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Go Back   The Unreal Admins Page > Forums > Unreal Admins > Unreal Tournament 3 > UT3 Server - Linux Specific

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Unread 26th April, 2008, 06:13 AM
NeToxic NeToxic is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 1
Default Error: Failed to send response packet 101

I've got the following strange problem with my dedicated linux LAN (!) server:

First at all I can connect to it via console, so the main part of the server is working. But it doesn't show up in the LAN-Browser.

When I start a refresh from a client, my server console produces this error:
"Error: Failed to send response packet 101"

So everytime a client wants to check the LAN for servers, this line is produced.

Now the really strange part: this problem only occurs if the server is without any internet connection. When I set up the gateway-adress to my router, the server can be seen in the LAN-browser, the "Error-101-line" doesn't show up and everything seems to work fine.

Here my startup params: ./ut3 server DM-Sentinel?Game=UTGame.UTDuelGame?GameMode=5?Mutator =utcomp3v02c.UTMutator_utcomp3v02c?MaxPlayers=2?Pu reServer=1?AdminPassword=64er?bIsLanMatch=True?bIs Dedicated=True?bShouldAdvertise=True -configsubdir=dedi -log=serverLog.txt -nohomedir -unattended

The system is a SuSE 9.3 Linux, UT-Patch 1.2 (but the problem occurs even with 1.1), WebAdmin 1.1.

Thanks for any help and hint!

Last edited by NeToxic : 26th April, 2008 at 06:15 AM.
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