Actually, I'm pretty sure this is going to be an unpopular one with the pros, but here goes: I propose a new BunnyTrack mod, that I'm notionally calling "TagTeam".
It would be a sort of co-op way of playing BT. An inexperienced player (puts up hand) would be able to request that another player or spectator in the server temporarily take over control of the player pawn to navigate past a particularly difficult obstacle, and then relinquish control to the original player once that obstacle had been passed.
The morass of technical issues this would not doubt involve aside, I suppose it would be configurable in the same way as CheckPoints, so the server admin could decide whether a TagTeam-ed player would be allowed to cap or not.
Uh, just throwing it out there

Absolutely no ability to create it myself, but it's been on my mind for a while, so I thought I'd dump it here for anyone to mull over.