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Unread 21st September, 2013, 10:16 AM
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Chamberly Chamberly is offline
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Default UTPureRC7G vs BT's CP?

Not sure if this has been reported, someone did tell me there was some odd going on between UTPure and the CP. I went ahead to give it a try.

So, I got UTPureRC7G on the BT server. So, when I set a cp, suicide/died couple of time, I'm spawning in different direction than what I've set the cp for.

Can't seem to find any info about this yet (or fix, updated cp mod, etc.) so I thought maybe someone would know about it.

Thx for reading on this.
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Unread 22nd September, 2013, 09:13 AM
SoNY_scarface SoNY_scarface is offline
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 1,726

Why would you run pure on a BT server anyway?

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