I just got UT3 today and loved it so much i immediatly wanted to start my own dedicated server for me and a few friends.
I already had an old COD4 server going so I stripped out COD and installed the UT 3 server. I am running it on Slackware 10.2
When I start the server as a lan game i can connect just fine but when i start it as internet game it doesn't get listed and even open <ip> fails.
The server is already in the DMZ (which leads to my next question) and my client pc is using port 7677 instead of 7777 which the server is using. (despite it being NAT I had to do that for the server lists to work on the client, not sure why that is either)
I am using the wonderful startup script posted in these forums and the option line i appended is as follows.
server vCTF-Suspense?Mutator=UTGame.UTMutator_Instagib,UTGame. UTMutator_NoTranslocator -bShouldAdvertise=True -bIsLanMatch=False -bIsDedicated=True -GamePassword=*** -AdminPassword=*** -Port=7777 -QueryPort=7778 -login=**** -password=**** -nohomedir -unattended
It seems to be starting fine so it seems to be a port issue possibly but i dont know.
Since I do not want to leave that in the dmz what ports should be forwarded? I tried the few listed in the FAQ when i hosted it on my non dedicated machine and it gave me that message about port forwarding so im guessing there are more ports then whats listed.
Another question I was wondering on is if there is a way to setup a default map cycle? it seems you can only start with one map?
Also i imagine half of those switchs can go into the INI's but i do not know where or the proper syntax. Heck i dont even know if the syntax for the command line is right.
One last quest as a side note, My ingame avatar name is my gamespy username is there a way to display an alias?
Any insight will be helpfull, in the meantime i will just keep hacking away till something works