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Unread 9th September, 2013, 09:56 AM
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Holy Shit!!
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try removing antitweak and see what happens.
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Unread 9th September, 2013, 12:25 PM
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The thing is, without wanting to rant, many of those mods break the mutator chain in some way or modify the damage types in some way, and those affect how my mod behaves.
I suggest you to perhaps make the gore mod to be loaded first relative all the mods (except ACE and a few others perhaps), since the chains in mine are fully kept (as any mutator should be) and thus everything will keep working as they should.

That might or not fix the headshot problem, but perhaps is worth a try.

Nali Weapons 3 | Community UT mods
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Unread 14th September, 2013, 09:14 PM
~{kRiD}~'s Avatar
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Right. I'll give that a shot. It just doesn't make since because it works perfectly until you shut the shakefx off. Then it starts to malfunction.
EnhancedUT - New mod!
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Unread 18th September, 2013, 06:04 PM
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This forum doesn't have a screenshot thread, so let me just share how much I love NW3 Ultra Gore here:

It makes my Titans happy!
Have you hugged a Skaarj today?
Skaarj need love too!
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Unread 14th December, 2013, 04:33 AM
destroyer44 destroyer44 is offline
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made alot of client side additions. that reminds me of KRID's style, he is a clientside package fanboy. .

and i am too, i will admit. i think the only way to keep a server running smooth is to have the client handle alot of the bandwidth whenever possible...alot of modders forget about that, and the net priorities settings are usually over the top on alot of mods i've come across.

good to see some peeps pay attention to the finer points of scripting, and here i thought you were just a graphics buff....

good mod, i love using it, it saved me from having to create my own gib mod, so i appreciate it, alot.


Originally Posted by Feralidragon View Post

NW3 Ultra Gore SSE (Special Standalone Edition):
This is a release for Unreal Tournament concerning the new NW3 gore system.
It's called SSE given that it uses Nali Weapons 3 technology and features but it does not need Nali Weapons 3 to run at all, thus it can run with anything: normal weapons, NW3 (of course), ZP, Instagib, RX, etc...
It runs in any gametype, it can be customized from the server or the client, and all the gore effects run on the client alone thus not affecting the server itself at all.


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Unread 14th December, 2013, 04:43 AM
destroyer44 destroyer44 is offline
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yeah so you learned about arranging mutators in the serverpackages line too. many people think i am just being anal when i arrange my mods a certain way.

but not shitting you, if you do it end up with the smoothest server of them all...

i'm sure you know. it took me a long time to convince a fellow admin of the merits of arranging mods properly-[ARC]ZENA, we have all kinds of chats about optimization, mod chaining, mapvote configs, other mods, etc-often enough.

don't forget to let them know, when they make mods, to try doing things differently if it seems to lag or perform poorly (skip effects, etc) the first time around. for example, huds don't like black, its on the "masked" colours palette, so when people us it for scopes, its a nono, try using an off blue or some other color, darken if needed...and maybe try some transparency on it...its a hud afterall.

done adding my two cents. i hope it helps. peace.

Originally Posted by Feralidragon View Post
The thing is, without wanting to rant, many of those mods break the mutator chain in some way or modify the damage types in some way, and those affect how my mod behaves.
I suggest you to perhaps make the gore mod to be loaded first relative all the mods (except ACE and a few others perhaps), since the chains in mine are fully kept (as any mutator should be) and thus everything will keep working as they should.

That might or not fix the headshot problem, but perhaps is worth a try.
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Unread 22nd February, 2014, 11:47 PM
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UPDATE (version B): Here it is, a new fixed and improved version.


Change log:

- Added option to tweak the lifespan of the blood “fog”
- Added option to disable the full body skeleton
- Added option to make the effects fully network-relevant (if someone is gibbed and you don't see it nor hear it, you won't see any remains once you get to the place if this setting is disabled)

Changes and enhancements:
- Corpses are now detected, so if you shoot a corpse, it will gib the same way as the player himself (this also fixes the gibbing with the Flak Cannon primary fire mode and others)

Bug fixes:
- Fixed blood decals in fog zones
- Fixed occasional glitch where gibs or a skeleton would appear but the victim body would remain intact
- Fixed occasional glitch where the victim would suffer a head explosion (headshot) but the head would remain (only in standard UT player models pre-Bonus Pack 4, the rest of the models have no “head-off” animation so those cannot be fixed)
- Fixed occasional huge slashes of lava in maps like CTF-LavaGiant and CTF-EternalCave
- Fixed the text localization of the menus, so they can now be translated to other languages

Nali Weapons 3 | Community UT mods
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Unread 23rd February, 2014, 03:15 AM
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Its really nice you are still working on your cool mods.

Very good job man ! and thank you !
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