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Unread 26th August, 2010, 02:02 PM
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Feralidragon Feralidragon is offline
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Default About news

Hi, I posted a News topic/item for some time already, and it said it would have to be aproved by a moderator of the forum.

But there's a problem: I personally don't mind if my News item got denied, at all, as I respect any decision made regarding it, the thing is there's no indication whatsoever in the whole forum telling that if the News is still on hold for verification or denied already (or at least I can't find it at all).

I reported this using the "Contact us" feature of this forum, and although I used my username and all, I got no answer whatsoever.

So a question and a sugestion:

Sugestion: It would be nice to implement something just to indicate the News we tried to post is still on hold for verification or denied already, and while is still on hold, it should be editable (of course, if this doesn't exist already, but I looked for, but didn't find anything).

Question: Could a moderator actually check if there are any news on hold or at least be kind and tell me if mine is still on hold or denied? Again, if it was denied, there's no problem at all (although it could be general admins interest since some of them run the previous version and are expecting an update), I just would like to know its state (on hold or denied).

Regards and thanks in advance

Nali Weapons 3 | Community UT mods
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Unread 26th August, 2010, 04:25 PM
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verified and posted, sorry for the delay, it just got overlooked
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Unread 3rd September, 2010, 10:33 PM
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Feralidragon Feralidragon is offline
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I imagined that, since the last news item was made already a long time ago.

But it would be nice to have a system so the user knows if the post is still on hold and to be edited, or if it was denied already, and perhaps a list on who to contact so this kind of thing can be handled by PMs instead.

However, I don't know the difficulty of that in this particular forum, so... it's really just a small sugestion.

EDIT: Btw, sorry for this but, perhaps it would be better to move it to the UT section if it's not too late, as it's UT specific and not Unreal generic. But only if it isn't that much of a trouble, thanks and sorry for this. :|

Nali Weapons 3 | Community UT mods

Last edited by Feralidragon : 3rd September, 2010 at 10:36 PM.
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