HS_MegaHealthPack - What mutator is it From?
Hey All, i was hoping some of you guys who may know more about Maps and Mutators could answers this for me or at least may know something about it.
Im sure many of us must have certain maps (that were Modded/Downloaded) that come with certain mutators.
Recently on UT99, i recently played on the modded map: CTF-1HS-Eagles, which is a different version of CTF-Eagles (Which im sure some of you are familiar with)..
On this map, there are these odd "Stern" Weapons but there are also these Mega Health Packs.
I wanted to add the health packs to Stuffswapper, but when i checked them out on unreal editor later on (after receiving it in Cache and Extracting it), it said that the Mega Health pack (you get up to 200+ Health even if you are already at 100) was coded as : Mylevel.HS_MegaHealthPack followed by an HS_minimegahealth..
Of course im sure Mylevel means i dont particularly have the Mutator/Mod that the stuff comes with.
Does anyone know anythin about this particular Mutator/Mod and if perhaps i can find it somewhere?