SafeGame Mod Compatibility List
This thread will be updated periodically
Requests to have mods tested can be made in the General Chat forum.
Mods Which Are Compatible With SafeGame
Frag Ops 2.15
- Disable FOV Check
- Console: FragOps.Interface_FOConsole
- GUI Controller: FragOps.FragOps_GUIController
UTXMP Public Beta 1a
- Disable FOV Check
- Console: XMPUI.XMPConsole
- GUI Controller: XMPUI.XMPGUIController
Mods Which Are NOT Compatible With SafeGame
AlienSwarm 1.2 (Bug in AlienSwarm code that seems to prevent Actor spawning, If anyone knows a fix, please tell me)
Mods have only briefly been tested. Other issues may still be present
If you use any mutator or modification which draws extra details onto the HUD, it is recommended that you set the Aimbot Breaker to Partial.
Last edited by Cruicky : 24th August, 2005 at 10:02 PM.