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Unread 21st December, 2005, 04:44 AM
Matthew Matthew is offline
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Arrow A modified UTStats Beta 4.2 for EUT people!

If you use EUT, you know that it logs accuracy.
If you run UTStats, you know that it - as well - logs accuracy.

EUT 1G introduced an option called StatLink which would allow you to use EUT's accuracy stats instead of UTStats' version.

Well the problem is:
If you run other gametypes than what EUT supports on an EUT-enabled server, you have no stats for those non-supported gametypes (for instance JailBreak and CTF4). So that leaves you having to disable StatLink, and enabling UTStats - leading to dual accuracy logging, which can add some serious crunching power for your clients.

My solution is:
I edited the UTStats Beta 4.2 actor (coded by AnthraX) so that you could specify up to 8 gametypes that you wish UTStats NOT to log. Then when using StatLink on EUT, you will never again be dual-logging stats.

Yes - and quite successfully I might add. Some players reported a noticeable reduction in lag when using the modified actor in an EUT SmartCTF game.

I did not seek permission to modify this actor. It has been modified under the terms of the Open Unreal Mod License, the license that it was published under.

>> Download Here <<

Good luck, and thanks to both Just_Me and the UTStats team for these two wonderful wonderful modifications!
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Last edited by Matthew : 21st December, 2005 at 01:45 PM.
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Unread 21st December, 2005, 09:01 AM
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Useful stuff
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Unread 21st December, 2005, 01:32 PM
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Nice work Matthew!

Added it as an attachment and stickied.

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Unread 21st December, 2005, 01:40 PM
Cratos Cratos is offline
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btw: you could use DynamicPackageLoader aswell:

it let's you configure Serverpackages and Serveractors that are started depending on maptypes/mapnames

I use it to start all the different Actors, Mutators and Packages for the different gametypes
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Unread 21st December, 2005, 01:40 PM
kawaii kawaii is offline
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Only thing i don't understand why is it Rev 1? I would say it would be Rev 2

But good work
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Unread 21st December, 2005, 01:41 PM
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Unread 3rd January, 2006, 03:02 AM
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I've now included this zip in the full UTStats download Matthew cheers

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Unread 3rd January, 2006, 03:05 AM
Matthew Matthew is offline
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Unread 29th January, 2007, 05:43 AM
{BL}GypsyAngel[BLA] {BL}GypsyAngel[BLA] is offline
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Can't wait to load this up.
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Unread 5th April, 2008, 04:09 AM
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I installed the EUT version of UT Stats recently. I didn't know a damn thing about sql until about a month before when I decided to try to install PhpNuke...which I did manage to get up with no experience (wow! what a lot of reading).
Anyway, I've had my stats up for about 3 months now, not really paying too much attention to it as I've been very busy with other things, but now that I'm looking into it, I notice the following...

No matter how many players are in the game, it's only logging what's going on with two players only. As when I go into Recent Matches, I always only see two players there even when I know there have been several others.

It's not logging every game.
I know I have it set not to log bot kills, but I have been downloading lots of seperate log files into the log section of my utstats daily, but I only find maybe 1 -3 maps that will show up as being scored for that day. I only have one map that shows was scored for this past Wed. and I know I played at least 10 maps with more than 3 players that day.

I've searched thru my .php files to see if I can find a setting for anything that might help me with this but I can't find anything. Anyone have any idea what could be going on?

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Unread 12th April, 2008, 06:13 AM
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No ideas at all?

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