Originally Posted by Silk
First, thank you for the 7E. It was great for a few days. Until the new bot came out.
Hopefully we will see them come out as fast as they make new bots.
Thanks to whoever actually works on these because without them, we would really be in a bad place.
irc.enterthegame.com #tufclan
your saying thanks?? your kidding me right?
these people have no clue what they are doing m8, if they did servers and ut
wouldn't be stacked full of radars and triggers. its about time they got some new blood because every UT hacker is like 20 better than them.
Maybe Dr.SiN would be nice to have!!
O every server i play on you can see that there is atleast 2-4 people using a radar. i know there is a bot out there that as you flip it aimsshoots thus hiding the aiming side of it, its impossible to notice the aiming.
utpure7e was hacked within 1 day, thats 1 DAY. YOU KNOW HOW FOOKING EASY THAT MUST HAVE BEEN? jeesus people, wake up and smell the coffee.
notice this for the next pure release, how easy it is to play on a public server
right untill you know its hacked and then you'll notice you cant win a damn thing. WHY? because all these 'ownage' have to wait for the hack to be done.
I really cant see why the PURE TEAM cant make a anticheat that actually works for a good stretch of time, i would have thought that all hacking avenues would have been closed by now, this pure v hackers is getting boring
they DO own you, so just give in ffs.
ps; ADMIN plz leave this on as its my right to say what i feel the same as everyone else on boards
