I am running the UT3 dedicated 2.1 (patch 2.1 came out a few days ago) under Slackware 12.2. I have tried joining games inside the LAN and works fine.
My next step was to add the
webadmin package. I have installed it successfully, set bEnable=True and used my custom (non-priviledged) port. Here is my UTWeb.ini:
Problem is I keep recieving the message that I must enable bEnabled:
ScriptLog: Webserver is not enabled. Set bEnabled to True in Advanced Options.
ScriptLog: Destroying WebServer
To make sure I haven't done anything wrong, I rsync'ed the whole UT3 directory in a Debian Squeeze box, and the webadmin UI runs fine:
ScriptLog: Web Server Created Port: 8001 MaxCon 18 ExpirationSecs 86400 Enabled True
Log: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\UTGame\Localization/int/WebAdmin.int
WebAdmin: Starting UT3 WebAdmin v1.12 - 2009-03-09 21:20:43 +0000
WebAdmin: Creating IWebAdminAuth instance from: BasicWebAdminAuth
WebAdmin: Creating ISessionHandler instance from: SessionHandler
WebAdmin: Updating news...
WebAdmin: Unable to find query handler class: WebAdmin.WebAdminSystemSettings
So to sum it, the exact same settings run on Squeeze but not on Slackware.
First I tried to open all ports, and disabled any services I could (httpd, gpm, acpid, sshd, etc). No luck. Next I tried an older version of webadmin (a stable one, just older), but again, nothing.
How can I make webadmin work on Slackware?