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Unread 27th October, 2004, 10:43 PM
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QVal is a package checker and not really a hook blocker tbh
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Unread 28th October, 2004, 01:42 AM
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Only the latest version has hook detection capability but it's been a while since there were any updates. Anyway, kudos to ProfessorQ for inspiring Troublesome to make UTDC .
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And that's probably why UTIII was a relative flop. New game, same sh*thead players ^^.
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Unread 13th December, 2004, 08:34 PM
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Default Qval for LINUX clients?

Hi, one simple question to the experts:

I've heard a lot about the Qval 111, and I would install this tool on our LINUX based servers.
But is it then possible for a LINUX client to connect the server and play a (client- server- validated) UT?

I'm a little afraid because of the client- .dll.

If that is not possible, does anybody know the state of development for converting the .dll to LINUX? Is ProfQ still on that issue?

If there is no work in progress, it is possible to use Qval(or other tools) to switch between clients:
A detected WinClient will be validated and a LINUX client not?

Would be great if someone let me know his/her thoughts.
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Unread 13th December, 2004, 10:00 PM
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It's been a while since QValidate was updated. However, it's inspired a similar project by the name of UTDC which allows access to clients from any platform (Windows, Linux & MacOS).
How to feck up a perfectly good game:
UT (1999) = UnbelievableGameSoCoolIMustHelpBringNewPlayers Tournament
UT (2008) = Unreal ThrustMyPrivatePartsInYourFaceBish

And that's probably why UTIII was a relative flop. New game, same sh*thead players ^^.
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Unread 13th December, 2004, 10:30 PM
Troublesome Troublesome is offline
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well i wouldnt call them similar since QValidate is a package checker and utdc is not
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Unread 13th December, 2004, 10:40 PM
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Azura Azura is offline
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True, but QV's last versions did do some checks for the early hooks and you reproduced the downloading mecanism for the dll .
How to feck up a perfectly good game:
UT (1999) = UnbelievableGameSoCoolIMustHelpBringNewPlayers Tournament
UT (2008) = Unreal ThrustMyPrivatePartsInYourFaceBish

And that's probably why UTIII was a relative flop. New game, same sh*thead players ^^.
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Unread 14th December, 2004, 06:37 PM
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Well, thanks for your informative answer.

I'll try UTDC on our test server first, hope all runs fine then.

Best Regards
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