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Go Back   The Unreal Admins Page > Forums > Unreal Admins > Unreal Tournament 3 > UT3 Server - Linux Specific

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Unread 9th October, 2008, 12:16 AM
DevilChildChris DevilChildChris is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
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Default Unreal Tournament 3 Ubuntu Server

Hey all, i downloaded the linux server for UT3, installed it, and all seems fine.

...until, that is.. i try and run it

I followed the guide here, and its fine until i run ./ut3

The server wont start , the error i get is: Critical: Only the dedicated server is available in this build.

I don't know if it makes any difference, but im on the terminal only version of Ubuntu, so no GUIs. The full output in the console is:

root@VISION-SEVER:/usr/local/games/ut3-dedicated/Binaries# ./ut3
Init: Version: 3518
Init: Epic Internal: 0
Init: Compiled: Dec 17 2007 12:17:34
Init: Command line:
Init: Base directory: /usr/local/games/ut3-dedicated/Binaries/
Init: Character set: Unicode
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file: ../UTGame/Config/UTEditor.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file: ../UTGame/Config/UTEditorUserSettings.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file: ../UTGame/Config/UTEngine.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file: ../UTGame/Config/UTGame.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file: ../UTGame/Config/UTInput.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file: ../UTGame/Config/UTUI.ini
Init: File handle limit is soft=(1024), hard=(1024).
Init: Computer: unknown
Init: User: root
Init: BSD Sockets initialized
Init: Presizing for 83221 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Init: Startup System Settings:
Init: System Settings:
Init: StaticDecals=true
Init: DynamicDecals=true
Init: DynamicLights=true
Init: DynamicShadows=true
Init: LightEnvironmentShadows=true
Init: CompositeDynamicLights=false
Init: DirectionalLightmaps=true
Init: MotionBlur=true
Init: DepthOfField=true
Init: Bloom=true
Init: QualityBloom=true
Init: Distortion=true
Init: DropParticleDistortion=false
Init: SpeedTreeLeaves=true
Init: SpeedTreeFronds=true
Init: OnlyStreamInTextures=false
Init: LensFlares=true
Init: FogVolumes=true
Init: FloatingPointRenderTargets=true
Init: Trilinear=false
Init: OneFrameThreadLag=true
Init: UseVsync=false
Init: UpscaleScreenPercentage=true
Init: Fullscreen=false
Init: AllowD3D10=true
Init: EnableHighPolyChars=false
Init: SkeletalMeshLODBias=0
Init: ParticleLODBias=0
Init: DetailMode=2
Init: ShadowFilterQualityBias=0
Init: MaxAnisotropy=4
Init: MaxMultisamples=1
Init: MinShadowResolution=32
Init: MaxShadowResolution=512
Init: ResX=800
Init: ResY=600
Init: ScreenPercentage=100.000
Init: SceneCaptureStreamingMultiplier=1.000
Init: FoliageDrawRadiusMultiplier=1.000
Init: ShadowTexelsPerPixel=2.000
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_World: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_WorldNormalMap: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_WorldSpecular: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_Character: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterNormalMap: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterSpecular: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_Weapon: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponNormalMap: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponSpecular: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_Vehicle: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleNormalMap: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleSpecular: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_Effects: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_Skybox: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_UI: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_LightAndShadowMap: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log: TEXTUREGROUP_RenderTarget: (MinLODSize= 1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Init: Friendly System Settings:
Init: TextureDetail=Level5
Init: WorldDetail=Level5
Init: bUseVSync=0
Init: bUseMSAA=0
Init: ScreenPercentage=100
Init: UpscaleScreenPercentage=1
Init: ResX= 800
Init: ResY= 600
Init: Fullscreen=0
Log: Initializing FaceFX...
Log: FaceFX initialized:
Log: version 1.710000
Log: licensee Unreal Engine 3 Licensee
Log: project Unreal Engine 3 Project

appError called:
Only the dedicated server is available in this build.
Critical: appError called:
Critical: Only the dedicated server is available in this build.
Only the dedicated server is available in this build.

Exiting due to error
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Log: appRequestExit(1)

If anyone could help, that'd be great

( im not new to Unreal but i am new to UT3 servers and reasonably new to linux =/ )
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Unread 9th November, 2010, 04:26 PM
MayDay MayDay is offline
Forum Newcomer
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 3

The problem is in your command string.

It needs to have the word "server" after ut3.

For example:
~/ut3-dedicated/Binaries/ut3 Server DM-HeatRay?GameMode=.....
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