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Unread 2nd January, 2008, 01:37 AM
ginz ginz is offline
Killing Spree
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Posts: 19
Default Warmup Mode bug (frozen to the ground)

I don't really know where to post this, but I have a problem in the warmup mode. When I click that I'm ready I can't do anything. I'm frozen to the ground; I can't move. Sometimes I'm shooting my weapons empty like I'm holding down left mouse click. I can switch weapons, but that doesn't matter. It's really anoying, so I really hope someone has a fix for this. I can play normal during the game btw.
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Unread 7th January, 2008, 02:19 PM
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Azura Azura is offline
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When you try to use talk does the text show up in white ?
How to feck up a perfectly good game:
UT (1999) = UnbelievableGameSoCoolIMustHelpBringNewPlayers Tournament
UT (2008) = Unreal ThrustMyPrivatePartsInYourFaceBish

And that's probably why UTIII was a relative flop. New game, same sh*thead players ^^.
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Unread 10th January, 2008, 10:12 PM
ginz ginz is offline
Killing Spree
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everything is normal except for this
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Unread 26th January, 2008, 06:39 PM
ginz ginz is offline
Killing Spree
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Posts: 19

If anyone was interested. Here's the solution:

I had to replace my install textures by older onces. I had the S3TC textures.
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Unread 27th January, 2008, 06:30 PM
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Azura Azura is offline
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I was about to suggest this. A few years back on the Lix instagib server I had the same problem I think. It has something to do with the s3tc textures being incorrectly installed on the client or the server. What happens is that you can enter the server but you can't move and your say messages appear in white like an event message.
How to feck up a perfectly good game:
UT (1999) = UnbelievableGameSoCoolIMustHelpBringNewPlayers Tournament
UT (2008) = Unreal ThrustMyPrivatePartsInYourFaceBish

And that's probably why UTIII was a relative flop. New game, same sh*thead players ^^.
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Unread 30th January, 2008, 03:12 AM
ginz ginz is offline
Killing Spree
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 19

It was a while ago, but I think the guy said it had smt to do with the textures beeing to big or smt. I dunno Difference was that this only accured in warmup mode. Chatting went totally normal, I was just frozen to the ground. I'm just happy it's solved now
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