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Unread 4th August, 2004, 09:09 PM
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Default UTPure 7E Released

UTPure has been updated to version 7E with a host of new enhancments for the game:

- HitSounds should now work for Spectators (You can see damage the spectated player receives)
- Ability to automatically do screenshot at end of match.
- Mutate PureShowDemos (admins only) Shows what players are recording demos.

- Warmup no longer displays silly message, and also Doesn't have the Flag issue in CTF
- PureAutoPause no longer counts down extremely slow.
- FindFlag should now work properly for spectators
- Various minor fixes

As always get the updated Pure here

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Unread 4th August, 2004, 11:44 PM
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Some nice features and fixes there...

Originally Posted by Azazel
- Mutate PureShowDemos (admins only) Shows what players are recording demos.
Sorry to say this but I don't see the use of this function so please enlighten me on what it could be used for . It's purely an informational feature so I can see it being abused in some way.
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And that's probably why UTIII was a relative flop. New game, same sh*thead players ^^.

Last edited by Fearless : 4th August, 2004 at 11:47 PM.
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Unread 5th August, 2004, 12:28 AM
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I would guess
Clanbase 5v5 war, both teams want demos recorded
Admin does a check before hand
Excuses cannot really be made afterwards .... can they?

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Unread 5th August, 2004, 04:10 AM
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Haha ! Seen from that point of view, it's a brilliant idea . I initally saw it as something a rogue admin could use to see if anyone on an opposing clan was recording (and then proceed to tell corrupt clanmates that they have the green flag). Here's wishing that some kind of marker can be added to that screenshot mod to avoid fakes and that QV for Linux comes out shortly. Things are looking up for the honest clans out there...
How to feck up a perfectly good game:
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And that's probably why UTIII was a relative flop. New game, same sh*thead players ^^.
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Unread 5th August, 2004, 08:12 AM
Triad-X Triad-X is offline
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I haven't actually tested this altho I heard from a few ppl in our IRC Channel that play on iNz FFA servers that it makes some weapons invisible...can anyone confirm this?
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Unread 8th August, 2004, 01:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Triad-X
I haven't actually tested this altho I heard from a few ppl in our IRC Channel that play on iNz FFA servers that it makes some weapons invisible...can anyone confirm this?
They probably want to read the readme fully .... like the bit about working alongside cb12 etc

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Unread 9th August, 2004, 01:38 PM
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UT Pure works very fine.

But I have only one question about the Automatic Screenshot.
Are this Server sided screenshots (pics are saved on the server) or
Client Sided screenshots ?

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Unread 5th August, 2004, 11:25 AM
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new pure blocks a lot of tweaks, i kinda modified my insta ray to make it look like the one in ut200x, I changed the supershockbeam texture, lifespan and drawscale. The new pure resets the default value of the lifespan and drawscale so my insta ray is fucked up. Why would TNSe want to block modifications like this? it doesn't give you a better aim or something...
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Unread 5th August, 2004, 01:46 PM
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Time to look towards NBSP .... :>
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Unread 5th August, 2004, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by AnthraX
new pure blocks a lot of tweaks, i kinda modified my insta ray to make it look like the one in ut200x, I changed the supershockbeam texture, lifespan and drawscale. The new pure resets the default value of the lifespan and drawscale so my insta ray is fucked up. Why would TNSe want to block modifications like this? it doesn't give you a better aim or something...
I guess the reason is to prevent players from disabling the beam (and other things) altogether. While some players say it increases their framerate it also enables them to see things that would otherwise be hidden behind the now disabled effects.
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Unread 5th August, 2004, 02:49 PM
miRRoRmoveR miRRoRmoveR is offline
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Talking No more Hook 2.6

UTpure 7e does protect against hook yeah?

-13:44:23- * Now talking in #anti-cheat
-13:44:23- * Topic is 'Welcome to #anti-cheat :: Cmds: !fnick !fip !apoc :: Caught: 2244 ::

if it stops hook this is the best pure i know, hopfully Helios wont care enough to make another (yeah right! ) well thanks UTPURE 7E
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Unread 8th August, 2004, 12:11 AM
NapalmDawn NapalmDawn is offline
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This new pure was fine for two maps we played in a match and then went super laggy on map3 (DOM-Gharden).

The Bad Lighting kicks are also out the roof. The kick is too general for it to do any good. It's kicking people using things anywhere from the hook to the unreal1 tele out effect. Either make it less sensitive or make it ACCURATELY describe what it's kicking for. Otherwise you get people hopping up and down going OOOH LOOK WE FOUND A HOOKBOT when the guy is being kicked for blood to sparks effects.
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Unread 9th August, 2004, 01:06 PM
iNVisiOn iNVisiOn is offline
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My question too, the only reason why i would use Pure7E is when it stops HelioS Hook 2.6. If it doesn't i might as well keep using Pure7C.
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Unread 9th August, 2004, 03:18 PM
^Budozero^ ^Budozero^ is offline
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I presume its a client side screenshots as it needs to be renderd by the client in order to detect abnomalities client side.
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Unread 9th August, 2004, 03:39 PM
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Originally Posted by ^Budozero^
I presume its a client side screenshots as it needs to be renderd by the client in order to detect abnomalities client side.
Ah, that means if I enable it on my Local User.ini, My UT mades after every map automaticly a screenshot.

Serverside would be great Idea for each map which are played on the server

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Unread 11th August, 2004, 01:24 AM
nightymare nightymare is offline
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sorry but, been on servers with new pure and QV and seen 2 people
botting and 1 with that rapidfire thing.

it obviously dont work and tbh you might aswell stop making them,
hacked within days is just crap imo.

nice try tho
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Unread 11th August, 2004, 10:17 AM
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its not hacked its bypassed and im sure the next release will stop them for a while and it will be bypassed again, etc. its a never ending circle. but as long as there is cheaters making cheats, there will be antis making anticheats.

btw, the rapid fire thing is with ZP not Pure.
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Unread 11th August, 2004, 10:49 AM
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Exclamation yep

Yes Pure7E bypassed ,Noose bypassed
all in 2.7 Hook
Another thing is if you install QV111 >>Botters wont join youre server because they have to install the 2 files
So youre server is Aimbot Free but i like to catch them before they now it
Now they see QV and move on to next server that dont have QV installed
cant there be something that autodownload a file so they dont no that youre server is protected
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Unread 11th August, 2004, 02:05 PM
nightymare nightymare is offline
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Originally Posted by LeeBe
its not hacked its bypassed and im sure the next release will stop them for a while and it will be bypassed again, etc. its a never ending circle. but as long as there is cheaters making cheats, there will be antis making anticheats.

btw, the rapid fire thing is with ZP not Pure.

correct me if im wrong, but dont zp come with pure?
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Unread 11th August, 2004, 04:20 PM
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Originally Posted by nightymare
correct me if im wrong, but dont zp come with pure?
ZPPure does, and afaik the rapid fire is fixed in that. But there are at least 3 or 4 other ZP mods out there and then all the different revisions. Rapid fire is still a problem with every other ZP mod, the only one it was fixed in is ZPPure.

AntiFA does a good job at stopping them though.
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