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Unread 4th August, 2012, 02:48 AM
Saicho Saicho is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 3
Post ClanBase Crew ( UT2004 ): Recruiting

The ClanBase UT2004 crew is currently expanding its members, and is on the look for a new Cup Supervisor. You will be assigned to upcoming cups, whether it's Spring, Summer or Fall; your main task is to make sure the cup becomes a success and meets the standards for ClanBase Cups. You will be guiding clans, setting up rosters and playoffs, covering the cup and act as a referee to enforce the rules.

General requirements:

- In-depth knowledge of GAME and its communities
- Must be up-to-date on the game all the time
- Very active and willing to invest his/her time to help the community out
- Must be available on IRC (QuakeNET) and must participate on internal forums
- Good knowledge of written English
- (Cup) admin experience is a bonus but is not required
- Must be able to work together with others in the Crew

Working for ClanBase is voluntary, however, we do provide you with challenges and experiences that will look good on any résumé and might be a leap towards bigger adventures in e-Sports.

Tips for filling out an application form well: •Be detailed - give at least two full sentences on each section. We only have this small application to base our conclusion on, so be sure we know all about you.
•Use proper English - yes, we all use abbreviations and acronyms, but they don't look so good in an application, so try to avoid them.
•Tell us about your experience - we're not that interested in whether you were a clan-leader or not, but we do want to know about your other admin activities: public server administration, community site management, forum moderation; tell us what your responsibilities were and where.
•Things we can verify - tell us about experience that we can verify by the information you provide, if you were a referee or writer for a cup, provide us with a link.
•Get a reference - if you know a current crew member well enough for them to give you a positive rating, add their name to your application form.
•Keep your contact information up-to-date - so communication goes easier for both of us.

You all should give this game another chance, it deserves it... Let's work on this game !

Apply here:

GoodLuck !
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