I'm having an issue with the UPackages array not being big enough to handle all the ServerPackages I have on one of my servers.
I recently installed Nali Weapons 3 on my MultiStyle server (Jailbreak, MonsterHunt, Nali Weapons MonsterHunt, Siege), found I was getting kicked for an unknown UPackage from NaliWeapons which should have been autodetected. Had a look and realised there were 32 autodetected packages, and it was missing the one I got kicked for.
For now I've made a manual listing of the packages, but can't fit them all in so I get the occasional kick. I also have issues with other custom weapons that are part of MH maps, since they're not recognised by ACE I get kicked for those too.
Is it at all possible to increase the size of that array somehow? If not, what's the best way to work around this issue?
I'm a learning coder, but my repertoire is expanding. I may be useful for something after all