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Unread 31st January, 2021, 11:40 AM
Piter Piter is offline
Forum Newcomer
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 12
Default 469a and ACE v1.1f - v1.2e crash

Got problem running ACE 11f and 12e after server upgrade to 469a.

Server crashes with - Critical: Can't bind to native class ACEv12e_S.ACENICHelper

Logs below ( 11f and 12e )

469 - 11f
Log: Log file open, Sun Jan 31 10:06:48 2021
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Version: 469
Init: Compiled: Sep 22 2020 04:05:50
Init: Command line: DM-Deck16][?game=Botpack.TeamGamePlus?mutator=MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote multihome= -nohomedir ini=server.ini log=ucc-UEL.log
Init: Base directory:
Init: Character set: Unicode
Log: Bound to
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Init: OS: Unix
Init: CPU Detected: PentiumPro-class processor (GenuineIntel)
Init: Timer Frequency=-19086.828320 MHz - Timing Source = gettimeofday
Log: Bound to
Log: =======================================
Log: ucc.exe: UnrealOS execution environment
Log: Copyright 1999 Epic Games Inc
Log: =======================================
Log: Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Init: Unreal engine initialized
Log: Browse: DM-Deck16][?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.TeamGamePlus?mutator=MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote
Log: LoadMap: DM-Deck16][?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.TeamGamePlus?mutator=MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote
Log: Bound to
Log: Bound to
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 17200->17200; refs: 239492
Log: Game class is 'TeamGamePlus'
Init: Sockets: Socket queue 262144 / 262144
DevNet: TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Log: Server Package: SoldierSkins
Log: Server Package: CommandoSkins
Log: Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Log: Server Package: SGirlSkins
Log: Server Package: BossSkins
Log: Server Package: Botpack
Log: Server Package: UTPureRC7G
Log: Bound to
Log: Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Log: Server Package: AntiTweakV52
Log: Server Package: SmartCTF_4D
Log: Server Package: MODOSUtilsV30
Log: Server Package: ZPPure7G
Log: Server Package: BP1Handler7G
Log: Server Package: BP4Handler7G
Log: Server Package: NPLoader_v18b
Log: Server Package: NPLoaderLLU_v18b
Log: Server Package: NPLoaderLLD_v18b
Log: Server Package: NPLoaderLLS_v18b
Log: Server Package: NPLoaderLLDL_v18b
Log: Server Package: ACEv11f_Cdll
Log: Server Package: IACEv11
Log: Server Package: ACEv11f_C
Log: MD5 protection enabled: FALSE
Log: Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: UWeb.Webserver
Log: Spawning: SuperWebAdmin.SWAServer
Log: Spawning: NPLoader_v18b.NPLActor
Log: Spawning: UTPureRC7G.UTPureSA
Log: Spawning: MonsterAnnouncer.MA_ServerActor
Log: Spawning: MvReporter2.MvReporter
Log: Spawning: SmartCTF_4D.SmartCTFServerActor
Log: Spawning: ACEv11f_S.ACEActor
Critical: appError called:
Critical: Can't bind to native class ACEv11f_S.ACENICHelper
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Critical: Error reentered: Throwing C++ exception for error logging
Critical: Error reentered: Assertion failed: GObjBeginLoadCount>0 [File:/home/stijn/utpg/Core/Src/UnObj.cpp] [Line: 3055]
Warning: Throwing C++ exception for error logging
Critical: Error reentered: Throwing C++ exception for error logging
Exit: Exiting.
Log: Log file closed, Sun Jan 31 10:06:53 2021


Log: Log file open, Sun Jan 31 10:12:29 2021
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Version: 469
Init: Compiled: Sep 22 2020 04:05:50
Init: Command line: DM-Deck16][?game=Botpack.TeamGamePlus?mutator=MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote multihome= -nohomedir ini=server.ini log=ucc-UEL.log
Init: Base directory:
Init: Character set: Unicode
Log: Bound to
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Init: OS: Unix
Init: CPU Detected: PentiumPro-class processor (GenuineIntel)
Init: Timer Frequency=2400.063015 MHz - Timing Source = gettimeofday
Log: Bound to
Log: =======================================
Log: ucc.exe: UnrealOS execution environment
Log: Copyright 1999 Epic Games Inc
Log: =======================================
Log: Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Init: Unreal engine initialized
Log: Browse: DM-Deck16][?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.TeamGamePlus?mutator=MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote
Log: LoadMap: DM-Deck16][?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.TeamGamePlus?mutator=MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote
Log: Bound to
Log: Bound to
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 17200->17200; refs: 239492
Log: Game class is 'TeamGamePlus'
Init: Sockets: Socket queue 262144 / 262144
DevNet: TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Log: Server Package: SoldierSkins
Log: Server Package: CommandoSkins
Log: Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Log: Server Package: SGirlSkins
Log: Server Package: BossSkins
Log: Server Package: Botpack
Log: Server Package: UTPureRC7G
Log: Bound to
Log: Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Log: Server Package: AntiTweakV52
Log: Server Package: SmartCTF_4D
Log: Server Package: MODOSUtilsV30
Log: Server Package: ZPPure7G
Log: Server Package: BP1Handler7G
Log: Server Package: BP4Handler7G
Log: MD5 protection enabled: FALSE
Log: Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: UWeb.Webserver
Log: Spawning: SuperWebAdmin.SWAServer
Log: Spawning: UTPureRC7G.UTPureSA
Log: Spawning: MonsterAnnouncer.MA_ServerActor
Log: Spawning: MvReporter2.MvReporter
Log: Spawning: SmartCTF_4D.SmartCTFServerActor
Log: Spawning: NPLoader_v19b.NPLActor
Log: Bringing Level DM-Deck16][.MyLevel up for play (60)...
ScriptLog: InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.TeamGamePlus?mutator=MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is DM-Deck16][.DMMutator0
ScriptLog: Mutators MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote
ScriptLog: Add mutator MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote
MapVoteLA: Execute default Setting: MaxPlayers=8. Property: MaxPlayers. Value: 8
MapVoteLA: Execute default Setting: Timelimit=20. Property: Timelimit. Value: 20
MapVoteLA: Execute default Setting: Fraglimit=0. Property: Fraglimit. Value: 0
MapVoteLA: Execute default Setting: bTournament=True. Property: bTournament. Value: True
MapVoteLA: Execute default Setting: MaxSpectators=2. Property: MaxSpectators. Value: 2
MapVoteLA: Execute default Setting: bPlayersBalanceTeams=False. Property: bPlayersBalanceTeams. Value: False
MapVoteLA: Execute default Setting: bWeaponStay=false. Property: bWeaponStay. Value: false
MapVoteLA: Execute default Setting: MinPlayers=0. Property: MinPlayers. Value: 0
MapVoteLA: StartMutator: NoInvisibility.NoInvisibility
MapVoteLA: StartMutator: NoUDamage.NoUDamage
MapVoteLA: StartMutator: MODOSUtilsV30.MODOSSBServerActor
MapVoteLA: StartMutator: BotPack.NoRedeemer
MapVoteLA: Execute Setting: MaxPlayers=2. Property: MaxPlayers. Value: 2
MapVoteLA: Execute Setting: Timelimit=10. Property: Timelimit. Value: 10
MapVoteLA: Execute Setting: bPlayersBalanceTeams=True. Property: bPlayersBalanceTeams. Value: True
ScriptLog: UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7778 successfully bound.
Log: Resolving
Log: Resolving
Log: Resolving
ScriptLog: MvReporter2: IRC Reporter v2.0-06/2006 ladowanie...
ScriptLog: MvReporter2: Trwa nawiazywanie polaczenia...
ScriptLog: MvReporter2: Created new UserIdent: mvr48203
Log: Resolving
ScriptLog: MvReporter2: Zainicjalizowano Moda
Warning: Failed to load 'AdvWebAdmin': Can't find file for package 'AdvWebAdmin'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class AdvWebAdmin.AdvServerAdmin': Can't find file for package 'AdvWebAdmin'
Warning: Failed to load 'AdvWebAdmin': Can't find file for package 'AdvWebAdmin'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class AdvWebAdmin.AdvImageServer': Can't find file for package 'AdvWebAdmin'
ScriptLog: +=============================+
ScriptLog: |     SUPER WEBADMIN 0.97c    |
ScriptLog: | Author: Rush([email protected]) |
ScriptLog: |    Running at port: 65432   |
ScriptLog: +-----------------------------+
ScriptLog: SWA: Spawning OPBan ...
ScriptLog: OPBan: OP's ban list extender V0.7 loading...
ScriptLog: OPBan: Cleaning Bans (249 max)
ScriptLog: OPBan: Adjustin Bans (248 max) Days: True, Maps: True
ScriptLog: SWA: Apps compatibility(MvReporter2)
UTPure: ###############################
UTPure: #          UTPure             #
UTPure: #       ver 1.0.RC7G          #
UTPure: ###############################
UTPure:  Protection is Active!
UTPure: ###############################
MonsterAnnouncer10: Starting MonsterAnnouncer!
ScriptLog: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
ScriptLog: |                        Native Plugin Loader v1.9b                       |
ScriptLog: |                          (c) 2008-2009 AnthraX                          |
ScriptLog: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
ScriptLog: | Auto Added ServerPackage: NPLoader_v19b                                 |
ScriptLog: | Auto Added ServerPackage: NPLoaderLLU_v18b                              |
ScriptLog: | Auto Added ServerPackage: NPLoaderLLD_v18b                              |
ScriptLog: | Auto Added ServerPackage: NPLoaderLLS_v18b                              |
ScriptLog: | Auto Added ServerPackage: NPLoaderLLDL_v18b                             |
ScriptLog: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
ScriptLog: | NPLoader has found a new NPLoader mod in your system folder:            |
ScriptLog: | - InfoClass: ACEv12e_S.ACEInfo                                          |
ScriptLog: | - Mod Name : ACEv12e                                                    |
ScriptLog: | - Mod Desc : AntiCheatEngine for Unreal Engine 1                        |
ScriptLog: | - Installing...                                                         |
ScriptLog: | - Mod installation complete!                                            |
ScriptLog: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
ScriptLog: | NPLoader has found a new NPLoader mod in your system folder:            |
ScriptLog: | - InfoClass: ACEv11f_S.ACEInfo                                          |
ScriptLog: | This mod can not be installed because of a conflict:                    |
ScriptLog: | - Conflicting Mod: ACEv12e_S.ACEInfo (ACEv12e)                          |
ScriptLog: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
ScriptLog: | Fixing Installation for mod:                                            |
ScriptLog: | - Mod Name: ACEv12e                                                     |
ScriptLog: | - Mod Desc: AntiCheatEngine for Unreal Engine 1                         |
ScriptLog: | Auto Added ServerPackage: ACEv12e_Cdll                                  |
ScriptLog: | Auto Added ServerActor: ACEv12e_S.ACEActor                              |
ScriptLog: | Auto Added ServerActor: ACEv12e_EH.ACEEventActor                        |
ScriptLog: | Auto Added ServerPackage: IACEv12                                       |
ScriptLog: | Auto Added ServerPackage: ACEv12e_C                                     |
ScriptLog: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
ScriptLog: | NrOfPackages = 1                                                        |
ScriptLog: | NPLoader has changed the server settings.                               |
ScriptLog: | The server will now reboot.                                             |
ScriptLog: ProcessServerTravel: DM-Deck16][
ScriptLog: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Init: Game engine initialized
Log: Resolved (
ScriptLog: UdpServerUplink: Master Server is
ScriptLog: UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Log: AInternetLink Resolve failed: Can't find host (HOST_NOT_FOUND)
ScriptLog: UdpServerUplink: Failed to resolve master server address, aborting.
Log: Resolved (
ScriptLog: UdpServerUplink: Master Server is
ScriptLog: UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Log: Resolved (
ScriptLog: MvReporter2: Successfully resolved Server IP Address...
ScriptLog: MvReporter2: Link to IRC Server opened...
ScriptLog: MvReporter2: Switching state to 'LoggedIn'
ScriptLog: MvReporter2: Joining Channel:
ScriptLog: MvReporter2: Successfully logged in to IRC Network!
Log: Server switch level: DM-Deck16][
Log: Browse: DM-Deck16][?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.TeamGamePlus?mutator=MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote
Log: LoadMap: DM-Deck16][?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.TeamGamePlus?mutator=MapVoteLA13.BDBMapVote
Exit: WinSock shut down
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Unloading: Package SoldierSkins
Log: Unloading: Package CommandoSkins
Log: Unloading: Package FCommandoSkins
Log: Unloading: Package SGirlSkins
Log: Unloading: Package BossSkins
Log: Unloading: Package UTPureRC7G
Log: Unloading: Package UTMenu
Log: Unloading: Package LadderSounds
Log: Unloading: Package UTServerAdmin
Log: Unloading: Package IpServer
Log: Unloading: Package LadrArrow
Log: Unloading: Package MapVoteLA13
Log: Unloading: Package AntiTweakV52
Log: Unloading: Package SmartCTF_4D
Log: Unloading: Package ZPPure7G
Log: Unloading: Package BP1Handler7G
Log: Unloading: Package Multimesh
Log: Unloading: Package EpicCustomModels
Log: Unloading: Package BP4Handler7G
Log: Unloading: Package SkeletalChars
Log: Unloading: Package SuperWebAdmin
Log: Unloading: Package MonsterAnnouncer
Log: Unloading: Package MvReporter2
Log: Unloading: Package NPLoader_v19b
Log: Unloading: Package NoInvisibility
Log: Unloading: Package NoUDamage
Log: Unloading: Package ACEv12e_S
Log: Unloading: Package IACEv12
Log: Unloading: Package ACEv12e_C
Log: Unloading: Package ACEv11f_S
Log: Unloading: Package IACEv11
Log: Unloading: Package ACEv11f_C
Log: Garbage: objects: 30833->18209; refs: 254295
Log: Game class is 'TeamGamePlus'
Init: Sockets: Socket queue 262144 / 262144
DevNet: TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Log: Server Package: SoldierSkins
Log: Server Package: CommandoSkins
Log: Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Log: Server Package: SGirlSkins
Log: Server Package: BossSkins
Log: Server Package: Botpack
Log: Server Package: UTPureRC7G
Log: Server Package: MapVoteLA13
Log: Server Package: AntiTweakV52
Log: Server Package: SmartCTF_4D
Log: Server Package: MODOSUtilsV30
Log: Server Package: ZPPure7G
Log: Server Package: BP1Handler7G
Log: Server Package: BP4Handler7G
Log: Server Package: NPLoader_v19b
Log: Server Package: NPLoaderLLU_v18b
Log: Server Package: NPLoaderLLD_v18b
Log: Server Package: NPLoaderLLS_v18b
Log: Server Package: NPLoaderLLDL_v18b
Log: Server Package: ACEv12e_Cdll
Log: Server Package: IACEv12
Log: Server Package: ACEv12e_C
Log: MD5 protection enabled: FALSE
Log: Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: UWeb.Webserver
Log: Spawning: SuperWebAdmin.SWAServer
Log: Spawning: UTPureRC7G.UTPureSA
Log: Spawning: MonsterAnnouncer.MA_ServerActor
Log: Spawning: MvReporter2.MvReporter
Log: Spawning: SmartCTF_4D.SmartCTFServerActor
Log: Spawning: NPLoader_v19b.NPLActor
Log: Spawning: ACEv12e_S.ACEActor
Critical: appError called:
Critical: Can't bind to native class ACEv12e_S.ACENICHelper
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Critical: Error reentered: Throwing C++ exception for error logging
Critical: Error reentered: Assertion failed: GObjBeginLoadCount>0 [File:/home/stijn/utpg/Core/Src/UnObj.cpp] [Line: 3055]
Warning: Throwing C++ exception for error logging
Critical: Error reentered: Throwing C++ exception for error logging
Exit: Exiting.
Log: Log file closed, Sun Jan 31 10:12:35 2021
Any idea how to fix this issue ?
Server is running on Ubuntu 18.04 without root.
Silesia UT'99 -
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Unread 31st January, 2021, 05:36 PM
Piter Piter is offline
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Posts: 12

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Silesia UT'99 -
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Unread 2nd February, 2021, 08:23 AM
medor medor is offline
Holy Shit!!
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