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Unread 26th September, 2004, 03:57 PM
~V~ ~V~ is offline
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Default XConsole - enhanced system console

What is XConsole?

XConsole is a mod that replaces your UT console and adds extra features and functions
in a small area at the top. It also adds some extra console commands.

For players:

Easy change teams on non LeagueAS servers
Change colours of your say/teamsay messages displayed in HUD
Fast changing from playing to spectating and vice versa
Logging in text or HTML with CSS support (works with CSHP but see notes below)
Quickly dump console text to a log file using 'dump' command
Turns on/off various types of messages in console for better reading
Load/Save custom key configs
Functions for LeagueAS match servers

For admins and mods

Front-end for server Admin, LeagueAS, UTPure, UTDC and ASH
Server control for admins and LeagueAS mods
Use the console in Command, Say, Teamsay, Admin or Moderator mode

Last edited by ~V~ : 10th February, 2007 at 01:31 AM.
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Unread 2nd October, 2004, 08:49 PM
~V~ ~V~ is offline
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Main site back up at
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Unread 25th September, 2005, 03:47 AM
~V~ ~V~ is offline
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Update 2.84 is here:

Bugs fixed:

Mod login button
LeagueAS Practise Mode button

Update for 2.84:

+ Added LeagueAS StopCountdown button (Timer)

Updates for 2.83:

+ Added LeagueAS Moderator commands page
+ Added new options to LeagueAS page (kick/ban)
+ Kicking/banning of players via dropdown name box (no more typing names)
+ Added option to use local maplist for admin tab (loads much faster this way)
+ Now MapVote type is read from xconsole.ini
__________________ for XConsole, ServerLog, StealthAdmin and other Unreal Tournament mods.

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Old skool sniping. Just you, your weapon, and gravity.
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Unread 6th November, 2005, 09:10 AM
DonutHunter DonutHunter is offline
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The link for 2.84 doesn't appear to work....:-(
"If you can't be a good example, then be a horrible warning."
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Unread 6th November, 2005, 11:53 AM
kawaii kawaii is offline
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The link works fine
Under files just click the to download XConsole. Even though it says 2.83 you'll get redirected to the latest file which is 2.84

If you had downloaded it and read the readme you would have known

Just click the link in the top post, it's a direct link to the latest xconsole.
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Unread 11th November, 2005, 09:59 PM
~V~ ~V~ is offline
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Make sure you read the readme before installing this version!
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Unread 11th November, 2005, 10:10 PM
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nice m8 thx for the update
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Unread 12th November, 2005, 04:02 AM
~V~ ~V~ is offline
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Just had some feedback and a small bug means a quick update

Version 2.86:

+ Made kicking/banning system a little safer by adding 'Name:' as first item in list
+ Fixed bug in LeagueAS page ban button
+ Summoning pulse gun now works
__________________ for XConsole, ServerLog, StealthAdmin and other Unreal Tournament mods.

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Old skool sniping. Just you, your weapon, and gravity.
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Unread 7th February, 2007, 05:04 PM
~V~ ~V~ is offline
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Ok version 3.00 is out. Same link at top of page.

Updates to version 3.00:

Major changes:

League Assault

Some people were getting kicked by LeagueAS but (fingers crossed) this is now
fixed. The default now is not to load any of the logging parts. This is what
was causing the kicks and client warnings. So you will have to give up logging
if this happens.
But you can still use the 'dump' command in console to save console text to either
html or text file. Do this *after* LeagueAS shows that your client is verified and
connected or you will probably still get kicked.
Any problems - just set LogPage=False in XConsole.ini

Also the LeagueAS tab now has two extra buttons - 'listmaps' and 'allow mercs'.
Let me know if extra commands/buttons would be useful.

Tab auto-complete

Console now has limited auto-complete irc/bash style. Type first few letters
of command or player name and press tab until correct command is displayed.
This is very new and may still be buggy. Obviously you cannot use the tab key
to open console to get this to work.


The biggest addition is the UTDC page. It allows screen shots to be taken by
player name, so no having to find out players IDs. Most of the settings can be
controlled here too. To see the current state of a setting simply select it in
the drop down boxes. The states are written into the console. To change any of
the settings just select in the drop down box and press the on or off button.
The settings you will need to adjust manually are the ones that need some sort
of numerical input. Most of the controls are pretty self-explanatory.

Custom button page

This is another addition and allows you to assign commands to buttons. Some
examples are included. *Do not use the mass kick button offline!!* if you do,
ut will freeze up or crash and all your goldfish will die.

Other changes:

Now the Admin and LeagueAS login passwords are saved in XConsole.ini so it's
faster to login.
Fixed the focus bug so now when you open the console focus should be in the
edit box every time.
__________________ for XConsole, ServerLog, StealthAdmin and other Unreal Tournament mods.

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Old skool sniping. Just you, your weapon, and gravity.
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Unread 9th February, 2007, 11:48 PM
~V~ ~V~ is offline
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Version 3.01 is the latest version atm.

Thinking of setting up a mailing list for updates. If you would like to be included just send a mail to [email address] with "Mailing List Addition" as subject.
__________________ for XConsole, ServerLog, StealthAdmin and other Unreal Tournament mods.

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Old skool sniping. Just you, your weapon, and gravity.
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Unread 9th February, 2007, 05:59 PM
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Originally Posted by ~V~ View Post
Version 3.01 is the latest version atm.

Thinking of setting up a mailing list for updates. If you would like to be included just send a mail to [email address] with "Mailing List Addition" as subject.
nice one !
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Unread 27th October, 2007, 02:18 PM
~V~ ~V~ is offline
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I've made a small bugfix. Latest version is now 3.11. Same link as in first post.
__________________ for XConsole, ServerLog, StealthAdmin and other Unreal Tournament mods.

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Old skool sniping. Just you, your weapon, and gravity.
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Unread 27th October, 2007, 02:48 PM
SoNY_scarface SoNY_scarface is offline
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will xconsole be developed for compat. with 2.0 versions?

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Unread 27th October, 2007, 03:03 PM
~V~ ~V~ is offline
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Originally Posted by SoNY_scarface View Post
will xconsole be developed for compat. with 2.0 versions?
version 2.0 of what? UTDC 2.0? I'm still looking into doing that. I will probably have 2 tabs and keep the older one for backward compatability.
__________________ for XConsole, ServerLog, StealthAdmin and other Unreal Tournament mods.

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Old skool sniping. Just you, your weapon, and gravity.
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Unread 27th October, 2007, 05:32 PM
SoNY_scarface SoNY_scarface is offline
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yes sorry for not being clear utdc 2.0

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Unread 31st January, 2008, 07:54 PM
~V~ ~V~ is offline
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Hi, still no UTDC 2 yet I'm afraid but I have fixed some buttons that sometimes were buggy and couldn't be pressed.

Link in first post.
__________________ for XConsole, ServerLog, StealthAdmin and other Unreal Tournament mods.

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Old skool sniping. Just you, your weapon, and gravity.

Last edited by ~V~ : 31st January, 2008 at 07:57 PM.
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Unread 28th May, 2008, 05:07 PM
~V~ ~V~ is offline
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UTDC v2.x support now added. Let me know about bugs etc in this thread. Thanks.

Also, take note if you are updating and dont want to use a new xconsole.ini and lose old settings etc. You need to add a few things to get UTDC2 working:



That is all
__________________ for XConsole, ServerLog, StealthAdmin and other Unreal Tournament mods.

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Old skool sniping. Just you, your weapon, and gravity.

Last edited by ~V~ : 28th May, 2008 at 05:15 PM.
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Unread 30th May, 2008, 01:46 PM
~V~ ~V~ is offline
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Updates to version 3.14 rc2:

New login system.

Admin and LAS Mod passwords are now stored for each server. When you visit a server that has a saved pass, the pass is automatically entered into login box. Passes are stored in the form IP: PORT@PASSWORD in xconsole.ini.

If a password changes you only need type the new pass in the login box and log in. The new pass will be stored.

For servers that change IP address you will need enter in the pass on the server and log in. The old IP will still be in xconsole.ini though, so you may find that you will need to manually edit the ini to delete old, unused IPs.

At the moment a maximum of 100 IPs/passes are saved. I hope this will be enough for everyone.
The IPs are stored as Cred[0-99] for admin login and ModCreds[0-99] for LAS Mod login.
__________________ for XConsole, ServerLog, StealthAdmin and other Unreal Tournament mods.

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Old skool sniping. Just you, your weapon, and gravity.

Last edited by ~V~ : 30th May, 2008 at 01:48 PM.
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Unread 30th May, 2008, 03:54 PM
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cool, thanks!

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Unread 26th July, 2008, 07:04 AM
~V~ ~V~ is offline
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I've started working on having a player list on the right side of console (irc style). Double-clicking on a name will start spectating of the player. Admins will be able to kick and ban players using a rightclick menu instead of using dropdown boxes of player names. Screenshots are up in xconsole page. There are also 3 custom messages that can be given to players here which use 'admin say #'.

Also I've added a friendly fire tick box on the server tab. There seems to be a bug in UT whereby you can't set friendly fire scale when changing the map - it must be done afterwards. The only way that I've found to get around this is to auto-login as admin, set the ff scale, and then logout after the map change. Due to another bug in UWindows NotifyAfterLevelChange function I've had to use a timer to do this. This could cause problems - if the server changes map too slow, or the admin's PC doesn't connect fast enough then friendly fire scale won't be set. Also, it means leaving the console open with the server tab showing to do this.

If anyone would like to beta test these functions and give me some feedback that would be great. Contact me and I will send the relevant files.

Small screenies:
__________________ for XConsole, ServerLog, StealthAdmin and other Unreal Tournament mods.

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Old skool sniping. Just you, your weapon, and gravity.
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