View Full Version : Mac Ut2k3 =) ( for the Mac'ers )

12th September, 2002, 10:54 PM
i only know of 1 person who plays ut on a mac

but i did read that they are making a mac port of btoh the demo and the game however they wont be relesed at the same time but it will be done.. ill try and find the info about it if ic an but its preety simalr to the info in the linuxsecion that i just posted and it will deffently come according to sources as they have allready done the work for opengl so that the linux version will work .. ill post here when i find the source again


Hf mac'ers

12th September, 2002, 11:11 PM



13th September, 2002, 12:45 AM
hehe not the links i was looking for but theres the info and the links to the source =)

new i had seen it somewere