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Unread 12th August, 2004, 02:19 AM
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First, thank you for the 7E. It was great for a few days. Until the new bot came out.

Hopefully we will see them come out as fast as they make new bots.

Thanks to whoever actually works on these because without them, we would really be in a bad place.

Captain #tufclan
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Unread 19th August, 2004, 01:50 AM
nightymare nightymare is offline
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Originally Posted by Silk
First, thank you for the 7E. It was great for a few days. Until the new bot came out.

Hopefully we will see them come out as fast as they make new bots.

Thanks to whoever actually works on these because without them, we would really be in a bad place.

Captain #tufclan

your saying thanks?? your kidding me right?
these people have no clue what they are doing m8, if they did servers and ut
wouldn't be stacked full of radars and triggers. its about time they got some new blood because every UT hacker is like 20 better than them.

Maybe Dr.SiN would be nice to have!!

O every server i play on you can see that there is atleast 2-4 people using a radar. i know there is a bot out there that as you flip it aimsshoots thus hiding the aiming side of it, its impossible to notice the aiming.

utpure7e was hacked within 1 day, thats 1 DAY. YOU KNOW HOW FOOKING EASY THAT MUST HAVE BEEN? jeesus people, wake up and smell the coffee.

notice this for the next pure release, how easy it is to play on a public server
right untill you know its hacked and then you'll notice you cant win a damn thing. WHY? because all these 'ownage' have to wait for the hack to be done.

I really cant see why the PURE TEAM cant make a anticheat that actually works for a good stretch of time, i would have thought that all hacking avenues would have been closed by now, this pure v hackers is getting boring
they DO own you, so just give in ffs.

ps; ADMIN plz leave this on as its my right to say what i feel the same as everyone else on boards ty

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Unread 19th August, 2004, 07:20 AM
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Originally Posted by nightymare
Maybe Dr.SiN would be nice to have!!
You're joking I hope. What makes you think Dr.SiN would do any better ? Do you even hve the slightest idea of why it's so hard to block the cheats in the first place ?
How to feck up a perfectly good game:
UT (1999) = UnbelievableGameSoCoolIMustHelpBringNewPlayers Tournament
UT (2008) = Unreal ThrustMyPrivatePartsInYourFaceBish

And that's probably why UTIII was a relative flop. New game, same sh*thead players ^^.
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Unread 19th August, 2004, 07:38 PM
nightymare nightymare is offline
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Originally Posted by Fearless
You're joking I hope. What makes you think Dr.SiN would do any better ? Do you even hve the slightest idea of why it's so hard to block the cheats in the first place ?

DrSin certainly has better idea/understanding of how these things can be blocked and not just changing a setting here and there.

the situation is getting beyond a joke tbh and no-one has a clue how to stop it (me included) all i am saying is its time to give up and stop releasing pure's
so often and find a new way to stop the MASS cheats within UT. You all
know every game you play there is someone using, but you just cant prove it.
even recently a top clan found out that 1 of its members was cheating
but this was classed as 'ownage' for quite some time.

i'm not against pure or the team who make it, but it just DONT work anymore.
i feel like trying to contact helios and the boys and somehow paying them to make anti's rather than the cheats
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Unread 20th August, 2004, 05:02 PM
^Budozero^ ^Budozero^ is offline
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nightymare, I dont think you understand quite how it works.

I wont go into detail, but as a bot maker you almost always know what you are up against, making anticheat software on the other hand you are fighting an 'invisible' opponant.

Nobody is ahead in the game, when hook came out it was 'unbeatable', how many versions of the hook have been beat since then? So its always just a matter of time, but the people making the anticheat software are and always will be one step behind, simply because you have to know what you are trying to block before you can block it.

Last edited by ^Budozero^ : 20th August, 2004 at 05:05 PM.
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Unread 20th August, 2004, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by nightymare
DrSin certainly has better idea/understanding of how these things can be blocked and not just changing a setting here and there.
I think you'd be quite disappointed. Making an effective anticheat means you have to keep up with the latest hacks and DrSin wasn't hired with this sole purpose in mind (I'm not sure what his job is exactly). Besides, the original UT is no longer being maintained or supported by Epic.

And I'll give you the lowdown on UTPure : due to constraints imposed by UT itself, it can't block the latest hacks and probably never will because the latest generation of cheats are independant pieces of software. The only way to tackle these is to adopt the same approach and integrate bits of outside software to detect them.
How to feck up a perfectly good game:
UT (1999) = UnbelievableGameSoCoolIMustHelpBringNewPlayers Tournament
UT (2008) = Unreal ThrustMyPrivatePartsInYourFaceBish

And that's probably why UTIII was a relative flop. New game, same sh*thead players ^^.
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Unread 24th August, 2004, 11:01 PM
spykes spykes is offline
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Or get people to work on the source code and close up all these holes in UT. A best way is to make UT keep checking its ram footprint, and make it GPF/Segfault if it detects an external hookin to its memory. A programs memory footprint can be contained. UT has so many holes that can be hooked into its currently impossible to fix by any anticheat software. If HelioS has nothing to hook into, then where are his options?
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Unread 25th August, 2004, 02:20 AM
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Originally Posted by spykes
Or get people to work on the source code and close up all these holes in UT.
The source code is not accessible by the general public and is the intellectual property of Epic. The UTPG ( ) is said to have access to the source code but their group has some sort of confidential agreement which excludes any outsiders.

A best way is to make UT keep checking its ram footprint, and make it GPF/Segfault if it detects an external hookin to its memory. A programs memory footprint can be contained.
Windows XP uses protected memory spaces that are to be expected of a modern OS. To actually detect a hooking attempt, you are limited to the routines that are provided by the OS. The hooking technique actually gets around any memory protection in a way I don't quite understand which avoids triggering any protection mecanism. Also, I've read that the bot makers are starting to toy around in ring 0 which is the highest level a process can be executed in. This is bad news indeed and highlights flaws in Windows itself.

UT has so many holes that can be hooked into its currently impossible to fix by any anticheat software.
And that is why anticheat authors are always a step or two behind. It's easy to find a new exploit but much harder fixing it as UT is a sitting duck.

P.S: Sorry if I sound pessimistic because I'm not. I'm just relating facts.
How to feck up a perfectly good game:
UT (1999) = UnbelievableGameSoCoolIMustHelpBringNewPlayers Tournament
UT (2008) = Unreal ThrustMyPrivatePartsInYourFaceBish

And that's probably why UTIII was a relative flop. New game, same sh*thead players ^^.

Last edited by Fearless : 25th August, 2004 at 02:26 AM.
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Unread 25th August, 2004, 04:25 PM
pLaYa pLaYa is offline
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nightymare must seriously know nothing about cheats/anti-cheat.... there is not 1 game online that can't/hasn't/won't be hacked.. Pure still stops alot of expliots in the game.. do u really expect people to stop cheats with simple uscript? if you can do better i would like to see your work.... I donno why you people come on the forums and talk all kinda crap about about utpure but u can come up with any ideas of your own to stop cheats... otherwise stop flaming pure... I go on many servers every day.... and hardly ever see a cheater.... believe it or not but theres NOT that many ppl using cheats... its you just getting pwned by real players...
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Last edited by pLaYa : 25th August, 2004 at 04:29 PM.
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Unread 26th August, 2004, 07:41 PM
spykes spykes is offline
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Good, now I can blame Windows too, but I already knew Windows's memory management was utter garbage anyways, it wouldnt surprise me one bit that any anticheat will be always hackable by exploiting holes in Windows.
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Unread 27th August, 2004, 07:24 PM
nightymare nightymare is offline
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Originally Posted by pLaYa
nightymare must seriously know nothing about cheats/anti-cheat.... there is not 1 game online that can't/hasn't/won't be hacked.. Pure still stops alot of expliots in the game.. do u really expect people to stop cheats with simple uscript? if you can do better i would like to see your work.... I donno why you people come on the forums and talk all kinda crap about about utpure but u can come up with any ideas of your own to stop cheats... otherwise stop flaming pure... I go on many servers every day.... and hardly ever see a cheater.... believe it or not but theres NOT that many ppl using cheats... its you just getting pwned by real players...

1. i dont claim to know anything about anti's.
2. i wasn't flamming, i was saying its time to stop and try new ways and get new peeps in, if its possible.
3. how naive are you? iv'e played this game from the start and i CAN play a good game, but i also know when people are using a cheat.
tbh its not so much aimbots being used its the radars and someone using a bot/radar seriously stick out from the crowd. its not my problem you cant
see a bot when its there! i KNOW when ive been owned by real players.

as for that utpg group god knows why they cant just work on closing holes
thats what we all wanted when they said 'we are going to maintain the code'
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