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Unread 28th December, 2011, 02:57 PM
nighttripper nighttripper is offline
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A couple of things to cover here. I don't expect much in the way of public discussion and that's perfectly OK. Most of the people who are involved with this have elected to keep their usage low-key to outside interests. In fact if you are not in the ban list you'll have no idea the server even uses the service at all. Requests for privacy have been honored up to and including the handling of the sign-up completely by email because they don't want a forum presence. I don't blame them, I'm not sure I'd want to advertise everything I do to keep my server secure either.
So much for low key on FBI's forum. Right after I made a post here about cheat protection you made a post on FBI's forum. Saying a member of FBI had requested information about cheat protection.
ya that's low key!

UT99 Why Mess With a Good Thing
Team FBI's Gopher
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Unread 28th December, 2011, 03:10 PM
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Answered in your other thread:
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Unread 28th December, 2011, 04:34 PM
nighttripper nighttripper is offline
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You send me an email
If it is possible can we please settle this away from everyone? It was not my intention to cause the first problem for you, I was only trying to help what seems to be a tough issue for your group. Cheaters are advanced now, a single admin on his own can't keep up. It takes the help of other people and with the UTP service that's exactly what you get. A few sniper clans already use it now, some I'm sure you know. Your players should be happy that you are seeking out solutions to unclean players, so don't feel like this is something that needs to be necessarily hidden. Had I known you wanted that I certainly would have abided by it.

Please don't drag UTP through the mud. We've worked some very long hours to help admins, taking not a penny for it. I've read the FBI forums, you do the same there. Would you like it if your credibility there were called into question over a misunderstanding? Of course you wouldn't, so extend UTP the same courtesy.

asking that I not pursue this publicly. But you then post this on the FBI forum.

It would seem I have angered a certain "Mark/gopher" person here who is posting over at UA about how wrong this was. It was not my intention at all to cause a problem. He asked in a public forum and so I came here and posted publicly. Had I known there were issues with this I never would have done it. It was certainly not with malicious intent, I don't even know this person but he quite upset at my post. I guess he feels that privacy wasn't cared for but I only followed his lead. The admins who have chosen anonymity have done so via email or PM, the public ones all use the forums.

You are welcome to remove this thread, delete this account, take whatever measures you see fit. If there is a need to continue the discussion publicly I'll clear future posts through an admin/staff member.
Now I may be wrong ( and I usually am ) but isn't this a little two faced?? I asked you to keep it low keyed and you post that on the forum. But at the same time you send me an email asking that I not do the same to you??

UT99 Why Mess With a Good Thing
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Unread 28th December, 2011, 08:21 PM
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No, you are correct, you are wrong. How is this two-faced? Both apologize to you even though I'm not really sure why you are pissed off in the first place.

Mark, what exactly is it that you want from me? I'm making every effort towards you and you are hell bent on creating a fight. If you want to make this a personal thing, then I just don't want to play. It only creates division in the community.
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Unread 28th December, 2011, 09:04 PM
nighttripper nighttripper is offline
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Dude you ask me to drop it. But you then make a post in FBI forum about how pissed I am because I wanted to keep it low keyed. Kind of hard to keep it low keyed with you posting like that. If you wanted to drop it. Then why didn't you drop it?? You can't have it both ways.

Good luck with your software. But if this is the way you are running it. Then I want nothing to do with it.

UT99 Why Mess With a Good Thing
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Unread 28th December, 2011, 09:49 PM
Dr.Doof Dr.Doof is offline
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I'm sorry you have to resolve to this childish behavior, but I'm glad you are not an admin of FBI. Therefore you WILL never be considerated as a user of our service. If one of your clan administrators contact us with a request about using it we will adress the request then, and only then. Please stop now.
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Unread 28th December, 2011, 11:00 PM
nighttripper nighttripper is offline
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Dude with your "staff" deciding what is what. Then you can rest assured that Team FBI will not be using your service any time soon. I would rather have cheats on the server that you two deciding who is a cheat.

UT99 Why Mess With a Good Thing
Team FBI's Gopher
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Unread 29th December, 2011, 12:13 AM
-=CoN=-Strych9 -=CoN=-Strych9 is offline
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Reading the posts that you have made leaves me with only one conclusion why you would attack someone that is trying to help you. You were trying to be sneaky about something and it got posted on your clans site so you are now embarrassed. I agree if you wanted to keep it quiet you should have gone about it another way.

I have seen your type before, the member everyone feels sorry for so they come up with some bogus title for them so they feel important and it goes to their head.

The service and time that these guys have put into the UTP service is phenomenal. Anyone not using it is doing themselves and their server a great disservice. I have been using the service on all of my servers for over a month now and would not be without it. The staff at UTP are outstanding people, willing to help at a moment’s notice without asking anything in return. I don’t think that an attempt to help someone should be twisted to look malicious in anyway, such that you are trying to do.

Sorry could not help but to throw my 2 cents in on this one.
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Unread 29th December, 2011, 02:09 AM
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It's safe to say that FBI will not be using the service, so I guess that's settled. Let's move on, shall we?

This conversation has prompted a member to mention to us that perhaps we could offer a "pre-screening" service so that a clan's members could all be cleared before UTP is actually installed. This could save any uncomfortable player kicks that might happen because the admin will know in advance that his guys are all OK.

If this sounds like something you might like to try or even if you want to pre-screen an applicant to your clan on a case-by-case basis give me a shout and I'll get you taken care of.
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Unread 29th December, 2011, 03:09 AM
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Originally Posted by nighttripper View Post
Dude with your "staff" deciding what is what. Then you can rest assured that Team FBI will not be using your service any time soon. I would rather have cheats on the server that you two deciding who is a cheat.
Or you can run ACEManager, UTPolicies02 or nexgen!!
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Originally Posted by Wormbo
You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO. Sure, without the source code the package is smaller, but let's be honest - text compresses well, so the difference isn't really noticeable for redirected downloads.
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Unread 29th December, 2011, 06:40 AM
nighttripper nighttripper is offline
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I made a post asking if there was a private security or paid for security. I wanted to beef up the security on the server. I doubt any of the people that use our server knows about this forum. So I made an open advertisement here. And instead of replying to me here or with an email. This guy makes a post on FBI's forum telling all that his program is what we need. This should have been low key. But then he sends me an email asking me to keep this private. But he makes two posts on this and FBI's forum.

The idea that this person will be making decisions about who gets baned scars the crap out of me.

He is using three different nyms. I have always been NightTripper. My website gives my Name (Burgus). I sign my posts with Mark. My phone number is on that site. I am very open about who I am. People who nym shift tells me that they have something to hide. Not the type of person that I want to "protect" my server.

I could care less how much work he has done. This, to me, is a shady operation. and I will look else where for a "low Key" protection program.

Good luck with your endeavor.

Mark Burgus
UT99 Why Mess With a Good Thing
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Unread 29th December, 2011, 08:54 AM
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Nighttripper does have a point. If someone starts a communication through a certain channel, e.g. a thread on a forum, he expects replies to come through the same channel, i.e. the same thread in the same forum. It's not really about privacy, but about choice of the communication channel. If you change the channel without prior consent, at least have the decency to change to a more private channel, i.e. email, PMs or some instant messenger.
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Unread 29th December, 2011, 09:20 AM
Dr.Doof Dr.Doof is offline
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Just our of respect for UA I will not throw mud here but instead move it to this location:

in nighttrippers view this is a public private place to discuss it LOL

I side with gopostal, I see no wrong in registering at their forum to discuss it further. The only guys not benefitting from our service is the CHEATERS! and trust me, they DO read these forums.
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Unread 29th December, 2011, 09:36 AM
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Doesn't change the fact that you changed the communication channel without asking your communication partner. Probably would have been absolutely no problem if you simply asked before doing it.
If you need an analogy: The customer came to your office (or approached you at a trade fair, etc.) to ask about your product. You didn't answer, but instead went to the customer's company (without asking first) and proceeded to advertise there. See the problem now?
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<@Mych|Lockdown> ...and the award for the most creative spelling of "Jailbreak" goes to ... "Gandis Jealbrake Server"
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Unread 29th December, 2011, 10:13 AM
pastoor pastoor is offline
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Default Start again

How old are we now lets make a new start and look possitive too what people doing
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Unread 29th December, 2011, 10:18 AM
Dr.Doof Dr.Doof is offline
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Originally Posted by Wormbo View Post
Doesn't change the fact that you changed the communication channel without asking your communication partner. Probably would have been absolutely no problem if you simply asked before doing it.
If you need an analogy: The customer came to your office (or approached you at a trade fair, etc.) to ask about your product. You didn't answer, but instead went to the customer's company (without asking first) and proceeded to advertise there. See the problem now?
I see what you think is the problem, and yes, looking from that point of view you are correct. But I know gopostals intents, and he did what he thought would be best for the customer, he even apologized for doing it, but the kid ignored that and continued. look I would be happy to debate this issue with you but honestly i think it's a waste of time. If you follow the link to our site above, you will see what I think is the real problem about his posts here. And I would ask if this topic could back on topic? and further debating this issue is done either at our website, the FBI forum or by at least opening a new thread here please! If a thread is opened at the FBI forums I would like to be invited like I just invitet all to our place. This to avoid beeing "shady" .
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Unread 29th December, 2011, 01:18 PM
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Wormbo I have nothing but the absolute greatest respect for you, but you are wrong here. Using your analogy I should never call someone for the first time, send them a private message, or go to a new neighbor's house to introduce them to the neighborhood. Equal levels of communication are widely accepted as socially adequate. If someone calls you, it's ok to call them. If someone posts an ad for help with contact information on the bottom, then you contact them using that information. I don't go down to the village seller's board and see someone wanting to buy a TV so I post another ad offering my TV. I call them, they provided their number at the bottom.

I did exactly this. If he doesn't want the forum used, he shouldn't link to it.

Now I've apologized even though I think I'm not wrong to try to keep peace. I'm done with that.

Mark, you have a serious problem with me personally and I'll bet I know why. Is it your past coming back to haunt you? BTW this "You use >1 nick so you must be hiding something" is so lame. I've ran an adult DM server for a couple years off and on. Do you have any idea the number of people playing under different names on pub servers? My AKA list has several thousand names and once I coded it to use ACE data I was assured who was who.

Yes, I've posted this clearly before: I am crass, I can be aggressive in my posting style, and I have been accused of a wide array of really bad things. All of which I don't care about and if you do then that's on you. If the best you have is to attack my person then that's sad. But then again I don't see your admins lifting a finger to support you either. What I see is a guy with an attitude who has never done jack for the community at large trying to Sun Tzu his way into a position of dominance by leveraging innuendo and half truths.

I posted that I expected some pushback, and this isn't far from what I thought would happen. Personally I'm an easy target but let's see you rip on UTP. See anyone banned that didn't get a clear reason why? After 3000 bans (and counting) do you see the first person making a valid challenge? It's not my fault you don't want your clan seeing your attempts to clean up your server (public fail, they all do in fact read here). You can attempt to bash all you want here but it doesn't invalidate the fact that there is a problem in the FBI server, and after a few choice PM's I see why.

The staff at UTP don't ban anyone, did you not bother to read the posts? We didn't use a single one of our bans, which in the end is a shame because over the years I've collected quite the logfile of server cheaters and hackers. Insinuating that it's used as a form of vengeance is unfounded until you produce a banned player who was unfairly banned without proof.

So, put up or shut up. If you post back bring something with you of substance, not inference and conjecture. Otherwise I'm going to challenge your clan to play a single game at a UTP server and post the results.
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Unread 29th December, 2011, 03:51 PM
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Hi all,

At Mark i dunno man sure some things could have been handled better.But i do not understand this part.

You said If this is handled by 1 person who decides who gets banned and who doesn't then you must be missing something.All cheaters we catch get reported by the server owners or trusted admin from that specific server.With Log and screenshot.Every caught player is a legit catch with proof.Thos will be added to the database and silently removed from that server running that software.

It works perfectly and you can trust me some serverowners who are doing this for as long as i can remeber are gratefull for the work that has been done by these 2 guys.They had some help from people like anthrax and admins.

And now you come here not even a server owner and trashing it?

@ Wormbo how can he be a custumor if he does not have the goods to use the software at/for.The posting can be seen as advertisement for the real owners of those servers.Then its up to those owners to do something with it its not up to a clan member or player at that server/servers.

And about low key everyone can read this here and see who is posting so what you mean with low key?
This is way out in the open already.
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Unread 29th December, 2011, 03:59 PM
maggi maggi is offline
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perhaps i have hallucinations, but i think a baltic coder have a reincarnation...

and please, admin, mod or supermod, delete advertising here
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Unread 29th December, 2011, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by maggi View Post
perhaps i have hallucinations, but i think a baltic coder have a reincarnation...

and please, admin, mod or supermod, delete advertising here
delete what?

You mean UTP? If so delete ace , utdc and all the rest of software that has been made to catch and ban cheaters.
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