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Go Back   The Unreal Admins Page > Forums > Unreal Admins > Unreal Tournament 3 > UT3 Server - Linux Specific

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Unread 11th November, 2010, 11:07 PM
ArcherB ArcherB is offline
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Default Server not in server list

My server appears to launch just fine. I can even play on it if I specify the IP address, but for the life of me, I can not figure out how to get my server listed on the in game server list.

Here is my command line:

/ut3-dedicated/Binaries/ut3 Server DM-Morbias?GameMode=0?Numplay=8?MaxPlayers=10?MinNetPlayers=1?bPlayersMustBeReady=True?bAllowJoinInProgress=True?bAllowInvites=True?BotCount=4?NumPublicConnections=12?NumOpenPublicConnections=12?GoalScore=20?TimeLimit=15?bUsesStats=True?bIsLanMatch=False?ForceRespawn=1?bShouldAdvertise=True?PureServer=1?bIsDedicated=True?AdminPassword=password -login=username -password=password -Port=7777 -QueryPort=6500 -log=UT3.log -nohomedir -unattended
Any suggestions would certainly be appreciated.


Thought I'd throw in that my server is DMZ and my Gamespy username and PW is unique (as far as I know) and created withing the UT3 game itself. I created a new one just last night in the game and I am now using it for the server while I'm using my old gamespy account to play on the Windows client.

Last edited by ArcherB : 12th November, 2010 at 03:24 PM. Reason: Additional info...
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Unread 17th November, 2010, 05:48 AM
GAB GAB is offline
Killing Spree
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Posts: 47

You get it fixed?

If not a few things i need to know.

are you running server from home, if so is it on same computer you play with?

If its a home server the ports need foward to internet IP, 7777 and 6500,
you do this normally in a router.

You might need to add to command line.
the x`s would be your internet ip if running server from home or the ip of a rental server.

The server needs its own username and password.
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