Wow, I wonder how long you are supposed to wait for a response. Does anyone answer these posts or am I just rambling to myself? It's now going on approximately a month now that UTAN hasn't been updating. This is now my third post concerning this issue.
1. First, I get error message saying "Update Failed, Incorrect Password Hash". I discover what a password hash actually is, I correct it and run BanManager.
2. Second, After inputing password hash and not actual password, I check logs to discover that...yes, once again..."Update Failed"....Reason:
" Incorrect password hash".
3. I head to UTAN site, Log in, choose new password, update my profile and headed over to get "new" password hash. Magically, one was generated, so I take my new found password hash and place it in the .ini along with my username which is still the same as when I started. I upload to the server and restart it.
4. Of course the suspense is killing me, so I have to wait until a current log file gets generated. That in itself seemed to take forever to happen. But, OMG, yes one finally gets generated. I open the log up and what do I see? Oh Yes, that's right............"Update Failed, Incorrect user password"!
5. I then proceed to remove BanManager101 and reinstall it on the server. I got new files going on, a new BanManager .ini file etc...I've got the right user name going on....I've got the correct password hash going on...and everything seems to be moving along just fine. So after A day or two of waiting for BanManager to generate a friggin log file, it finally produces one and to my astonishment....Yes, that's right...I get this message..
10-10-2005*00:06:30 - ERROR: Ban Database Update Failed - Reason: Insufficient Paramaters - Blank Password
I'm curious as to how it is that BanManager101 is confused about wether or not there is actually a password hash listed? I may be a noob at UTAN but I'm certainly not so much of a noob that I have forgotten to even place a password hash in the specified location? Especially after all the editing and uploading and password hashing and password changing and forum posting etc. that forgetting to input a password hash is seriously unlikely to happen. Of course when I go to verify if there is a password hash listed....Oh my...why yes there is and it's the one given to me by UTAN.
I truly don't know what the problem is with the BanManager but some sort of response would be nice I think. Yes, I have looked through many posts about login errors and I have tried those tips and tricks with no positive results. So some assistance would truly be appreciated. Thank You