The boys at CSHP have done it again!
Not content with releasing a non-publicly beaten Pure they've released a new
version with added features:
Fixed: Hopefully the kick on minimize bug is gone forever...
Added: This release is using some kind of alien technology to try to
reduce the bandwidth requirements UT has!
![<img src=]()
" alt="

" src="http://www.unrealadmin.org/modules/Forums/images/smiles/biggrin.gif" border="0" width="20" height="20">
Thanks to Mongo for providing me with the info needed.
Added: The old UDP Server Query from CSHP has been put back into the
Package. Read the PureIpServer.txt for more info!
Added: Hit Sounds. When you hit another player, you can now hear a sound!
Must be enabled by server admin.
As always you can find the latest version in the downloads section along with
the update Max "Fix" for UTPure
![<img src=]()
" alt="

" src="http://www.unrealadmin.org/modules/Forums/images/smiles/thumb.gif" border="0" width="25" height="18">
Source: http://www.midnightinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php3?s=&threadid=936