XServerQuery is a much-improved way of showing your server's current
information. There are new headings like "Spectators" and "Protection
Type" as well as the country of the current players. It also does more
then the same job like SecureValidate.
To show you your server's new information, you need the latest XBrowser for the UT installation. Remember: XServerQuery is for the
server, XBrowser is for the client. They work together to bring you
all this new information. Also, if you using a server viewer page
(like statistics displayed on a webpage), you need to modify it.
I've repacked the included IpToCountry-1.6.rar
Changes are:
- removed file CountryFlags2.utx
- added file CountryFlags3.utx
- added file IpToCountry.ini. Feel free to change the hosts as you like.
- changed some lines in the README.txt file
- added the download link of the GeoIP.dat at the bottom of the "MasterServer v1.6/GeoIP license.txt" file
- updated the GeoIP.dat file to the lates one (2015/10/09).
The new CountryFlags3 file is upgrade compatible for all mods, they
use CountryFlags2 and where you can change it via ini file.
Mods like Nexgen must be modified..
-added over 100 new flags (v2 has 171, v3 now 277).
-v3 is uptodate with the latest ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
-all flags redesigned and now a bit more colorful.
from 100 to 101
- added new optional config -> ServerAddress, to bypass a unknown bug with the servers networkaddress.
- fixed some problems with the country support.
I even see that you have made use of the Send2 Mod which is also great to see.
I really like this ServerQuery Tool very much .. I notice for the time being there are but a handful of servers utilising it atm but I think that the Browser window will begin to light up like a Christmas Tree over the next few weeks/months.
I do notice a small spelling error in the XBrowser however , Protaction? but other then that it is very informative indeed
Excellent work
Also , just wondering ... perhaps there could be an additional Option that could be added to the RightClick Action on Servers.
where Clients can Black-List the Servers that they deem dodgy?.. here's a thought,
if a client Right_Click & 'Mark_Bad' a Server , then all Server's on that IP could also be detected and marked as well in the browser.
clients have the option to 'Mark OK' Servers as well perhaps.
add a admin password to change these settings and ..
Bob's Santa-clause the Money Hungry Shop Keeper from Hell.
Nice work , keep it up mate
Last edited by back4more : 28th June, 2011 at 03:40 AM.
Maybe a way to show only the real players ... not the false with IpServerX ?
You can only use one query mod on a server, IpServer (Default), IpServerX, XServerQuery or anything else, and xsq doesn't support sending bots or fakeplayers.
And servers which using IpServerX can added on the blacklist and will marked (in the next version optional removed) in your XBrowsers serverlist.
I do notice a small spelling error in the XBrowser however , Protaction? but other then that it is very informative indeed
Is already on todo list, but thanks.
Originally Posted by back4more
Also , just wondering ... perhaps there could be an additional Option that could be added to the RightClick Action on Servers.
where Clients can Black-List the Servers that they deem dodgy?.. here's a thought,
if a client Right_Click & 'Mark_Bad' a Server , then all Server's on that IP could also be detected and marked as well in the browser.
clients have the option to 'Mark OK' Servers as well perhaps.
Blacklist already supported on XBrowser and something like your example is on todo list too.
Originally Posted by back4more
add a admin password to change these settings and ..
\level_property\, \game_property\ and \player_property\
This QueryType was removed, because of some secure things.
So since the level_property was removed is there any way to get remaining time in the map? I have a status window on my site and this is one of the things I displayed. I found the time for the players but not remaining time of the map.
\level_property\, \game_property\ and \player_property\
This QueryType was removed, because of some secure things.
So since the level_property was removed is there any way to get remaining time in the map? I have a status window on my site and this is one of the things I displayed. I found the time for the players but not remaining time of the map.
Thank you.
I can add this in the next release. I think you have then to modify your status window, because it will not be the same querytype like in the old one.
in regards to the admin password it was more so to protect server listings.
If you have 3-4 people who use your pc to play the game they tend to go straight to the MasterServerList > First server they see... Good or Bad..
if there was a way for (PC Admins) to Filter the Masterserverlist for bad servers and be able to mark them as bad (refuse to connect) statuses then that would be awesome.
Especially in case of the kids jumping on and playing...
perhaps caching of MSL could also be considered for faster interaction ..
DownloadMSL -> Apply rules/Filters -> Cache MSL -> Display Cache in UT Browser
in short having more control over the MasterServerList for clients I think is great. there are so many dodgy servers out there that it would be good to be able
to just block IP and Mark these server's off the List. (at least mark them)
Last edited by back4more : 30th June, 2011 at 12:09 AM.
from 101 to 102
- added querytype "RemainingTime".
- added UTPure to the protection list.
- fixed a mistake with the querytype "Protaction"/"Protection".
- fixed some minor bugs.
I like the way you've arranged the server details at the bottom very nice
I note also that it still sez at top in the header Protaction spelling error.
good work mate
Thanks m8.
XServerQuery has nothing to do with the optic of the browser. It only send the informations to the browser.
If everything goes according to plan, tomorrow i will bring a new version of the browser out.
from 101 to 102
- added querytype "RemainingTime".
- added UTPure to the protection list.
- fixed a mistake with the querytype "Protaction"/"Protection".
- fixed some minor bugs.
from 102 to 103 (privat)
- fixed a bug with hidden spectators (part 1).
from 103 to 104
- fixed a bug with hidden spectators (part 2).
- fixed problems with server country.
- fixed some minor bugs.
I added this to the rented MH and it works exelent but when i add it to my sniper-server for it dont
Can this have to do with that the IP is used on several servers in the machine and not with standard-port ? the 7777
Last edited by dU.Hitman : 29th August, 2011 at 01:46 AM.
when your server is showing the country in the browser, you dont need to set anything on ServerAddress. if no country will shown (and ITC is installed), then add only the ip of your server, without port (eg: ServerAddress=
In the new version (1.0.4), XSQ will auto add the serveraddress, when the ip was found.
btw. i see, that you use version 102... you should update to 104