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Unread 31st March, 2013, 11:16 PM
SoNY_scarface SoNY_scarface is offline
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Default @CowBoy RE SMARTDM

Can you fix these accessed none errors please?

ScriptWarning: SmartDMPlayerReplicationInfo DM-Deck16][.SmartDMPlayerReplicationInfo0 (Function SmartDM0905.SmartDMPlayerReplicationInfo.Timer:019 C) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: SmartDMPlayerReplicationInfo DM-Deck16][.SmartDMPlayerReplicationInfo0 (Function SmartDM0905.SmartDMPlayerReplicationInfo.Timer:019 C) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: SmartDMPlayerReplicationInfo DM-Deck16][.SmartDMPlayerReplicationInfo0 (Function SmartDM0905.SmartDMPlayerReplicationInfo.Timer:019 C) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: SmartDMPlayerReplicationInfo DM-Deck16][.SmartDMPlayerReplicationInfo0 (Function SmartDM0905.SmartDMPlayerReplicationInfo.Timer:019 C) Accessed None

If not hand over source maybe so we can?

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Unread 1st April, 2013, 01:30 AM
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yo S0ny,

is the Seige Ultimate SB for SmartDM?

if so , would I be able to get a copy please?

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Unread 1st April, 2013, 03:41 AM
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Originally Posted by SoNY_scarface View Post
If not hand over source ...
It is open source.
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Originally Posted by Wormbo
You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO. Sure, without the source code the package is smaller, but let's be honest - text compresses well, so the difference isn't really noticeable for redirected downloads.
Originally Posted by Feralidragon
Trial and error is sometimes better than any tutorial, because we learn how it works for ourselfs, which kills any doubts about anything
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Unread 1st April, 2013, 03:43 AM
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I've seen access nones from smartctf that are similar to that.
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Unread 1st April, 2013, 07:41 AM
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Hey hey Cow_Boy

Wondering .. you know the scores that ATB (AutoTeamBalance) Generates.. Just wondering if they can be incorporated into the SmartDM/CTF Scoreboards ?

and how hard that would be?

Wicked to see youre still around Bro

Was just an idea I come up with , like display players score next to there name or something..

also , where can I find some info on how to make custom Scoreboards for this bro?


Last edited by back4more : 1st April, 2013 at 07:46 AM.
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Unread 1st April, 2013, 10:06 AM
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Originally Posted by back4more View Post
Wondering .. you know the scores that ATB (AutoTeamBalance) Generates.. Just wondering if they can be incorporated into the SmartDM/CTF Scoreboards ?
Yup they can be incorporated into smartDM/CTF and it shouldnt be hard at all (besides making a smartscoreboard which shows those stats).

Originally Posted by back4more View Post
also , where can I find some info on how to make custom Scoreboards for this bro?
AFAIK, there are no tutorials for making a scoreboard, but one can learn from the code provided by the epic and some (nah.. kidding), a lot of experience.
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Originally Posted by Wormbo
You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO. Sure, without the source code the package is smaller, but let's be honest - text compresses well, so the difference isn't really noticeable for redirected downloads.
Originally Posted by Feralidragon
Trial and error is sometimes better than any tutorial, because we learn how it works for ourselfs, which kills any doubts about anything
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Unread 1st April, 2013, 10:56 AM
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that would be awesome man.. noggie has basically given us the source for ATB.. here;

and has also given us a couple of ideas as to wear to put the 'Kitchen sink' etc.. and changed the copyright to WTFGPL which is awesome.


anyways.. this stats thing , much like nexgen stats.. thing is pretty cool and has stirred quite a bit of interest..

I especially like the way it can either collect stats from gametype or mutator chain.. as we can diversify it for each gametype on a multiserver.

however I have some better ideas I think in order to make it work more efficiently .. for example combining it with mapvoteLA Prefixes.. and using them as the gametype selector instead of mutator chain.

^ why I say this is because , if I add a new mutator to the chain or remove it then all stats are gone.. :\

also theres the customisation of the output of the stats header.. currently only detects GameTypes.. which is kinda .. boring , esp if we have multiple GameStyles for each GameType.


"Botpack.CTFGame" + Normal CTF
"Botpack.CTFGame" + InstaGib
"Botpack.CTFGame" + Combo InstaGib


would be cool to be able to customise the stats Headings for each individual GameStyle based on Prefix or something.

Also Scores hopefully expand the stats window div as they get bigger in terms of digits.. atm it can fit XXXX Digits.. but what happens when players get to XXXXXXX digits?

other thing is trying to find the cmd for getting the current ATB Scroeboard to pop out.. Noggie give us a bogus console cmd which equates to nothing.

"mutate highscores" = Ziltch.. Thinking of havign a look through the code and seeing what the actual cmd is..

anyways all kinds of exciting things can be made to cater for the next 10 years if you are kean bro

I like the nexgen stats thing where you could configure it to show the top 5 players from like 4-5 different gametypes all in the one window.
was thinking perhaps ... like having 4-6 stats windows sliding in from the left .. like 4-6 columns with stats from all gamestyles on server.. but yer.. not sure.

a scoreboard with descent stats collection and stats scoreboard would be cool. Players seem to like this kinda thing

another Idea I have had is .. some kinda Events Calendar thingy.. which .. based on certain dates in the .ini will popup like those server pics .. some kinda image/animation user defined.

so like we could set mothersday/fathersday/birthdays/events/xmas all sorts.. based on dates in a .ini .. of course this may be kinda tricky as different countries have events on different days.. but this could be interesting..

I have been kinda following Feralis tutorials over at but been little bit busy lately with these servers and stuff..

anyways man GREAT to see you back in here.. and there are only a select few ppl still modding for UT99 .. and hopefully we can have one last crack at reviving UT99 or leaving a long lasting legacy at least for those who come over the next 15 years

also re scoreboard , have had a bit of feedback and players really like Sp0ngebob's one .. as it is smaller.. however .. I am thinking.. I would like to fit a few more players onto it and cater for between 16-20 players max.. perhaps even 32

so Iam thinking 2 columns of between 8/16 names.. actually would be cool if the board grew/shrank depending on the amount of players (doubtful that could happen)

Iam thinking here along the lines of Seige Ultimate which caters for I think 32 entries?

also.. I would like to somehow make the BG Fully Transparent.. like stock UT SB.. I noticed when watching some PUG matches on twitchTV from GlobalUnreal *NEWNET* recently. that they specced players with the stock scoreboard up the whole time.. and although it covers the screen you could still watch players through it.

now if we could have some power over these settings for SmartDM/CTF then this would be really cool

Perhaps.. you could make your own scoring system based on SmartDm/CTF's existing scoring system already in place.And incorporate these idea's into it?
that would be awesome.

instead of cookies.. we could customise the currency as such.. like dollars, euro's etc..

also regarding smartDM perhaps if we could combine iDFx's SmartUT (for team based games) into [1] version as it gets messy having now [3] separate SB's for multi-server configurations.. and these other chaps just drift in/out as if ifs a tinny shop or something. Or get stoned and forget what they were doing and end up knitting or something for like months/years..

anyways yes.. these are my most recent idea's...

I know ut-stats is pretty awesome .. but tbh I reckon having a descent stats system which is controlled via server independant of webserver is the way to go... I always dread setting up ut-stats and stuff.. when building servers.. and dislike the way it works personally.

Last edited by back4more : 1st April, 2013 at 11:16 AM.
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Unread 1st April, 2013, 08:45 PM
SoNY_scarface SoNY_scarface is offline
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Originally Posted by back4more View Post
yo S0ny,

is the Seige Ultimate SB for SmartDM?

if so , would I be able to get a copy please?

Hi BFM siegeultimate SB is actually within siege, not separate. I opened a DM server recently and it is just hundereds of line of spammm

Originally Posted by The_Cowboy View Post
It is open source.
I guess I should have worded it better. Is it ok to amend your SB?

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Unread 2nd April, 2013, 01:27 AM
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Originally Posted by SoNY_scarface View Post
Is it ok to amend your SB?
Yes. You are welcome.
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Originally Posted by Wormbo
You learn UnrealScript mainly by reading other people's code. Removing code without an important reason (download size reduction and lack of helpfulness are not important in that sense) is extremely antisocial IMHO. Sure, without the source code the package is smaller, but let's be honest - text compresses well, so the difference isn't really noticeable for redirected downloads.
Originally Posted by Feralidragon
Trial and error is sometimes better than any tutorial, because we learn how it works for ourselfs, which kills any doubts about anything
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Unread 2nd April, 2013, 02:00 AM
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ahh yep have recently opened up the smartDM scoreboard to see what I can do in there .. Be A Good Learning Curve.

Also Sp0ngeb0b has a cool ScoreBoard which only displays currently 10 players .. but quite nicely.

Another thing be good to add to these Scoreboards is player counts.. Day / week / month etc

like somewhere have ..

|Individual Player Counts |
| Top 3 Players...        |
| {flag} Player1     2512 |  
| {flag} Player2     2356 |
| {flag} Player3     1500 |
| Players Today = 10      |
| Players This Week = 50  |
| Players This Month = 200|
| Players All-Time = 5267 |
to make stats etc better ie; ATB Stats we need to somehow incorporate the ACE Hash which would help with individual users from LAN/WAN(S) etc.


Last edited by back4more : 2nd April, 2013 at 02:09 AM.
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Unread 2nd April, 2013, 03:54 AM
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just thinking_aloud here Cow_Boy about a new stats thinggy..

how about allowing admins choose how many points for different gametypes players get..

so like;


Points per



so if player[x] gets 5 frags , suicides x 2 & headshots 5 then his score would be;

Player[x]=12 (points) for round.

now.. if there was someway of .. doing it so that if the player left / came back in the same round the points would remain.
and global stats would update even if he left after 1/2 match.. didn't matter..
I think ATB does not keep track of stats for players that join midway and/or leave midway .. which makes it .. a bit different.

combine this kinda thing with individual listings on pop in/out stats thing with customisable titles .. like ;

Top %GameType% Players

^ Defined in .ini also..


etc.. ?

not sure if anyone follows what Iam on about here.. ^^

I notice with smartUT that it gives points for various things during TDM games..

and Like think I mentioned to you .. about having one universal Stats System which caters for DM/TDM/CTF all combined would lower resources perhaps needed for servers?

instead of having different actors for each one?

I know this is a big ask and probably *not realistic* but just a sugestion I guess.. for an all round combined answer to 10 different mods for 1 single purpose.
in saying this I mean combining ATB,SmartDM, SmartUT,SmartCTF,Ressurector/Scoresave all into one complete package called GloablUTStats or something..

anyone interested in giving this a blast?

Big Project .. I guess. ?

Last edited by back4more : 2nd April, 2013 at 04:05 AM. Reason: updated..
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Unread 7th June, 2013, 02:32 AM
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yo CB , clear your inbox bro , someone needs to extend the quota for mailbox's here its miniscule to say the least.


also.. on toppic of SmartDM ,

is anyone here capable / willing to build a GUI interface which allows for making custom Scoreboards for SmartDM?
some kind of drag n drop interface which outputs a compiled board for use on Servers.

Last edited by back4more : 7th June, 2013 at 02:33 AM. Reason: ..didn't think so.. forget that .. cheers.
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Unread 7th June, 2013, 04:16 AM
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Sounds dreamy to me. I've recently been diving into the scoreboard code as of late and have learned quite a bit. Its just as complex as the next mod but you have to use other external tools at times.

A drag and drop is highly unlikely for this type of project me thinks.
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