Yes i know, but when he changes it to =0 his ut does the first run and replaces the unrealtournamet.ini.
I had him start ut and open console and type preferences to bring up the advanced options menu but his ut wont bring it up, he tryed preference instead and got unreconised command.
I had him email a copy of his ini, when i open it with notepad all the text is bunched up and has some narrow boxes between text.
The boxes i was sure had something to do with line spacing, i did`nt think it would work but i deleted the 3 clicked the close button clicked yes to save changes and emailed it back to him.
His ut started normal and purgecachedays is staying =0.
His mainbord on his G5 died and he took it and his G4 in to some shop and he said they copied or cloned his OSX to the G4 and he ended up with 2 installs of ut.
He plays from Unrealtournament2 install.
He emailed me pictures of the unrealtournament2 install lastnite and asked if it save to delete some copy of files, looking at the pictures i emailed him back and told him not to delete any files yet.
I dont know who worked on his mac but they really messed things up.
My main question now is should not the folder/directory structure for ut be the same no matter what os its installed on?
Going to try to attach one of the pickures you can see that theres files that should be in the system folder that are in unrealtournament2 folder instead, i dont know how is ut is running like this.