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Unread 10th July, 2012, 11:01 AM
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Default FOOD FIGHT! ...concept for an insane-healthy weaponmod!

I'm not certain if you know already about our project...
So here are the concepts:


This is a concept for a replacement of the original UT Weapons:

This was originally planned as a stand alone game, but you can also turn it into a UT-Mod

The Canopener is the starting weapon have 3 ammo types.
which can be changed (if picked up) with the alternate fire.
1_ kidney beans ...same as the enforcer.
2_ the sweet cherry ...many bullets and fast firing mode, but less damage as the beans.
3_ halapenjo (very rare) only 7 bullets, but one shot, one kill.

beta Model finished

The P-nutgun is for people who love to mess around with a huge amount of bullets.
Alternate fire shoots 3 more accurate bullets.

beta Model finished

The Ha&Ka Steinfrucht is the moste precise Weapon, you shoot exactly what you aim at.
But there is no zoom and you need to reload after every shot.
With the alternate fire you use the bajo... erm fork - This is an instant kill.

beta Model finished

Now we get the Papricannon ...the ammo is a Papri-nade which does explode
3 seconds after it hits something or instantly when you hit the enemy directly.
The Papri-nade explodes immediately when you hit the alternate fire.
This way, you can shoot one papri-nade, shoot another one and with a bit timing, you can trigger the second one to explode simultaneously with the first shot.
A fun weapon to play around with.

beta Model finished

The Saladthrower is somehow a Flak-cannon and somehow it is not.
The alternate fire ,has a recoil that rebuffs the player if he's using the weapon in midair (jump/fall/etc.), will also load a huge amount of salad in the weapon and will bury you without dressing.

beta Model finished

At last the Toastanator... it is the biggest weapon in this Mod.
The projectile is a burning, exploding, nuclear part of a breakfast!
You can launch one Toast, or with the alternate fire, all 4 Toasts (after this combo-shot you will have to reload the weapon though).
One Toast is a bigger explosion as the normal Rocketlauncher ... now think what happens if you launch all 4 Toasts.... (aside from all your enemys in range are going to be toast).

beta Model finished

Well...I'm kinda hungry now.
What's your opinion?


We present you two new weapons. You could already see the placeholder-advertising on the server...

The Hot-Saucier:
Primary fire is a beam of hot Thai sauce can paint the Sauce on the floor/wall/enemy after short time the sauce catch fire and burns down ...this causes a wall of fire ...or a running torch if you hit an enemy.
Alternate Fire is a big glob of this flesh burning sauce. that glob can be used as a sticky mine because it takes a much longer time till this projectile explode in a Burst of flames incinerating everyone. or you try to hit an enemy directly ...that will have the same effect ...but now instantly. Or you shoot with the primary fire on this trap ...BoooomWOOOSH!!!
chain-reactions possible.


The Carroteer:
A stack-rifle
Primary fire shoots straight flying carrots ..Enemies get slow downed by a shot of a carrot (get spiked)...the second shot is deadly. a shot in the head is an instant death.
The projectile is somehow slow with good reflexes you can avoid
Alternate fire gets a normal scope like the sniper gun.

Now we come to the main function can skewer what ever has an collision model ...that way you can build stairs for you and your team mate or you can barricade a narrow space ...the carrots can be destroyed by any weapon. Faster with the bigger weapons.

"if you need a sniper spot DYS!!"

Moddb page:

official texture pack:

We search for additional coder who wants to participate in our project.
The Beta Server is down ...but we will set up a new one.

Last edited by papercoffee : 16th July, 2012 at 10:50 AM.
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Unread 11th July, 2012, 03:15 AM
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I can haz food fight? hehe looks awesome!
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Unread 12th July, 2012, 11:45 AM
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Hehe ....thank you.
I hope we find some additional coders so we can finish this.
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Unread 14th July, 2012, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by papercoffee View Post
Hehe ....thank you.
I hope we find some additional coders so we can finish this.
What remains to be done?
__________________ - my little dot on the internet. Serving UT from a neutral fans point of view. Sharing files, creating new mods, showrooms for developers and offering a free public redirect service with online upload feature = zero wait time for files to get online.
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Unread 15th July, 2012, 01:41 AM
Deciduous Deciduous is offline
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Good job so far, It looks like a lot of hard work and effort was put into it. I can't wait to try it out.
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Unread 16th July, 2012, 12:27 AM
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Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
What remains to be done?
Well ...some reload issues ...the bots don't like the fact that the weapons have to be reload. They get stuck.

Originally Posted by Deciduous View Post
Good job so far, It looks like a lot of hard work and effort was put into it. I can't wait to try it out.
Thank you...

Last edited by papercoffee : 16th July, 2012 at 12:29 AM.
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Unread 16th July, 2012, 06:22 PM
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Originally Posted by papercoffee View Post
Well ...some reload issues ...the bots don't like the fact that the weapons have to be reload. They get stuck.
Well, that should be doable, given the reload anims are not made subclassed from PlayerPawn in order to work. Do you currently have a coder assigned who could bring in the details?
__________________ - my little dot on the internet. Serving UT from a neutral fans point of view. Sharing files, creating new mods, showrooms for developers and offering a free public redirect service with online upload feature = zero wait time for files to get online.
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Unread 17th July, 2012, 03:20 AM
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If you decide to work on this D I'll spend an evening in TS with you getting you to speed on where things are. It'd be nice to chat again anyway. There's a lot to cover but I could get you on point pretty fast if you want.
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Unread 17th July, 2012, 01:04 PM
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sounds cool :-) how much coding time does it involve (estimated)? And is there a deadline?
__________________ - my little dot on the internet. Serving UT from a neutral fans point of view. Sharing files, creating new mods, showrooms for developers and offering a free public redirect service with online upload feature = zero wait time for files to get online.
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Unread 17th July, 2012, 02:05 PM
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I spoke with paper, so I'm assuming it would be ok to post this here.

I sorted all the replication for the weapons as well as animations, etc. It's all good online (for playerpawn). There is one major weapon left to code and frankly there is some serious testing time needed to sort the bot's usage of the weapons. Each weapon has forced reloading and that's what is screwing the bots over. They use the pickup model and it has no anims. Once reload is called it causes the bots to lock up.

It's all fixable, I just never got to it. My main thrust was to finish the weaponry and make it all good online. All these other problems were on the to-do list but it was a lot of work for just one guy. The main objective was getting a playable server up to try to stir some interest so that's why things were partially done enough to work but not work perfectly. The mod was in dev for years and everyone thought it was dead in the water and paper wanted to show them it wasn't.

I built a DM HUD and SB but it needs to be extended into CTF and a HUD/SB built for that.

My guess is 6 months solo work if you stab at it in free time, 4 months if you work like you usually do. I made a server backup of the demo and also the test server if you want it, though it's pretty easy to set one up yourself. I built a replacement mutator for all weapons/pickups to use as a test base so any DM map and a vanilla server will do.

I'm off this weekend, let me know when/where and we can bullshit like old times.
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Unread 17th July, 2012, 03:47 PM
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Thank you Dane ...But I did choose another option.
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Unread 17th July, 2012, 06:04 PM
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Originally Posted by papercoffee View Post
Thank you Dane ...But I did choose another option.
no problem m8

I offered my assistance because this project is very original and will actualy give something to the game. I understand your reasons to not involve me perfectly.
__________________ - my little dot on the internet. Serving UT from a neutral fans point of view. Sharing files, creating new mods, showrooms for developers and offering a free public redirect service with online upload feature = zero wait time for files to get online.
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Unread 30th July, 2012, 01:48 PM
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Unread 6th October, 2012, 01:39 AM
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Did the concept/mod for FOOD FIGHT die?
Sounded like a fun idea but I see no movement.
Did it not catch on?
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Unread 8th October, 2012, 10:09 AM
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No it's not dead ....don't sweat ....right now we starting a new beta server ...and after testing we will contact several admins for a open beta test phase. But without the new game modes, They will be released with the full mod.
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Unread 8th October, 2012, 01:28 PM
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Too bad this is for UT and not UT2004. I'm sure the audience would be bigger then.
Does the Steinfrucht have a melee attack? I'd expect that from the fork.
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<@Mych|Lockdown> ...and the award for the most creative spelling of "Jailbreak" goes to ... "Gandis Jealbrake Server"

Last edited by Wormbo : 8th October, 2012 at 01:30 PM.
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Unread 8th October, 2012, 09:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Wormbo View Post
Too bad this is for UT and not UT2004. I'm sure the audience would be bigger then.
Does the Steinfrucht have a melee attack? I'd expect that from the fork.
Hey ...Das ist mir mal ne Ehre ... Well yes it's for UT only for now, but we got stuck with the reload function of the weapons ...we searching for coder who could help in this particular problem.

And yes the Ha&Ka Steinfrucht has an deadly melee attack, you can stab your opponent into pieces ...but you get no scope/zoom. You have to aim very well.
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Unread 5th November, 2012, 07:45 PM
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I have a server sitting here not doing much I'm willing to offer up. )
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Unread 14th November, 2012, 11:19 PM
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Sorry for the late replay...

Thank you for your offer vut we have now a running test server.
Hopefully we can manage the issues and bring this mod to an end.
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Unread 28th November, 2012, 03:46 AM
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