Epic has released details of Beta Patch #3.
This patch can be applied to both a client and a dedicated server.
Patched and non-patched clients and servers should be fully compatible.
There are no known issues with applying this patch on a Beta 1 or Beta 2 patched client/server, but if stability is critical, it's safest to reinstall the retail client/dedicated server prior to installing.
This patch includes all Beta 1 and Beta 2 fixes:
Gameplay:- Fixed scaling of certain player meshes (increased in size some human and robot meshes). Addresses meshes being smaller than collision box, as well as eyeheight issues.
- Fixed feigning death into/through ForcedDirVolumes.
- Fixed grenade effects in water.
- Increased hellbender rear turret damage.
- Reduced Goliath machine gun spread, plus slight damage increase.
- Fixed warfare scoring for locking down a prime node not called "prime node".
- Slightly increased momentum taken for damage by mantas and vipers.
- Flak, Rocket, and Shock do slightly more damage to manta and viper.
- Made sure Hellfire SPMA cannon can't fire through walls.
- Increased incoming SPMA fire sound radius.
- Fixed impact jumping with hoverboard.
- Fixed bot Pawns losing their PRI at the end of the match, causing them to, among other things, be invisible
- Fixed being able to switch away from the rocket launcher in the delay between the third rocket being loaded and the weapon autofiring.
- Fixed weapon crosshair incorrectly turning red when hit enemy on the client, but not on the server.
- Disabled attenuation/spatialization on mission briefing sounds.
AI:- Improved bot AI with darkwalker.
- Tweaked bot voice message frequencies.
- Bot aiming tweaks.
- Fixed bots attacking friendly player in rare cases when that player recently stole an enemy vehicle.
- Fixed bots not handling the "Hold This Position" order correctly when the player giving the order is in a multi-person vehicle.
Read the first reply for more details