one more thing that i couldn't get it work
is about showing 2 servers in utstats page
everything is working ok ,the logs are imported for both servers but i can not get it work for 2 servers
i have the config setup like this:
// Database connection details
$dbname = "ut_stats";
$hostname = "localhost";
$uname = "root";
$upass = "xxx";
$dbconnect = mysql_connect($hostname,$uname,$upass);
$dbconnect2 = mysql_select_db($dbname);
// The key needed to run the import script
$import_adminkey = 'xxx';
// When runnning from the command-line (cron jobs):
// The absolute path to UTStats's home directory.
// Only needed if you're starting the importer from another directory
// Leave emtpy if unsure
$import_homedir = '';
// Use the MySQL temporary tables feature?
// Available since MySQL 3.23 - requires CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE privilege since 4.0.2
$import_use_temporary_tables = true; // set to true if available
// Use temporary heap tables?
// This will (at any cost) keep the entire table in RAM and may speed and/or fuck things up
$import_use_heap_tables = false; // DON'T USE IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!
// Log files start with...
$import_log_start = "Unreal.ngLog";
// Log files end with...
$import_log_extension = ".log";
// How to backup logfiles?
// Possible values: yes - move logfiles to the backup directory
// no - don't make a backup. The file will be lost after it was imported
// compress - will compress the logfile and move it to the backup directory
// It'll first try bzip2 compression, then gzip (your php must be
// compiled to support these)
// If both fail, it will backup the uncompressed log
// gzip - same as compress but will only try to gzip the file
$import_log_backup = "yes";
// Purge old logs after x days. 0 to disable.
$import_log_backups_purge_after = 0;
// After how many seconds should we reload the import page?
// This is to prevent the 'maximum execution time exeeded' error. It will reload
// the page after the amount of seconds you specify in order to bypass php's time limit.
// Set to 0 to disable (f.e. if your php does not run in safe mode)
$import_reload_after = 22;
// Ignore bots and bot kills/deaths?
$import_ignore_bots = true;
// How to deal with banned players?
// 1 - (recommended) import the player and display him/her on matchpages (without values

// but don't include him/her in rankings and don't allow to show individual player stats
// You may unban a player banned with this setting and all stuff will display again
// 2 - don't import at all
// will lead to 'strange' results on matchpages because kills of and against this player
// won't be shown; efficiency etc. will be calculated including these kills though.
$import_ban_type = 1;
// Try to import logs from previous versions of UTStats
// Set this to true and you'll probably some strange results - You've been warned

$import_incompatible_logs = false;
// Don't import if the gametime was less than x minutes. Set to 0 to import all logs.
$import_ignore_if_gametime_less_than = 0;
// UTStats can download and manage your UTDC logs
// Enable downloading of UTDC logs?
$import_utdc_download_enable = false;
// Log files start with...
$import_utdc_log_start = "[UTDC]";
// Log files end with...
$import_utdc_log_extension = ".log";
// Screenshot files start with...
$import_utdc_screenshot_start = "[UTDC]";
// Screenshot files end with...
$import_utdc_screenshot_extension = ".enc";
// Compress UTDC logfiles after download? [compress/gzip/no]
// (see $import_log_backup for available options)
$import_utdc_log_compress = "compress";
// Purge old UTDC logs after x days. 0 to disable.
$import_utdc_log_purge_after = 0;
// UTStats can download and manage your AnthChecker logs
// Enable downloading of AC logs?
$import_ac_download_enable = true;
// Log files start with...
$import_ac_log_start = "[AC]";
// Log files end with...
$import_ac_log_extension = ".log";
// Compress AnthChecker logfiles after download? [compress/gzip/no]
// (see $import_log_backup for available options)
$import_ac_log_compress = "compress";
// Purge old AnthChecker logs after x days. 0 to disable.
$import_ac_log_purge_after = 0;
// UTStats can download and manage your ACE logs
// Enable downloading of ACE logs?
$import_ace_download_enable = true;
// Log files start with...
$import_ace_log_start = "[ACE]";
// Log files end with...
$import_ace_log_extension = ".log";
// Log files start with...
$import_ace_screenshot_start = "[ACE]";
// Log files end with...
$import_ace_screenshot_extension = ".jpg";
// Compress ACE logfiles after download? [compress/gzip/no]
// (see $import_log_backup for available options)
$import_ace_log_compress = "compress";
// Purge old ACE logs after x days. 0 to disable.
$import_ace_log_purge_after = 0;
// Enable the creation of pictures? (Signature pictures for users where they can see their current ranking and stuff)
// Requires GD- and FreeType support.
// see config_pic.php for picture configuration options
$pic_enable = true;
// FTP Connection Details
$ftp_use = true; // Whether to auto get the log files
$ftp_interval = 7; // How often in minutes to allow stats update
$ftp_type = 'sockets'; // Which FTP module do you want to use?
// sockets - (recommended)
// Use PHP's socket extension to connect to the FTP server
// will fallback to 'pure' if no sockets available
// pure - Use fsockopen() to connnect to the FTP server
// should work with any php version
// php - Use PHP's FTP extension (must be compiled in)
// Debugging will not be available with this module and
// error handling may not be as good as with the other modules
$ftp_debug = true; // Debugging output that may help you to resolve ftp problems
// UT Server 1
$i = 0;
$ftp_hostname[$i] = ''; // FTP server location here
$ftp_port[$i] = 21; // FTP Port - do not remove this even if you do not use ftp
// Do not add '' around the port either
$ftp_uname[$i] = 'xxx'; // FTP Username
$ftp_upass[$i] = 'xxx'; // FTP Password
$ftp_dir[$i][] = '/Logs'; // Directory of the log files - MUST NOT end with a /
//$ftp_dir[$i][] = '/'; // You may repeat this entry as often as you wish but please remember
//$ftp_dir[$i][] = '/'; // to enter the directory relative to the last one
//$ftp_dir[$i][] = '/'; // (or use an absolute path)
$ftp_passive[$i] = true; // Use passive transfer mode for this connection?
$ftp_delete[$i] = true; // Delete logs after download?
// UT Server 2
$ftp_hostname[$i] = ''; // FTP server location here
$ftp_port[$i] = 21; // FTP Port - do not remove this even if you do not use ftp
// Do not add '' around the port either
$ftp_uname[$i] = 'xxx'; // FTP Username
$ftp_upass[$i] = 'xxx'; // FTP Password
$ftp_dir[$i][] = '/Logs'; // Directory of the log files - MUST NOT end with a /
//$ftp_dir[$i][] = '/'; // You may repeat this entry as often as you wish but please remember
//$ftp_dir[$i][] = '/'; // to enter the directory relative to the last one
//$ftp_dir[$i][] = '/'; // (or use an absolute path)
$ftp_passive[$i] = true; // Use passive transfer mode for this connection?
$ftp_delete[$i] = true; // Delete logs after download?
maybe is something more to set up for showing server 2 on stats?