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18th August, 2010, 06:13 PM
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Location: Lisbon - Portugal
Posts: 170
Nali Weapons 3 Preview
 Well, since I saw there a news subject regarding Nali Weapons II X, here at UnrealAdmin, I thought perhaps it would be better to post about Nali Weapons 3, as they are in development.
This pack should bring a totally new level of quality on weapons making relative to the old pack, and the time expected to finish this pack is about around 3 to 4 months, if everything runs fine (since the main features of the new core are ready and tested).
Preview 2 (includes Nuclear Explosion):
Preview 1:
And 2 screenshots:

As I don't want to fill up the entire news page with the description and screenshots, as that would suck, to know the details and see more screenshots regarding this pack, check here:
Last edited by Feralidragon : 11th June, 2011 at 03:26 AM.

5th September, 2010, 01:38 PM
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22nd September, 2010, 10:24 AM
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Posts: 139
 Our servers and players are ready for it, exxellent work
We wish u succes finishing ure Nali Weapons 3 pack.

24th September, 2010, 12:09 AM
Holy Shit!!
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Location: NextDoor
Posts: 1,908
 nice when / where can we land a copy of this cool looking mod?
just a thought , but will this be compatible with EUT?...
always find may self asking this Question
and Iam watching the Preview now
looks bloody AWESOME!! kean to get this mod on server ASAP 
Last edited by back4more : 24th September, 2010 at 12:30 AM.

24th September, 2010, 01:59 AM
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Originally Posted by back4more
just a thought , but will this be compatible with EUT?...
Im not sure it will be, EUT has a lot of checks for tweaks which include things like udamage texture or various water tweaks - though it should be easy to disable those to make a compatible version
great looking mod btw, cant wait to try it 

24th September, 2010, 02:23 AM
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Originally Posted by LeeBe
Im not sure it will be, EUT has a lot of checks for tweaks which include things like udamage texture or various water tweaks - though it should be easy to disable those to make a compatible version
great looking mod btw, cant wait to try it 
true I did notice that it's code is not obfuscated so maybe some could render us a version which allows for use with mods like this 

24th September, 2010, 10:57 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Lisbon - Portugal
Posts: 170
 Thanks all
Regarding the release, it should come around December to public, and the very first server hosting it will be the Nali Weapons server from Killerbee (that's a guaranteed one), and regarding other servers, it all depends on admins willing to host it or not when I release it (or you can always try it out first on practise session by then, as I am giving all the AI support I can for a good botmatch as well, unlike the previous version).
Regarding EUT compatibility, I have absolutelly no idea at all, however as it seems there are settings to tweak on it, and since this mod is nothing more than another weapon mod with some features on it, I guess it may be with a bit of luck. 

24th September, 2010, 12:31 PM
Holy Shit!!
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 ^_^ ah cmas prezzy then hey Cool
cya then..
if it don't work with EUT then I'll instigate the DPL mod for this to bypass EUT if needed... trying to delay the inevitable which is using DPL for current mods  z.
DPL=DynamicPAckageLoader btw
also I love the Attention to details you have put into these weapons , is a Shame that UT is not like Redfaction 2 / RedFaction 3 where you can actually Destroy buildings with Weapons... :\
combine that with Soldier of Fortune and well theres something we could relate to 
Last edited by back4more : 24th September, 2010 at 12:41 PM.

24th September, 2010, 05:06 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Roskilde, Denmark.
Posts: 234
Originally Posted by back4more
also I love the Attention to details you have put into these weapons , is a Shame that UT is not like Redfaction 2 / RedFaction 3 where you can actually Destroy buildings with Weapons... :\
That doesn't realy aply to the weapons themselves, more to the mapper. I could easyli create a few maps to launch with the release that have buildings(and other stuff) that could blow up when hit by a "high power projectile/hurt radius) ... basicly it's just adding a mover triggered by an actor sensitive to damage.
Finaly .... peace

26th September, 2010, 06:10 PM
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Location: Lisbon - Portugal
Posts: 170
 Just one thing: please keep in mind that my mod can't destroy the environment.
As TheDane stated, that's only possible if the mapper designs the map that way, as a map structure is static, and not dynamic like in the games where destruction is possible.
Think in that "environment destruction" feature as an "advanced decal": it only works if decals are enabled, and gives you the illusion that the structure is being destroyed to pieces, although in reality it isn't.
The decal is mostly to give you the illusion of a burnt wall or wall cracks, etc, that feature is only to improve that effect even more.
Now, another thing:
Well, since a few people sugested this, I created a facebook page for Nali Weapons 3:
I sugest people to use it in case they have any doubt or sugestions, and I will check it more frequently than most forums or even my website/blog.
I already had to say some stuff regarding the new pack 5 times in the same day in different places, and already saw one topic created just to ask when they are going to be released, which doesn't bother me, but might bother the admins having 2 or more topics about the same thing, and since it seems that most people nowadays are more into facebook and such, I created this page.
I will still update this topic here and in the other forums, but at least this way I can answer any question quicker as consider sugestions, plus the question or bug report of 1 person can be the same relative to the rest, and it can be discussed in a better platform than a forum or my website.

27th September, 2010, 02:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Feralidragon
Just one thing: please keep in mind that my mod can't destroy the environment.
As TheDane stated, that's only possible if the mapper designs the map that way, as a map structure is static, and not dynamic like in the games where destruction is possible.
Think in that "environment destruction" feature as an "advanced decal": it only works if decals are enabled, and gives you the illusion that the structure is being destroyed to pieces, although in reality it isn't.
The decal is mostly to give you the illusion of a burnt wall or wall cracks, etc, that feature is only to improve that effect even more.
yup looks cool though , you have put a fair bit of thought into it
Well done.


16th October, 2010, 08:41 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Lisbon - Portugal
Posts: 170
 As promissed, another development update: Graviton (which you already saw, no change), Freezer and Vulcan.
Next update will be done when TheMiner, IRPR and Cybot Launcher get ready (within 1 month, as the Cybots will be quite complex this time, as I will try to do some "cyborgs" and "flying squids" like the ones in Matrix or those planes from Necris on UT3, and also AI tactics, formations, orders, etc).
TheMiner will have a different aproach this time: it will be able to deploy more kinds of mines:
- Sticky Mines;
- Jumper Mines;
- Land Mines;
- Vehicle Mines.
Also I must notice that today I played during about 20 minutes Last Man Standing, in Deck16, with all the ready weapons from NW3, with max settings, with around 15 bots, and without any balancing setting apllied: I could win, but I got pwned by them (twice by being grabbed and tossed against the wall by the Graviton rofl), and there was a bit of spam (again, no balancing applied in this match). However, there wasn't almost any fps drops in the entire match, and when I went to see the log, it was clean regarding any errors, something that not even NW2 was capable off.
So, the myth of "NW3 is heavier than NW2" is a lie, and it's actually the other way around.
Also, I decided the release time to be in December (this year of course), however, there's a very high chance that some of the "NEW" weapons (not the remakes) get released as a bonus pack instead (as this pack can be extended like UT itself can with bonus packs).

16th October, 2010, 09:40 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Roskilde, Denmark.
Posts: 234
 very well made m8  Myth or not, as I see it the NW3 is far better balanced, I can't wait to test it out! I wish I had just about 25% of your skills, those models are the best I've seen ever in ut99. And your animation sequences are awesome! .... I hope you can keep the package size down m8  man it looks size demanding.
Good idea with the bonus pack thought. Maybe you should considder packing each weapon individualy so server admins can pick what they need and maybe just run arena servers without the need for a full packages? (if it's possible, I don't know your structure of the classes).
Finaly .... peace

16th October, 2010, 11:16 PM
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 244
 IIRC that's what he is doing. Each weapon gets it own pack (the nukes go together), so you only use what you need.
Someone mentioned something about a melee weapon, which sounds like a good idea
Really looking forward to this, as are many others 
I'm a learning coder, but my repertoire is expanding. I may be useful for something after all

17th October, 2010, 12:13 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Lisbon - Portugal
Posts: 170
Originally Posted by TheDane
I hope you can keep the package size down m8  man it looks size demanding.
Good idea with the bonus pack thought. Maybe you should considder packing each weapon individualy so server admins can pick what they need and maybe just run arena servers without the need for a full packages? (if it's possible, I don't know your structure of the classes).
Originally Posted by Meindratheal
IIRC that's what he is doing. Each weapon gets it own pack (the nukes go together), so you only use what you need.
Indeed, that's already thought out and being developed that way since the beggining of NW3:
"a) Core file (about 15Mb on release, 11Mb currently)
b) One file per weapon/utility (between 2Mb and 9Mb, depending on the weapon features itself: more or less effects, projectiles, etc)
c) 3 configuration files: Nali Weapons III main ini, Weapons Configuration ini (specific weapon settings), Hands Customization ini
d) A Nuclear Pack (since the Nuclear Launchers, Deployers and Remote devices will use the same nuclear effects): perhaps around 10Mb"
Basically, the NW3 Core file will be always required to run any weapon. From there, the admin uses whatever the only weapons he/she wants, and since the mutator is actually fully tweakable, you can decide which weapons you actually want to replace (you can even replace 1 weapon for 2 or more different weapons, so admins can use the whole pack if they so, even having more weapons to add than to replace).
There are at least 2 people which already want a standalone version of the Graviton for example (one for Bombing Run and another for RX).
The idea of having to download 80Mb pack just to use a single weapon from it is quite stupid, I know
Also, I want to note 1 thing:
The NW3 core is 11Mb now extracted, unreal zipped it gets down to 3.2Mb or so, so it is highly advised admins to have a redirect service, even being a poor one.
So, basically, people will only have to download 3-4Mb regarding the core itself, if using redirect. The rest of the weapons, will get a 50% compression or more (so although there are some 8Mb weapons ,only 4Mb will be download from the server instead).
I like to think I already have everything thought out regarding the new pack, and all the mistakes I made regarding NW2X aren't in NW3, but of course, there's always going to be something which I didn't think about, so those kind of sugestions are more than welcome.
Thanks so far.
Regarding the melee weapon, like I said in my blog in a reply to the user who actually sugested it, I already thought on it and I will indeed make one, however it will come most likelly as a bonus pack instead.

21st November, 2010, 02:51 AM
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Location: Lisbon - Portugal
Posts: 170
 Well, new UPDATE (The Miner and InfraRed Precision Rifle [IRPR]):
The Cybot Launcher wasn't even started yet (and it will take a while to be finished, more time than any other weapon actually).
The Miner: This weapon works differently from the previous version, as it has 6 different kinds of mines:
- Attach Mine (aka Sticky Mine, decided to rename it because the previous name wasn't accurate);
- Jump Mine (activated when "untouched", and jumps and explodes);
- Land Mine (this mine digs through the ground itself to deploy, no joke);
- Sea Mine (in land it's quite useless to "deploy", it was specially developed for water environments, as it is "spiky" and it's the only mine which actually floats to the surface);
- Vehicular Mine (powerfull mine made specially for vehicles and such);
- Air Mine (it gets deployed in the air and it's extremelly powerfull);
This is the Vehicular Mine explosion:
IRPR: Works the same way as before, with some differences: it has a "shooting trace effect" (you see the "laser" go through the walls and objects), the scope is much much better (more realistic), and the scope heat sensing ranges are configurable and are different from "direct view" to "hidden view" (meaning you will have a very short range regarding players you don't actually "see" [on the other side], and a really high range for people you actually see).
Plus, the people you don't see will appear as translucent, so you will know when they are in front of you or hidden.
Right now, the pack has enough progress to replace absolutelly all the weapons in the game, except the melee ones.
Also some more serious tests were made (by playing several matches today with my brother, 1vs1 and MH), and the pack proved once more to be really stable, however after these tests a few more fixes were made and some functions optimized.

21st November, 2010, 06:48 AM
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 Perhaps you would be interested in remaking the onslaught mod for ut next year with some better functioning vehicles  . AFAIK that's the only ut99 mod with vehicles?.

21st November, 2010, 09:04 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Roskilde, Denmark.
Posts: 234
 looking good m8 
Finaly .... peace

21st November, 2010, 05:19 PM
Killing Spree
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22nd November, 2010, 11:51 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Lisbon - Portugal
Posts: 170
 ^ Thanks.
Originally Posted by back4more
No, that's incorrect... that's not the only mod with vehicles... well, at least it depends what you consider vehicles for this game.
If we consider a vehicle as something you can "ride on" or actually "drive", then there's a bunch of them (including SLV, RX, Jets, etc).
Now, if we consider "vehicles" as packs containing both terrain and flying vehicles, then even so there are quite a few:
- Those from ONS (the worse ones I ever saw for a game actually, not even the model export/import were made properlly)
- .:..:'s vehicles (he built a physics sample, and ported somewhat the U2Vehicles), but they are mostly for Unreal, although they work good on UT, both offline and online. However, although the pack is lightyears ahead from BlackCheetah's ones, they have too many physics limitations and some flaws. Afaik, .:..: is no longer supporting them at UScript level, however he's doing (or already did, idk) a native better version, but for Unreal 227 only.
- TCO is a single player mod which features some vehicles as well, but hovering ones afaik (correct me if I am wrong), and the whole thing works offline only (no coop or anything, again afaik, not sure).
- X-Vehicles: basically my own vehicle pack, still in development (paused atm due to NW3). It comes from .:..: vehicle system for Unreal (he gave me the whole source), however I already changed it so much that is now very far ahead from his initial version (much better physics, some water zone features, inertia, headlights and some signal lights, tons of fixes and changes, etc, etc... the list is really long as I worked on them for several months last year and this year. They are shown at my page.
But the changes cost me the online support, as they just don't worth the trouble of giving the multiplayer support to every single thing (it would take me a full year just doing so, and doing it right..., and even so the bandwidth required just doesn't worth it imo). I will bet in AI support and an SP campaign for them instead, it will worth a lot more (anything new online nowadays is only apreciated if it's less than some Mb, no one wants to bother a local download from a file host site, nor the download from the server, so...).
There are also a few TCs with them (NeoCairo and AirFightUT for example), but you can't actually use them well with UT, besides only a few of them are actually very good).
Regarding ONS, don't count on me to develop them. There's UT2004 for that, and is very well done and it comes much cheaper in system resources than actually doing the same for UT.
I already have serious doubts in doing something else for UT (my "last online" mod perhaps, a full war gametype, basically a modified "siege"), so anything else besides those aren't actually options, specially since the time to make them doesn't worth the popularity they would get (which would be actually extremelly low).
For now I am going only to focus in "popular" stuff, and that is NW3 right now (considering that NW2 was quite popular in its time), and perhaps siege, but I doubt I will do it anyway (there are still active coders on it, won't step on that territory most likelly, even though the new one would be quite different).
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