UT99
a GOOD fps hehe, nothing more..


SOME DAMN CHEAT PROTECTION!!!:cussing: :cussing: :cussing:

9th April, 2007, 02:46 PM
well it is coming on 360 two which is wot i will be getting it for cous my computer will not be able to run it and 30 owners will be able to play pc owners so wot do u think is gonna happen to all the player made mods maps and stuff will they take out unreal ed or will it be only for pc owners and if it is only for pc owners will 360 owners be able to play pc owners on them maps i dunno if that makes sence but i need to know

2nd May, 2007, 05:16 AM
The ability to "key" a map to the server. The map has a some kind of lock on it that must be opened via a key that is stored on the server TO KEEP FREAKING JEALOUS ADMINS FROM DECOMPRESSING AND HOSTING THE MAPS THAT YOU SPENT HOURS ON TO HOST ON YOUR SERVER ONLY FROM STEALING IT.