View Full Version : What are the different game type commands?

7th October, 2002, 04:14 PM
I have looked around on this site but have not been able to find the command for all the different game types. Like when I start a CTF server I use "ucc server CTF-Citadel.ut2?game=XGame.xCTFGame" in my .bat file ( I got that from this site along with the DM and BR commands). But what are the others? and Where do you find them?

7th October, 2002, 07:06 PM
xGame.xDeathMatch - DeathMatch
xGame.xTeamGame - Team DeathMatch
xGame.xBombingRun - Bombing Run
xGame.xCTFGame - Capture The Flag
xGame.xDoubleDom - Double Domination