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Unread 21st November, 2012, 12:19 PM
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Which ammo regen are you using? NW3 comes with its own ammo regen, and it doesn't regen super weapons, such as the cybot launcher, so I assume you're using UTJMH regen which is somewhat ruining the NW3 gameplay when you get a cybot launcher or any other super weapon.

Anyway, you can disable the cybot launcher entirely or disable each cybots individually from the mod settings or ini, or you can disable ammo regen from UTJMH and use solely the NW3 one.
Also, in the next release I will add some options such as limiting the amount of cybots per player and other similar things.

Nali Weapons 3 | Community UT mods

Last edited by Feralidragon : 21st November, 2012 at 12:24 PM.
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Unread 21st November, 2012, 04:10 PM
Pileyrei Pileyrei is offline
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Just to mention for anyone who hasn't tried it yet.

Some UK based servers with NW3.

Monster Hunt: unreal://
DM +CTF: unreal://


EDIT: Servers currently down for maintenance but will be back!

Last edited by Pileyrei : 22nd November, 2012 at 07:06 PM.
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Unread 21st November, 2012, 07:42 PM
maggi maggi is offline
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Originally Posted by Feralidragon View Post
Which ammo regen are you using? NW3 comes with its own ammo regen, and it doesn't regen super weapons, such as the cybot launcher, so I assume you're using UTJMH regen which is somewhat ruining the NW3 gameplay when you get a cybot launcher or any other super weapon.

Anyway, you can disable the cybot launcher entirely or disable each cybots individually from the mod settings or ini, or you can disable ammo regen from UTJMH and use solely the NW3 one.
Also, in the next release I will add some options such as limiting the amount of cybots per player and other similar things.
yes indeed i use the regen from the MH mutator and it seems this mutator force to show his own health symbols too, not the healthpacks from nw3...there is no selfdamage and regen for the superweapons, you can imagine which firepower and damage one player is able to create. Everywhere are pieces of textures and walls on the mapfloor after detonations.
its a long way to find out the best settings and the best combination with other mutators but its fun to test it out :-)
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Unread 1st December, 2012, 12:56 PM
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Default Nuclear Bug?

hi all,

i have a problem with the Nuclear blast and ace 8h.
after every superweapon blast like nuclear, megatron etc. i was kicked from ace with illegal ufunction call:

[ACEv08h]: KickReason...: Illegal UFunction Call
[ACEv08h]: TimeStamp....: 01-12-2012 / 13:18:35
[ACEv08h]: +---------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv08h]: | Extra Info |
[ACEv08h]: +---------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv08h]: FunctionName.: Trace
[ACEv08h]: +---------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv08h]: | Call Graph |
[ACEv08h]: +---------------------------------------------------------------+
[ACEv08h]: Callee0......: Function NWCoreV3.NuclearExplosions.Tick
[ACEv08h]: Callee1......: Function NWNuclearFXV3.NuclearExplosionLevelC.UpdateGroundB reaking <<<
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Unread 1st December, 2012, 04:15 PM
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You have to add all the NW3 packages to ACE white list, otherwise yeah, that will happen a lot (and not only with nukes, as this mods uses client functions heavily for effects to save the server from extra processing).

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Unread 1st December, 2012, 07:05 PM
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ok, problem solved

thx for the great mod
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Unread 2nd December, 2012, 05:13 PM
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we are also running nw3 fun stuff
ROCKET-X8 Server
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Unread 7th December, 2012, 12:19 PM
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Well folks, I don't know if you remember about this project at all or not, but these are the reason why I started to work on Nali Weapons 3.
X-Vehicles was supposed to be a full vehicles pack for UT to complement NW3 (that's why this mod has vehicular mines, T-missiles and plenty of nukes).

However, notice the word "was"..... yeah, it won't happen anymore. This vehicle mod won't be finished since I am going to leave the UT modding scene this year, and move on to more serious things such as UDK, as NW3 online success wasn't as great so for me is rather pointless to do anything beyond it.

But fear not, within some weeks I will release the final version of NW3 with fixes and a few addons AND X-Vehicles as well as they were 2 years ago.
By then I will give more details (and a video), but basically this vehicles pack doesn't have any online support, lacks proper physics, AI and HUD, besides having a few bugs (again, the last time I touched them was 2 years ago, so not the best visuals nor coding), but they can still be used to toy around and build SP maps with no online support in mind though.

Also, my NW3 Dropbox mirrors are now down (your fault for downloading too much ), so if you need mirrors (because GameFront excluded your country or so), then I already added more mirrors to the first post (from MediaFire).

In a last note: the ModDB MOTY (Mod Of The Year) is now running, so if you think this mod is worthy, I would appreciate a vote (scroll down, it's the first big green button you see, no registration needed)

Also, it's highly encouraged to vote for other UT mods from other authors if you like them as well: (the same way: just select the mod(s) you like and vote on them, it would be nice to have at least one UT mod in the top100 MOTY this year)


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Unread 7th December, 2012, 06:30 PM
Killerbee Killerbee is offline
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Feralidragon, first thnx for all so far!.
I have seen it happen last years, most people have left the scene en less new ones came... we can act like nothing happend but it is a bit "over"
Also for this reason i will stop hosting and my co-admin Pizzi is taking over
my servers and will run them from Germany, he's still very enthousiast wit it all.

again all credits for u with this superb NW3!
>>>> <<<<

We do nerd around!
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Unread 12th December, 2012, 01:13 PM
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Ok... I took almost an entire day to assimilate this.
Well see for yourselves (Epic Games):

And although Flak posted about this mod in specific, she also mentioned the UT ModDB page where other mods reside, so awareness is there once again on other mods too.

Thanks to everyone who supported this mod so far, and if you have a UT mod that is not in ModDB yet, put it there to take advantage of the link Flak posted there, so whoever follows the link can see more mods and freshness to this game.

Nali Weapons 3 | Community UT mods
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Unread 16th December, 2012, 05:43 PM
AntiSol AntiSol is offline
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>Invalid sound format in Sound NWBoltRifleV3.expl.empExpl

I can confirm that it is just this one sound.

I have hacked up a working NWBoltRifleV3.u by simply replacing this sound.

You can get the working file at: http://

Then just put it in your System folder, i.e: sudo cp NWBoltRifleV3.u /usr/local/games/ut/System/


Last edited by LeeBe : 17th December, 2012 at 01:09 PM. Reason: removed link while it is being renamed
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Unread 17th December, 2012, 12:02 PM
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^ Hi there, thanks for fixing the package, however could you replace your link with a renamed version of the package, like NWBoltRifleV3_soundfix.u or something along those lines?

Because as that link stands, it may be the starting point of online mismatches, so another "NWBoltRfileV3" should not ever exist besides my own otherwise problems will arise in servers.
Also, did you fixed the sound itself or replaced by a different sound altogether?

Nali Weapons 3 | Community UT mods
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Unread 9th January, 2013, 09:29 PM
nerds nerds is offline
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Default XPickups and NWCoreV3.NWMainReplacer

Using NWCoreV3.NWMainReplacer doesn't seem to always work?

On maps that are using all the X_WarheadLauncher, X_MedPack0 etc actors from xpickups, the weapons don't get replaced with the Nali 3 ones. Would I have to edit & manually swap the weapons out for those maps?
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Unread 11th January, 2013, 12:09 PM
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Well, the replacer works, in the current version it's setup to only replace the original UT weapons. XPickups uses subclasses of those weapons, therefore they aren't replaced at all.

In the final version however this is changed, but until I release it you can go to the NWConfig.ini file, look for the [NWCoreV3.NWMainReplacer] section, and replace both WeaponItems and AmmoItems lists by these:

For the rest of the pickups, I don't remember well but I don't think they are subclasses, so what you can do is add them to the PickupItems list in the same section, for example:
I don't remember the structure of XPickups anymore, so I'm afraid that for the rest of the pickups you will have to add the configurations yourself in the NWConfig.ini.

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Unread 20th January, 2013, 10:25 PM
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Well ... Impressive stuff mate

have setup a server and given it a good blast lots of fun indeed.

Few things Iam keen to try and figure out.. if I run a Nw servers and wanted to include a couple of NW3 weapons into it how would I do that?

for example .. Sniper and (random Redeemers/cyborg/insta/etc) weapons

so the sniper would replace the std ut sniper.. and the awesome redeemers would replace the redeemer.

secondly the little timer device that we spawn with.. that always throws an error... what is that for?

apart from that wicked.

Cheers.. Great job indeed.

Also I read somewhere that you may be able to incorporate your newer version of zp into nw's?

is this still in the plans ahead or ?
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Unread 21st January, 2013, 10:17 AM
Pileyrei Pileyrei is offline
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Originally Posted by back4more View Post
Well ... Impressive stuff mate

have setup a server and given it a good blast lots of fun indeed.

Few things Iam keen to try and figure out.. if I run a Nw servers and wanted to include a couple of NW3 weapons into it how would I do that?

for example .. Sniper and (random Redeemers/cyborg/insta/etc) weapons

so the sniper would replace the std ut sniper.. and the awesome redeemers would replace the redeemer.

secondly the little timer device that we spawn with.. that always throws an error... what is that for?

apart from that wicked.

Cheers.. Great job indeed.

Also I read somewhere that you may be able to incorporate your newer version of zp into nw's?

is this still in the plans ahead or ?
We did that on a Reedemer Sniper heaven map only.
Didn't replace anything, just added the IRPR sniper and a few of the nukes.

Check it out:

You have to edit the map to achieve this so we added some changes/secrets.

I think the other way to achieve what you want without editing a map is to use a mutator that replaces stuff.
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Unread 21st January, 2013, 11:16 PM
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ahh thanks pileyrei

so maybe worms mod or weapon swapper will be the solution atm or edit the map..

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Unread 23rd January, 2013, 07:31 PM
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Originally Posted by back4more View Post
Few things Iam keen to try and figure out.. if I run a Nw servers and wanted to include a couple of NW3 weapons into it how would I do that?

for example .. Sniper and (random Redeemers/cyborg/insta/etc) weapons
It's fairly simple (and no, you don't need any additional replacer, it's my fault for not providing docs yet about the true capabilities of the replacer that comes with NW3).

Just open UT, go to the Mod menu, and then Nali Weapons 3 Gameplay Settings, then in one of the tabs you can check and uncheck the weapons you want.
Then close it, and upload your NWConfig.ini to the server, done.

Also, if you just want the sniper and all the nuclear weapons, you don't need to host the entire pack, you just need to host the packages concerning each weapon.
For instance, for sniper and redeemer replacements only:
NWCoreV3.u -> main package (core)
NWIRPRV3.u -> IRPR (sniper)
NWCybotLauncherV3.u -> these 6 packages are the nuclear effects + 5 super weapons: all nuclear launchers, megaton, ultimaprotos, ionizer and cybot launcher respectively.

Originally Posted by back4more View Post
secondly the little timer device that we spawn with.. that always throws an error... what is that for?
The device is to defuse the Megaton (the deployable nuclear bomb). If you actually press the numbers in your keyboard once you're in its input mode (right click), you can type the code.
This way, if you defuse an enemy Megaton (by knowing its code), then you can pick it up and use against him (although he can do the same to you, so it's a cat and mouse game).

Originally Posted by back4more View Post
Also I read somewhere that you may be able to incorporate your newer version of zp into nw's?
is this still in the plans ahead or ?
Yes, the new ZP that comes with NW3 was planned to be used for NW, however since I didn't receive enough input in how the NW3 one plays, I am not so sure anymore.
The NW3 ZP is made from scratch btw, and I would perhaps dare to say that is by far more secure than the currently used ZP, since I don't rely in hiding code to make it secure (that's right, NW3 ZP is open source) and since it makes a ton of validations server-side and has support for plugins to further enhance that security (so even if an exploit is found, one can simply write 1 single class of code with just a few kb and put it as a server only mutator and the weapons will autobind to it and make further validations through that new code, and by being a server-side plugin, one can make that new code fully private if they so wish), but since I received zero input in how it plays out, I may not do it for NW.

Plus, there's this new thing called NewNet someone is developing and which looks promising, so probably that will make ZP obsolete anyway as far as NW is concerned.

Nali Weapons 3 | Community UT mods

Last edited by Feralidragon : 23rd January, 2013 at 07:34 PM.
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Unread 24th January, 2013, 09:56 PM
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hey bro

thanks for clearing that up for us. thought there was another option to add/replace weapons through NW3.

Yes, the new ZP that comes with NW3 was planned to be used for NW, however since I didn't receive enough input in how the NW3 one plays, I am not so sure anymore.
The NW3 ZP is made from scratch btw, and I would perhaps dare to say that is by far more secure than the currently used ZP, since I don't rely in hiding code to make it secure (that's right, NW3 ZP is open source) and since it makes a ton of validations server-side and has support for plugins to further enhance that security (so even if an exploit is found, one can simply write 1 single class of code with just a few kb and put it as a server only mutator and the weapons will autobind to it and make further validations through that new code, and by being a server-side plugin, one can make that new code fully private if they so wish), but since I received zero input in how it plays out, I may not do it for NW.
This looks / sounds awesome.. I have not been able to successfully test it as yet because Skills Redirect or My config is causing UT to crash when downloading the NW3Core.u file.

I have tested locally and on server but others can-not join as the above crash happens, and trying to get them to download from here is a mission.

now; in regards to weapons etc I think some are great for different gametypes.. for example in DM I would make use of sniper/redeemer class one/two , maybe one or 2 others.

for siege , difinately the cybots / and redeemers


an idea as such to better promote this mod;

rather then replace std weapons with NW3 ones perhaps there could be an option to randomly spawn weapons/ammo (excluding nukes) on maps...?

re: Nukes maybe separate either randomly spawned or replace deemers on maps.. also because some of the nukes are just astronomical in blast-factor z .. somehow configure them to only utilize certain level nukes based on mapsize.. for example deck16-][ would be at most level 2.. but face could go upto the biggest one?

anyway based on this analogy players would slowly be introduced to new weapons whilst not losing the ones that they are already used to. The randomly spawn thing could be adjusted to either spawn multiple NW3 weapons all over the maps... or in one spot and rotate the weapons on a timer 30/60secs.. or something.

Great to see that you have made a new version of ZP and anything like this is always welcome.. I vote YES to making your version for NW's as well and this also I think will bring NW3 more into the limelight especially if your version is better (iam sure that it is) then the current buggy versions 103/pure/201 etc.

Having the ability to utilize different / better versions of this kind of technology can only lead to a longer lifespan of ut and allow us to continue playing it for years to come.

somethings maybe you can incorporate into a NW pack is ZP Combo Gib with all the bells and whistles that can't be done effectively atm. CiG is a very addictive gametype and very popular. However the ZP alternatives are not the best and require all-sorts of addons in order to perform like admins extension of wormbos original version. Add Grappling to it and shes stepped up another level , combine your Xloc and its moving forwards again.

^ perhaps something like this would on its own be wicked.

Plus, there's this new thing called NewNet someone is developing and which looks promising, so probably that will make ZP obsolete anyway as far as NW is concerned.
Now heres something interesting , NewNet is based on Pure (net code) I think.. and what sets it aside is that it not only compensates for weapons ... but also for player movement.. <-- that is something that ZP does not do..

tim-.- explains here all of the things that it does and from what Ive tested , will send you a link to a server .. it is very impressive.

anyway I will try to rectify the downloading problem ,... however I am having problems finding / using redirect file checkers/compressers..

and dread going through all of this atm.


and as always , keep up the great work. You have done well indeed.
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Unread 25th January, 2013, 02:04 PM
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Originally Posted by back4more View Post
This looks / sounds awesome.. I have not been able to successfully test it as yet because Skills Redirect or My config is causing UT to crash when downloading the NW3Core.u file.
I never heard anyone having that problem before, perhaps your redirect files are corrupted in some way?
To play safe, use the redirect files that I provide here:
They should work properly.

Originally Posted by back4more View Post
rather then replace std weapons with NW3 ones perhaps there could be an option to randomly spawn weapons/ammo (excluding nukes) on maps...?
My replacer has already that capability (somewhat). The replacer that comes with NW3 can replace any weapon by a random one if you wish, and you can even define the kind of randomness: permanent, temporary, and within temporary it can be sequencial or random by itself (perhaps confusing, but I will cover this better in the docs, if you wish to use it now though, I can cook up an ini file with all the configurations to do just that).

The replacer I made is full featured, and can pretty much be configured to do whatever you want, I just hadn't time to release info on it thus neither admins or players know exactly the huge amount of things it can actually do.

Originally Posted by back4more View Post
re: Nukes maybe separate either randomly spawned or replace deemers on maps.. also because some of the nukes are just astronomical in blast-factor z .. somehow configure them to only utilize certain level nukes based on mapsize.. for example deck16-][ would be at most level 2.. but face could go upto the biggest one?
Also already possible in the replacer, and already configured to do so.
In Deck16][, if you don't modify the main ini of NW3, you won't ever see megatons, nor any nukes beyond level 2-3.
However in Face, they will appear since the map is big enough.
Each replace have filters in their own, you can even define in which exact gametypes they should appear or not at all, or based on the amount of player spawns, etc, etc.
One can go as far as write his own condition code in a very simple way as a plugin to extend the filters on the replacement.

That's why I always advised to use my replacer and none of the other swapper mutators, since mine is much more featured and customizable afaik (and I would I dare to say... more stable and faster?). The only issue with it, again, is that I hadn't time to release more info on it yet, but if you check the NWConfig.ini, the last section with huge lists on WeaponItems and whatnot, you will see the amount of things you can configure there.

Originally Posted by back4more View Post
anyway based on this analogy players would slowly be introduced to new weapons whilst not losing the ones that they are already used to. The randomly spawn thing could be adjusted to either spawn multiple NW3 weapons all over the maps... or in one spot and rotate the weapons on a timer 30/60secs.. or something.
Also possible already.

Originally Posted by back4more View Post
Great to see that you have made a new version of ZP and anything like this is always welcome.. I vote YES to making your version for NW's as well and this also I think will bring NW3 more into the limelight especially if your version is better (iam sure that it is) then the current buggy versions 103/pure/201 etc.

Having the ability to utilize different / better versions of this kind of technology can only lead to a longer lifespan of ut and allow us to continue playing it for years to come.
It may bring the technology and its credibility a bit more into the limelight if I release a new ZP and say "this is taken directly from NW3", but never the whole pack itself. Many know the pack, so that's not the problem.
But fact is, 99% of people are completely unaware of the actual technology behind the pack (and you are the perfect example of it, 95% of your suggestions are already implemented in NW3).
It's my fault for not providing more info, but the actual NWCoreV3.u package is like a mini-SDK of sorts, with classes for everything when it comes to make new mods, with many aspects of replication already sorted and plenty of features for anyone to do what they want.

And even if they don't want to use the pack, in the ReadMe I state that any developer is free to rip code from it, and I know at least 1 dev that already made so and didn't regret it (he actually still asked).
And I was actually going to use this package alone to build non-NW3 mods from it, like a new improved Siege for example, or new gametypes and a weapon pack I was planning before.

Originally Posted by back4more View Post
somethings maybe you can incorporate into a NW pack is ZP Combo Gib with all the bells and whistles that can't be done effectively atm. CiG is a very addictive gametype and very popular. However the ZP alternatives are not the best and require all-sorts of addons in order to perform like admins extension of wormbos original version. Add Grappling to it and shes stepped up another level , combine your Xloc and its moving forwards again.
Someone already requested something like this. I might modify my own Super Bolt Rifle to have combo abilities just like its normal Bolt Rifle counterpart for the final release.

Originally Posted by back4more View Post
Now heres something interesting , NewNet is based on Pure (net code) I think.. and what sets it aside is that it not only compensates for weapons ... but also for player movement.. <-- that is something that ZP does not do..
ZP is only concerning the weapons themselves. Player movement is tricky, and UEngine always handled it the same way (you move on your own, and the server updates on your input, and if you're too off at some from the server version, it corrects you, thus when having a big lag there's teleporting and glitching everywhere).
Probably NewNet is doing things the other way around: it trusts the player moves and checks his ping to check the likelyhood of his position, but this is just a wild guess as I never looked into its code nor tried it myself yet.

Originally Posted by back4more View Post
and as always , keep up the great work. You have done well indeed.
Thanks. The final version of this mod will be my final one of all though, from there is up to someone to use the mod, or the code and resources in it to build something new (heck, I might even release the source of it ).

Nali Weapons 3 | Community UT mods

Last edited by Feralidragon : 25th January, 2013 at 02:08 PM.
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