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Unread 24th November, 2010, 09:55 PM
notsounreal notsounreal is offline
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Default Suggest a ACE/NPloader section

Since this is the new wave hitting the servers,it should have a section,because as frustrating as it is to get it working or enter servers,equally so trying to find information on this site.
I also suggest telling admins of sites that this newest anti cheat is stopping A LOT of players by crashing their game..VERY frustrating,should be removed until it actually serves a better purpose than it does right now.I like all others just want to play and have some fun ,this newest has stopped me from playing on all the busy servers.
BTW i went through this same garbage with UTDC couldn't play for a very long time.

Sad that every admin is going to use this ,just because it is new,so now others like myself cannot play the game.Suggestion save releases until they have been personally tested by your staff.UTDC went through the same bull,tons of legit players had to jump through hoops to find fixes,sad we are seeing it all over again.

Let's remind each other the REAL purpose >>>FUN to play a game,jumping through hoops is not FUN anymore.
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Unread 25th November, 2010, 08:22 PM
Genecom Genecom is offline
Holy Shit!!
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Official thread can be found here:

ACE has been in testing for quite a while, and releases are kept private for testing purposes quite extensivly.
However as it is a work in progress the releases are still considered to be in beta stages, and in the end it's up to the administrator if the server is to be protected by the anticheat or not.

Most admins including developer try to maintain support for those having issues, and as quite frankly the difference between UTDC and ACE are enormous.

Looking forward to try answering any further questions you might have.
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Unread 26th November, 2010, 10:48 AM
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TheDane TheDane is offline
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no question ACE is doing a good job, but know also it's not perfect. ACE's purpose is to bring the fun back to the game by dishing those who spoil it. But he has a point about it not working 100% beeing a problem since it's on most crowded servers.
Finaly .... peace
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Unread 26th November, 2010, 12:40 PM
Genecom Genecom is offline
Holy Shit!!
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Originally Posted by TheDane View Post
no question ACE is doing a good job, but know also it's not perfect. ACE's purpose is to bring the fun back to the game by dishing those who spoil it. But he has a point about it not working 100% beeing a problem since it's on most crowded servers.
Main issue with v0.8 are weird timeouts due to either slow hardware or network connections. These are adressed togheter with other problems in v0.9.
I can imagine tho the internal testing phase will be quite extensive due to as mentioned alot of the handling differs in various parts of ACE.
ProjectFrag - Research & Development
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Last edited by Genecom : 26th November, 2010 at 12:42 PM.
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