I've finally got my UTScore application in condition to release it to the masses.
UTScore is a nice, small, fast program for querying UT, UT2k3 and UT2k4 servers for game and player information. All you need to know is the IP and port (if it's a non-standard port number) of the server, and UTScore will do the rest, including saving the IP for later use in it's list of known servers. UTScore will assume default port numbers so such are not needed normally, but adding the default port number to the IP will not cause harm.
The UTScore zip package has no help file, but there is a Readme file. UTScore is written in Visual basic, and the VB4 runtime file (VB40032.dll) is required to run UTScore. A link is provided in the readme.txt file to the VB4 runtime file.
UTScore should work on any windows based system that has Winsock 2.x installed (win9x, me, 2k, xp).
Most operations are intuitive with the program. For those wanting to use UTScore's DDE data link mechanism to query servers and post the results in an IRC channel (e.g., like a query bot) sample Mirc and Virc scripts are included in the Readme file that shows how this can be done.
Further, the program is always available at
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