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14th November, 2005, 12:38 AM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 866
About this rocket texture tweak: changing textures for in game components has been around for ages and some cheat protections like Pure and LeagueAS won't let you do certain things like changing textures or turning off rocket smoke trails etc. But as for making you own texture (ie rocket2.u) and using that? Since when has that been allowed??
__________________ for XConsole, ServerLog, StealthAdmin and other Unreal Tournament mods.
-= F R A G G A L O N I A... R E S U R R E C T I O N! O L D... S K O O L... S N I P E R =- unreal://
Old skool sniping. Just you, your weapon, and gravity.

14th November, 2005, 01:12 AM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 1,157
Originally Posted by ~V~
About this rocket texture tweak: changing textures for in game components has been around for ages and some cheat protections like Pure and LeagueAS won't let you do certain things like changing textures or turning off rocket smoke trails etc. But as for making you own texture (ie rocket2.u) and using that? Since when has that been allowed??
They won't let me do certain things, but as I said this tweak always let me play on all servers, of course pure blocked some/a lot of features, but the textures were untouched. And since when it wasn't allowed ? 

13th November, 2005, 06:23 PM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 866
So you weren't using custom textures? Sorry if I misread that but I looked in the zip you posted and that's how it looked
Ok just had another look and its the mesh that is changed to a custom
__________________ for XConsole, ServerLog, StealthAdmin and other Unreal Tournament mods.
-= F R A G G A L O N I A... R E S U R R E C T I O N! O L D... S K O O L... S N I P E R =- unreal://
Old skool sniping. Just you, your weapon, and gravity.

13th November, 2005, 06:44 PM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 1,157
Originally Posted by ~V~
Ok just had another look and its the mesh that is changed to a custom
A mesh hmm, right, I'm not a mapper, I do not see a big difference. 

13th November, 2005, 07:22 PM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 866
There isn't so it shouldn't work in theory
__________________ for XConsole, ServerLog, StealthAdmin and other Unreal Tournament mods.
-= F R A G G A L O N I A... R E S U R R E C T I O N! O L D... S K O O L... S N I P E R =- unreal://
Old skool sniping. Just you, your weapon, and gravity.

13th November, 2005, 07:31 PM
UTPure Admin
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 457
Originally Posted by Rush
To JustMe: What changes were made to SuperWebAdmin and MvReporter2 code in order to make it work with EUT ? Since the code is obsfucated in EUT zip file I require either the whole source or the patches(diff-s).
Both SuperWebAdmin and MvReporters are not obfused. +ServerSideOnly clears source.
But to answer your question.
if (GRI.GameName == class'DeathMatchPlus'.Default.GameName)
if (Level.Game.MaxPlayers == 2)
StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_1on1';
StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_DM';
else if (GRI.GameName == class'EUTDeathMatchPlus'.Default.GameName)
if (Level.Game.MaxPlayers == 2)
StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_1on1';
StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_DM';
else if (GRI.GameName == class'TeamGamePlus'.Default.GameName)
StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_TDM';
else if (GRI.GameName == class'EUTTeamGamePlus'.Default.GameName)
StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_TDM';
else if (GRI.GameName == class'CTFGame'.Default.GameName)
StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_CTF';
else if (GRI.GameName == class'SmartCTFGame'.Default.GameName)
StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_CTF';
else if (GRI.GameName == class'Domination'.Default.GameName)
StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_DOM';
StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_DM';
Although this would be much easier for updating now that I think about it.
// Init function
function Engage(MvReporter InController, MvReporterIRCLink InLink, MvReporterIRCLink2 InLink2)
local Class<MvReporterStats> StatsClass;
local MvReporterMutator_1on1 Mut1on1;
local Actor OutActor;
local Mutator M;
local string GameClass;
local bool bOneOnOne;
bOneOnOne = false;
Controller = InController;
Link = InLink;
Link2 = InLink2;
// OK, now determine the gametype and spawn the specific Reporter Class, we are able to access from here!
GameClass = caps(GetItemName(string(Level.Game.Class)));
if (Level.Game.MaxPlayers == 2)
StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_1on1';
bOneOnOne = true;
StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_DM';
StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_TDM';
case "CTFGAME":
StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_CTF';
StatsClass = class'MvReporterStats_DM';
if (Controller.conf.bExtra1on1Stats
&& (bOneOnOne))
M = Level.Game.BaseMutator;
while (M.NextMutator != None)
if (InStr(string(M.Class),"MvReporterMutator_1on1") != -1)
M = M.NextMutator;
Mut1on1 = MvReporterMutator_1on1(M);
Mut1on1.Link = Link;
Mut1on1.conf = Controller.conf;
// Spawn Actor n0w
Stats = Spawn(StatsClass);
// Check wheter spawn was success
if (Stats == none)
Log("MvReporter2: Unable to spawn Stats Class!");
Stats.Link = Link;
Stats.Link2 = Link2;
Link.Link2 = Link2;
Link.Spec = self;
if ( Mut1on1 != None )
Mut1on1.Stats = MvReporterStats_1on1(Stats);
Link.AntiFloodDelay = Controller.conf.AntiFloodDelay/2;
Link.AntiFloodDelay = Controller.conf.AntiFloodDelay;
Stats.Spec = self;
Stats.conf = Controller.conf;
Stats.Level = Level;
Stats.GRI = Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo;
SuperWebAdmin/UTServerAdmin in LoadGameTypes()
while (NextGame != "")
Pos = InStr(NextGame, ".");
TempClass = class<GameInfo>(DynamicLoadObject(NextGame, class'Class'));
TempItem = new(None) class'ListItem';
TempItem.Tag = TempClass.Default.GameName;
//After tag has been set then check if the Game Class is a
//EUT Gametype. if so change the tag.
if( instr(string(TempClass),"SmartCTFGame") != -1)
TempItem.Tag = "SmartCTF Game";
if( instr(string(TempClass),"EUTTeamGamePlus") != -1)
TempItem.Tag = "EUT TeamGame Plus";
if( instr(string(TempClass),"EUTDeathMatchPlus") != -1)
TempItem.Tag = "EUT DeathMatch Plus";
//End Fix
//log([email protected],'Herrrro');
TempItem.Data = NextGame;
if (GameTypeList == None)
GameTypeList = TempItem;
NextGame = Level.GetNextInt("TournamentGameInfo", ++i);
IpServer GetInfo()
// Map name
ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\mapname\\"$Left(string(Level), InStr(string(Level), "."));
// The mod or game type
if(GetItemName(string(Level.Game.Class)) ~= "SmartCTFGame")
bRecieved = true;
ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\gametype\\"$"CTFGame";
if(GetItemName(string(Level.Game.Class)) ~= "EUTTeamGamePlus")
bRecieved = true;
ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\gametype\\"$"TeamGamePlus";
if(GetItemName(string(Level.Game.Class)) ~= "EUTDeathMatchPlus")
bRecieved = true;
ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\gametype\\"$"DeathMatchPlus";
//Gametype is not EUT gametype
ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\gametype\\"$GetItemName(string(Level.Game.Class));
Also if you want source for EUT to do updates for MVReporter just ask.
Last edited by Just_Me : 14th November, 2005 at 03:49 AM.

13th November, 2005, 07:42 PM
UTPure Admin
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 457
Originally Posted by Matthew
No, no it's not
Very strange. The actor was going, and the client side stuff was as well (HUD, etc). The thing is, once I do something in webadmin, it stays until a map switch. After that point, it is all lost.
So something is keeping it from pulling a SaveConfig(); perhaps?
what settings? This is the first I've heard of that happening.
Are you making your changes then clicking "Apply". Then also restarting the level?

13th November, 2005, 07:43 PM
UTPure Admin
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 457
Originally Posted by NuFF$@iD
theres a small bug. when joining server in spec or as player 3 peeps have been kicked up to now. me included (i was spec) for Min Y: 0.000000
now my mouseY is default 6.0 so theres definatly something up.
minimum mousY is set to 0.200000 to stop the center view usage in eut settings. works most of time but sometimes makes false accusations  .
Presume we still need utpure.
I'll take a look into that.
Yes you still need Pure. I see no need to replace Pure since it does its job. The only reason Pure options are in EUT is since EUT replaced some functionality of Pure.
Last edited by Just_Me : 13th November, 2005 at 08:47 PM.

13th November, 2005, 08:02 PM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 4,029
Hmm be careful about the Axis settings. Mine are at very low values (0.01 I think) but I've adjusted sensitivity to 100+.
How to feck up a perfectly good game:
UT (1999) = UnbelievableGameSoCoolIMustHelpBringNewPlayers Tournament
UT (2008) = Unreal ThrustMyPrivatePartsInYourFaceBish
And that's probably why UTIII was a relative flop. New game, same sh*thead players ^^.

13th November, 2005, 08:25 PM
UTPure Admin
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 457
Originally Posted by Rush
They won't let me do certain things, but as I said this tweak always let me play on all servers, of course pure blocked some/a lot of features, but the textures were untouched. And since when it wasn't allowed ? 
CSHP would even kick for that.

13th November, 2005, 09:10 PM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: USA
Posts: 171
EUT is both a cheat protect and game mod improvement , but u still need to use a pure with it.

13th November, 2005, 09:38 PM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 4,029
Originally Posted by Just_Me
CSHP would even kick for that.
White rockets = outside class. Same way that radars are loaded.
How to feck up a perfectly good game:
UT (1999) = UnbelievableGameSoCoolIMustHelpBringNewPlayers Tournament
UT (2008) = Unreal ThrustMyPrivatePartsInYourFaceBish
And that's probably why UTIII was a relative flop. New game, same sh*thead players ^^.

13th November, 2005, 09:44 PM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 2,382
Originally Posted by Just_Me
what settings? This is the first I've heard of that happening.
Are you making your changes then clicking "Apply". Then also restarting the level?
I metioned later on in this thread (it was lost in the other posts) that I had found the issue to be that the ATH Server Controller server booter was still set to BotPack.CTFGame, even though the server wanted to enter EUT's SmartCTFGame mode.

13th November, 2005, 09:47 PM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,566
I dont know about everyone else, but I have all Gametypes Minimum MouseY=4.0
And so far, I have about 100 of these
2005-11-13 21:33.23 [EUT VERIFY] Mothra [IP] Min Y: 0.000000
Different Time, Different PLayers, Different Maps, Different Gametypes.
Completely Random..
Any Ideas?

13th November, 2005, 10:17 PM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 2,382
Not got any of those ^^

13th November, 2005, 10:43 PM
Holy Shit!!
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 2,382
Justy you did just an awesome job on this - but my one request is that you maybe have an option for the disabling of the SmartCTF scoreboard. I really liked the SmartCTF 4C board, and I'm already missing it, heh heh.

13th November, 2005, 11:04 PM
UTPure Admin
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 457
Originally Posted by Baiter
I dont know about everyone else, but I have all Gametypes Minimum MouseY=4.0
And so far, I have about 100 of these
2005-11-13 21:33.23 [EUT VERIFY] Mothra [IP] Min Y: 0.000000
Different Time, Different PLayers, Different Maps, Different Gametypes.
Completely Random..
Any Ideas?
Its probably a replication issue. I'll change the way that is handled. But this is odd since this is the first time this has come up.

14th November, 2005, 12:21 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: USA.gif
Posts: 388
After reading 3 pages of this thread, I have determined that I need to have some sort of PURE installed that will work in conjunction with this program. It would have been nice to have seen that listed at the very top of every thread about this enhancement. I was hopeful that this would be a one stop shopping packing that did it all. PURE always seemed too crazy to have to use since it was so complex. I read way too many threads about people just trying to get it to work and then to have it hacked just a week later. Maybe you guys need to become the new UTPG team and put out two things.
1. A new patch that applies all of the network code fixes you have in your code.
2. An single program that overwrites itself as it is upgraded that can give the anticheat protection sort of like upgrading a PHB based forum.
I won't be using this program that is listed here but I applaud all of the effort you guys have put forth to keep UT safe and fair. Keep up the great work. Later!

14th November, 2005, 12:49 AM
UTPure Admin
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 457
You do not have to have Pure installed.
It is highly recommended though since Pure has alot of other security and what most people do not realize is all the bugs/exploits that Pure fixes. But EUT is not dependent on pure being installed. I'm quite sure it would also run with NBSP and CSHP for example.

14th November, 2005, 01:03 AM
UTPure Admin
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 457
For some reason I uploaded an old version of options.uhtm.
Replace in Web/EUT folder options.uhtm with the following.
Two settings are n/a now.
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