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Unread 24th October, 2007, 04:18 PM
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Thumbs down Aimbot

Was Playing on Multiplay server today and the 1st aimbot already enterd
His name was " I'm not cheating " Unbelievable taunting and already fekking up the game
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Unread 24th October, 2007, 05:10 PM
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and what's new ? if people are challenged to write aimbots for 8 yrs old UT...
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Unread 24th October, 2007, 11:31 PM
Piglet Piglet is offline
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UT3 isn't 8 years old yet.

The first aimbot was spotted within a couple of hours of the demo being released, which doesn't bode well for the game or the engine for that matter
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 12:01 AM
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There's a speed hack I saw on my server as well... Dude played under the ever-so-appropriate nick, "the_flash"...

Apparently most of the new security gizmos are left out of the demo, so life might get a little better at release.
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 01:09 AM
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They had cheats out 1 day after the demo was released.

Big suprise. Lets hope epic has something up their sleeves for the full version.
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 04:56 AM
Neabit Neabit is offline
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Anticheat per designe take time and money but all folks out there buy it also without them therefore epic won't spend it.

demo and fullversion use just the same network engine (maybe with some little adjustments) therefore i guess it is useless to hope at better anticheat funktions for the fullversion.
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 09:27 AM
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Wormbo View Post
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 01:27 PM
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I myself think that Epic Can't do shit or won't. Lucky we have our own admin forum coders to stop the assholes
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 01:39 PM
adminthis adminthis is offline
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Hmm.. not so sure there SixtSense. Epic has been actively stopping websites from publishing cheats (aimbots, radars etc.). MPC is on example of that.
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 01:46 PM
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... the same people who bitch about people using cheats are sometimes also the same people downloading pirate music/software .....

what i try to say ... it will never stop, cheaters will always be one step ahead.

Having that said it must realy be a kick in the balls for Epic to have their engine beated that fast. But i realy don't think they care that much, they will make a fortune at this game and just move on to the next.

Now i have this one question to those asdmins who have had cheaters at their server already: how can you prove they cheated? what scan utility did you use? or is it just a matter of personal judgement?
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 02:48 PM
Mc.Gugi Mc.Gugi is offline
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well, if you have the same possibilites to code anti-cheats like in UT2004 all anti's will loose the war.
The first bot is already a native one (and so is the new Helios-Framework I believe) and it is impossible to detect those in UT2004 (except checking the prefetch folder of course).
Unreal Dependencies: UnrealDeps (Updated: 20.04.11)
Check dependencies of unreal packages; uz, uz2, uz3 standalone compression/decompression

A multifunctional UT2004 mutator: Clan Manager 1h 6T (Updated 04.07.09)
(Clanmember-/Admin-enter-messages, Clantag-Protection, Clanchat, Player-Logging, AFK-Detector, WhoIs, "second" private server to keep non-clanmembers out and much more.) Source included.

Check client screenshots for cheats (an UT2004-Mutator): Screenshot Sender (Updated: 27.11.08)
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 03:19 PM is offline
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Its simple the Anti cheats have to use the same Strategies as the cheat writers. A good anti cheat needs to have full access to the operating system. either this will be Windows only or some Virtual Machine.

Best would be if the UT3 Engine would make it hard to access their code, however that is difficult, and its impossible to make it completely shut as long you have full control over your hard and software

only want to mention : Trusted Computing

Who told lately, most anti-cheat tools don't do more than anti-virus tools: Searching for signatures of known cheats.

And the real big problem is, you can earn money with cheats, but you can't with anti cheat tools.
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 03:43 PM
dodgethis dodgethis is offline
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Originally Posted by adminthis View Post
Hmm.. not so sure there SixtSense. Epic has been actively stopping websites from publishing cheats (aimbots, radars etc.). MPC is on example of that.
MPC only holds the scriptkiddie shit, the major cheating websites are still up and running. (UTCheats, ArtificialAiming, DD/ELF/D2) And EPIC will fail to shut these down because they, and their lawyers have been banned by hostname/ip range. (Heard this from a trustworthy source)
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 03:44 PM
dodgethis dodgethis is offline
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Originally Posted by dodgethis View Post
MPC only holds the scriptkiddie shit, the major cheating websites are still up and running. (UTCheats, ArtificialAiming, DD/ELF/D2) And EPIC will fail to shut these down because they, and their lawyers have been banned by hostname/ip range. (Heard this from a trustworthy source)
btw, Mc.Gugi you can actually detect a few hooks with UScript. A friend of me has done this in his testing in the past.
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 05:44 PM
Mc.Gugi Mc.Gugi is offline
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yeah, I have detected some possiblilites, too. But:
1. This isn't the rule for every hack
2. You need a different algorithm for every hack -> too slow for many hacks.
3. The cheat-coders will only change a few lines in their code and you need another algorithm

Thus I don't see a real chance to detect native hacks from out of UScript.
Unreal Dependencies: UnrealDeps (Updated: 20.04.11)
Check dependencies of unreal packages; uz, uz2, uz3 standalone compression/decompression

A multifunctional UT2004 mutator: Clan Manager 1h 6T (Updated 04.07.09)
(Clanmember-/Admin-enter-messages, Clantag-Protection, Clanchat, Player-Logging, AFK-Detector, WhoIs, "second" private server to keep non-clanmembers out and much more.) Source included.

Check client screenshots for cheats (an UT2004-Mutator): Screenshot Sender (Updated: 27.11.08)
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 06:20 PM
Shambler Shambler is offline
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It's not surprising that there are already cheats really; there have been plenty of UE3 games released before the UT3 demo which the cheat coders have had plenty of time to examine and (as mentioned above) the cheat protection is most likely being saved for the full game.

As for what to expect with regards to cheat protections, well...just have to wait and see really, but I don't expect to see many community written ones this time around because UScript really isn't a good base for any cheat protection (it may be used to catch a few cheats out but wont be effective in the long run).

Last edited by Shambler : 25th October, 2007 at 06:24 PM.
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 06:26 PM
dodgethis dodgethis is offline
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Originally Posted by Mc.Gugi View Post
yeah, I have detected some possiblilites, too. But:
1. This isn't the rule for every hack
2. You need a different algorithm for every hack -> too slow for many hacks.
3. The cheat-coders will only change a few lines in their code and you need another algorithm

Thus I don't see a real chance to detect native hacks from out of UScript.
My friend found a method to detect the render hooks from UScript, not by checking for signatures and such, but by looking at the execution time of certain functions. It caused a couple of false positives, but caught a lot of cheats as well. (Native ones)

PS: You can combine UScript with C#/C++ as well and use that as a base to catch cheats, this is what UTDC for UT99 does. And if there's the problem about having no native SDK, you can generate this yourself. (Altough EPIC will not really like this, but when kept privatly and only used for good purposes of writing anti-cheats I think they will allow you to.)
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 06:28 PM
TheWatcher TheWatcher is offline
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Originally Posted by Mc.Gugi View Post
Thus I don't see a real chance to detect native hacks from out of UScript.
if a player get 9999 fph i do not think it is a problem to detect this in unrealscript ^^.
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Unread 25th October, 2007, 09:42 PM
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the only way to keep up with cheating is to get every cheat ever made and hand it over to those who knows how to make a program to scan for it.

It is if not stupid then naive to think you can make a cheat protection upfront. Just like antiviruses you need to know what to look for to stop it. And once a new anticheat software update is released here at this very forum, the vheat programmers just look at the changes and knows exactly what to change to bypass them.

So why do you turn to Epic for this cheat protection? If they are to provide us with continously updated cheat protection they will have to charge us just like Symantec and the others do. That would be the best way to stay "protected", but are you willing to pay what they will charge?
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