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Unread 17th October, 2007, 01:59 PM
ApocDeath's Avatar
ApocDeath ApocDeath is offline
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Posts: 192

Tweaked from my posts to the linux ut3 email list:

Just came on a short term workaround for this that allows your server to stay advertised in the server browser... The issues happen just after a map switch (on my setup, at least), so I tried to stop them from happening: I set GoalScore=0 and TimeLimit=1440 (minutes in 1 day). We've been up for two hours straight this way! Beats locking up every 20 minutes.

As long as no one leaves the server and then returns, this seems a fine workaround... I am still hanging the thing in the usual manner when I exit the server and then rejoin it. If you think about it, this is precisely what a mapchange does, so perhaps this makes sense? Who knows...

Latest update:

I did a restart on my server (ApocTestbed1) around midnight eastern, and I was able to join it again 7 hours later when I woke up (score was 44-8 at the time, so it had been running), so all looks good, or as good as can be expected! (unless I join it again... )
Clan Apoc:

Last edited by ApocDeath : 17th October, 2007 at 02:01 PM.
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Unread 17th October, 2007, 02:05 PM
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KRIS_PL KRIS_PL is offline
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Log: UDP recvfrom error: 111 (SE_ECONNREFUSED) from
ScriptLog: UTDroppedPickup_6 destroyed in UTKillZVolume_4while being spawned!
ScriptLog: UTRotatingDroppedPickup_2 destroyed in UTKillZVolume_4while being spawned!
NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
Log: Client netspeed is 10000
NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
Log: Client netspeed is 10000
NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
Log: Client netspeed is 10000
NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
ScriptLog: Writing out stats for player hunnia
ScriptLog: Writing out stats for player KRIS_PL
NetComeGo: Close TcpipConnection_0
NetComeGo: Close TcpipConnection_1
ScriptLog: ProcessServerTravel: ?Restart
Log: SeamlessTravel to: DM-Shangrila
Log: ClearAllAnimSetLinkupCaches - Took 43.23ms
Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
DevPhysics: Error (1) in file /home/icculus/projects/novodex-Icculus/novodex/SDKs/Physics/src/NpScene.cpp, line 712: Scene::createCompartment(): desc.isValid() fails!
DevPhysics: Error (1) in file /home/icculus/projects/novodex-Icculus/novodex/SDKs/Physics/src/NpScene.cpp, line 712: Scene::createCompartment(): desc.isValid() fails!
Log: Bringing World EnvyEntry.TheWorld up for play (30) at 2007.10.17-13.48.04
Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.007617
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: postloading SoundNodeWave A_Character_Othello.BotStatus.A_BotStatus_Othello_HeadingForTheShieldBelt took (less than)  7.53 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for AnimSequence UN_Flags.Anims.K_Flag:AnimSequence_1 took (less than) 15.52 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for Level DM-ShangriLa.TheWorld:PersistentLevel took (less than) 250.09 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for Material Envy_Level_Effects_2.DM_Whisperish.M_CobWebs_01 took (less than)  7.75 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for Material PICKUPS.Ammo_Bio.Materials.M_Pickups_Ammo_Bio took (less than) 13.17 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for Material PICKUPS.UDamage.Materials.M_UDamage_Lightning took (less than) 11.23 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for Material UN_Liquid.BSP.Materials.M_UN_Liquid_BSP_Waterfall_02_1024 took (less than) 10.93 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for Material UN_Liquid.SM.Materials.M_Liquid_SM_Waterfall_01 took (less than) 12.06 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for Material UN_Liquid2.BSP.Materials.M_UN_Liquid_BSP_DistortionRiver took (less than) 21.47 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for Material UN_Liquid2.BSP.Materials.M_UN_Liquid_BSP_DistortionRiver_Fallback took (less than)  8.50 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for Material VH_Scorpion.Materials.M_VH_Scorpion_Boost01 took (less than) 18.44 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for Material WP_BioRifle.Materials.M_Bio_Blob_02_Rim took (less than) 49.82 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for Material WP_BioRifle.Materials.M_Bio_Blob_02_Rim2 took (less than) 50.03 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for Material WP_BioRifle.Materials.M_Bio_Blob_02_Rim_Fallback took (less than) 11.32 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for SkeletalMesh WP_BioRifle.Mesh.SK_WP_BioRifle_1P took (less than) 22.97 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for SoundNodeWave A_Music_JesperAsia01.MusicMix.A_Music_JesperAsia01Mix took (less than) 12.36 ms
SpeedTreeRT Error: CSpeedTreeRT::LoadTree(Memory block) - threw an unknown system exception
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: creating exports for Terrain DM-ShangriLa.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Terrain_0 took (less than) 32.89 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: postloading Terrain DM-ShangriLa.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Terrain_0 took (less than) 68.48 ms
DevStreaming: FAsyncPackage: finishing all objects  took (less than) 14.51 ms
Log: ClearAllAnimSetLinkupCaches - Took 43.22ms
Log: Game class is 'UTTeamGame'
Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
DevPhysics: Error (1) in file /home/icculus/projects/novodex-Icculus/novodex/SDKs/Physics/src/NpScene.cpp, line 712: Scene::createCompartment(): desc.isValid() fails!
DevPhysics: Error (1) in file /home/icculus/projects/novodex-Icculus/novodex/SDKs/Physics/src/NpScene.cpp, line 712: Scene::createCompartment(): desc.isValid() fails!
Log: Novodex Terrain Creation (Terrain_0): 58.238087 ms
PerfWarning: InstanceGeom: 122.487912 ms - 1224 Convex, Terrain 57.660306 ms, PerTriSM 13.864412 ms, InitArticulated 0.000000 ms, BodyInst Alloc 140.311956 ms, InitBody 856.991961 ms
PerfWarning: NxActor Creation: 508.377069 ms
Log: Bringing World DM-ShangriLa.TheWorld up for play (30) at 2007.10.17-13.48.38
ScriptLog: -- MAPVOTE has been disabled due to lack of maps!
Log: Bringing up level for play took: 6.038948
NetComeGo: Close TcpipConnection_6
NetComeGo: Close TcpipConnection_8
log from the moment when server hang on, after that server (process) working but no one can connect
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Unread 8th November, 2007, 01:40 AM
YelleN YelleN is offline
Forum Newcomer
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 10

Is this issue solved? if not, why isn't it on the wiki under bug list?
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